huge post about somethingawful

193  2020-01-03 by thebloodisfoul


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This is some good shit; the decline of SA is one of the internet's biggest tragedies. Lowtax should have given it an honorable death five or so years ago when it became clear that the forum had become an irredeemable husk of itself.

I'm surprised that OP didn't mention that SA is what ShitRedditSays originated from. I think that the focus on poking fun at redditors was a sizable factor in what caused SA to make a hard political turn.

I'm surprised that OP didn't mention that SA is what ShitRedditSays originated from. I think that the focus on poking fun at redditors was a sizable factor in what caused SA to make a hard political turn.

It happened way before that. Going into the way back machine, but the Helldump subforum (around 2004 or 2005) was opened to make fun of other goons. A lot of these goons had libertarian/conservative bents, and an echo chamber quickly formed.

This was eventually shut down due to just ruining all the other subforums with bickering and the admins at the time (super lefty homos but not full on progressives) created an FYAD version of the politics forum called Laissez Faire. All the helldump people flooded that and an even bigger echo chamber was formed. This was pretty close to ground zero of a lot of the dumb feminist crap like "there's a rape epidemic on college campus", "all men are rapists", and "all white people are rich because they're white" type of stuff that used to be almost exclusively quarantined in small liberal arts colleges. It too shit all over the forums driving more people out, and it spawned SRS and post place.

Laissez Faire was later shut down because Lowtax received a second call from the secret service about some post on there. The damage had been done though and some fat woman grad student was made an admin completely sealing it's fate. It's somewhat surprising Lowtax lasted this long, but he's always been so hands off I'm sure most of the current posters don't know anything about him. Like a lot of those comments go "does he even read the forums", when the answer has always been no. He had rage quit them two times before I had even joined (2003).

I figured SRS didn't just start out of nowhere but didn't know the history behind it. You should write this up in its own post.

It's somewhat surprising Lowtax lasted this long

Isn't the word on the street that he's dying of some sort of neurological disorder or something? But yeah, it seems like he's fine with SA plodding along so long as he gets some money out of it. I wonder if he'll pass it on to someone else when he kicks the bucket, or if it will die with him.

I figured SRS didn't just start out of nowhere but didn't know the history behind it. You should write this up in its own post.

I believe there was a dissertation written on kiwiforums about it. I haven't browsed much of there but a lot of them are former goons. I only really started to pay attention to what was happening because the forum was a complete shit show during the LF days where you were suddenly thrust into some retarded argument about white privilege. Think of the retarded shit you see here on reddit, and it was happening to an even dumber level on SA 10-15 years ago. And then you would be banned for calling them a dumb faggot which would have been okay just a few months before. After that it was just a slow death by shitty admins and Lowtax's complete absence like always. It was really pretty much ground zero for woke culture. A lot of the big twitter whiners are from SA, and split off to a place called post place where they coordinated raids on wrong think.

Isn't the word on the street that he's dying of some sort of neurological disorder or something? But yeah, it seems like he's fine with SA plodding along so long as he gets some money out of it. I wonder if he'll pass it on to someone else when he kicks the bucket, or if it will die with him.

No idea. He's always had some sad story but he's pretty much an addict. Once he was giving away some shitty SA merchandise to anyone who wanted to come by the Something Awful office in a strip mall. The guy got there and lowtax was passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of wine on the table and some pills right next to it. The guy took a picture of it and everyone had a good laugh. Hell, searching for the image I found this random thread on arstechnica from 10 years ago just taking a random shot at lowtax.

OT: I would unironically attend a seminar on internet sleuthing and write ups by you, snally.

Every time you do a write up I’m fascinated on how the fuck you even get to know some things. You’re my Reddit hero from way back when SRD wasn’t shit, and the inspiration for my dramAposting (imagine that)

If you haven’t already, stop being a dumbo and write a book or something. like, a real one. You have it in you and you know it.


I wish he'd just delete it out of spite.

Lowtax's only source of income and the fact that he lacked a spine. Lean on him a little and instead of bending he breaks. Only time he ever does anything is if it threatens his "about to be second time divorced" money.

I guess shilling mangosteens don’t pay like it used to

Mangosteens are the fruits of the god.

Fucking right they are!

Between lychees, mangosteens, and rambutans though, which is the ultimate?

Introduced to all three when I visited Gyna years ago, favorite fruits since.

Lychees arent even close lol

This is some good shit

Ctrl-f "shmorky"

No Results.

What is this normie shit snally?

Shmorky is worthy of his own entire series of longposts, and cannot be so simply summarized. Shmorky is at a level that would be considered too far gone by people who post pictures of themselves in dirty diapers on Twitter.

I tried to forget about shmorky

Explain, please

shmorky did those goofy 'klerf' cartoons featured on SA (including the animation for the adult swim "this is fine" bumper) and subsequently ended up being one of the last in-office staff at SA while lowtax was drinking the dwindling $10s away.

Due to his relationship with a bi-polar nazi cam girl it came to light that he was actually a gendermagic diaperfur that was using his cutesy art to groom teenage girls into being his mommy.

Big yikes energy.


Shmorky did all the SA cartoons and was outed as a pedo who pretty much liked to literally eat shit. I still have one of his avatars.

tbf EVERY cartoonist I've ever known has been completely insane


Takes a insane mind to come up with some of that shit.

If you want a lol, just go and watch Butch Hartmann’s (fairly odd parents, Danny phantoms) youtube channel. Basically unhinged begging for drawing commissions and doing weird shit, kind of sad.

shmorky was the pedo SA admin

Shmorky was not an admin afaik. OP is probably referring to trekkie incel pedo admin, Aatrek

Shmorky was not an admin, but he is a pedo (and a diaperfur, and a genderspecial...)

null did a good stream documenting that

There was a time where internet weirdos (furries, the creators of weird pornography, obscure games etc) lived in genuine fear of being selected as an Awful Link of the Day. They had legitimately good content, an enormous audience, and were very much the Rome of the internet Forum era. Not to mention all the stuff that has spawned out of there, from SpaceStation13, to Yog, to the EVE Goonfleet (whose dramatic happenings are worthy of their own longpost). Seeing it in ruins is sad, it was one of the beacons of internet irreverance.

I wonder if this is how the Byzantines felt thinking about Rome when it became a stinking, depopulated malarial shithole.

One of my dreams is to one day have admin control over somem social platform otherwise dominated by the social justice wokescold trannie crowd, and then start an escalating campaign purging their influence. It would be a dramatic Tunguska event, and in the current climate I bet it could make a legitimate news outlet.

Seeing it in ruins is sad, it was one of the beacons of internet irreverance.

Even when it was a few years into its decline, it was still at least worthy of respect for how influential it had been. In a few years, it's going to have been irrelevant for a longer period of time than its golden age.

I think there's some sort of weird phenomenon where a community that starts to spend a lot of time complaining about 'redditors' goes to shit almost immediately and somehow manages to get worse over time.

One of my dreams is to one day have admin control over somem social platform otherwise dominated by the social justice wokescold trannie crowd, and then start an escalating campaign purging their influence. It would be a dramatic Tunguska event, and in the current climate I bet it could make a legitimate news outlet.

If you give Lowtax enough NEETbux then he might hand over the keys to SA

I think there's some sort of weird phenomenon where a community that starts to spend a lot of time complaining about 'redditors' goes to shit almost immediately and somehow manages to get worse over time.

Counterpoint: that's what we do.

I wonder why he doesn't just try to sell it. There must be an out of touch tech investor out there waiting to throw money at something just because it's on the internet.

In modern times, it's redditors, but I think it's been others. I recall a time when SA Goons were a menace, and before them, trolls from Portal of Evil. Hell, on the first forum I saw blow up due to tranny drama (circa 2002 at that!), the nefarious influence was users of RPGamer. These communities grow up around sources of content, be it fanfiction, art, or humor. Maintaining those communities requires the steady influx of new content, a significant portion of which usually comes from audience participation. Over time the participation of these people will decline as they lose interest, get jobs, get married or die off. The administration can do things that hasten that, and they can also draw in new contributors.

But as they decline, the nonproductive audience will notice, and it's easier to scapegoat the foreigners - maybe it just got their attention, maybe there's an influx of new users who don't share others, maybe the users of the other site are just evil bad people who do bad things. In most cases it's not true, the obession is unwarranted, but it dominates discussion, dilutes away the legit content of the site, and drives away new users.

If I had a couple million laying around, I might consider it. SA is in an almost ideal position for me to live out my fantasies of making people angry on the internet. Maybe we could get daddy Notch to fund it in the name of drama.

I think there's a warning to be had in what is nominally a producer of comedy falling to an ideology that is opposed to comedy on principal.

I'm surprised that OP didn't mention that SA is what ShitRedditSays originated from. I think that the focus on poking fun at redditors was a sizable factor in what caused SA to make a hard political turn.

Man there's so many things to talk about with SA, I didn't even mention Shmorky, or go into details about Lowtax's wife running off on him with the kid, again.

This current drama is the worst I've ever seen and very fresh so I wanted to get it down because SA history tends to get blurry quickly, already I can barely dig up some of the stupid shit associated with Zen Death Robot.

Goons still absolutely despise Reddit, the Reddit mock threads are some of the still longest running things there though like everything else on the site its well past the glory days of torpedoing r/jailbait and since Reddit has gotten less cringey and neckbeardy over time it mostly seems to be a place for goons to whine about dumb things like Redditors not being mad enough when George HW Bush died and clearly seething over the fact that Reddit siphoned away most of things that SA was originally famous for. If I recall correctly the current Reddit mock thread even has a title that relates back to trans issues, something like 'Reddit, where there's only two genders but 6 types of pedophile', 2020 SA lol.

How active is SA nowadays? Has there been a noticeable decline, or has it managed to attract any twitter runoff?


Make Fark Great Again

Fark got very PC and now seems worthless.

SRS is bad, though Something Sensitive is worse. I can't tell if actual nazis post there. Maybe thats the idea.



He’s a druggo who gets his own monthly tugboat,he’ll be screaming at the last 10 people left on the site. Didn’t notch come from SA too? I thought the pre-alpha Minecraft was first discussed there.

Is this lowtax dude actually living paycheck to paycheck?

This dude is a literal smooth brain. He is going bankrupt trying to keep the website up. Just shut it down

He's obviously afraid of work or learning to code.

Haha holy shit he took an early withdrawal?

What a fucking tard

When I was an out of control addict 10 years ago, I made the same move. It’s.... not a good sign.

These are SAs final years.

The farms are a decent catalogue of the happenings.

The mods are a mix of soy poisoned male feminists and autistic communists with gender issues.

He makes over 9k a month alone just from his patreon. I don't know how he would be living hand to mouth

What the fuck

appeasing the unappeasable

Low-T will be a glorious example of what not to do.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I miss when sa and abovetopsecret featured leaked war vids and gore and every flavor of delusional person with zero attempts at moderation of content.

ATS used to be the shit, along with godlikeproductions.

I legit miss og early Internet conspiracy shit.

Like when the hippies would tear up their rental property yards and bury copper wire coiled a specific number of times at a specific diameter to attempt to tap into "standing column wave energy." Aka "vortex energy".

Because they believed they could somehow connect to the world grid that the pyramids are powered by.

Or the witches who planted trees on leylines they found with home made brass dousing rods and buried crystals with them to grant them power in the afterlife.

Then that awesome phase where shitty cell phone camera videos started becoming common with digital artifacts in tv and the David icke shapeshifting reptilian conspiracy really took off.

Or one of my favorites is an African shaman named credo mutwa who belives there's a mountain in Africa where white tourists go missing because the interdimensional shapeshifting reptiles eat them. But only them because apparently they taste better than the locals.

The modern conspiracy stuff we have now is so fucking lame.

Yeah ATS is 95% politics now and not interesting politics like obummer building death camps

trump (and to a lesser extent obama) ruined conspiracy theorists. there's nowhere you can go to find classic "majestic-12 is hiding planet nibiru from us to stop us from learning the truth about atlantis" schizo shit, now it's all Q retardation


totse was the best

this deserves a pin TBQH



All the largest faggots on the internet came from that site, it's honestly fascinating

RIP Laurelai

Is it safe to mention her now?

She's been MIA for years, so I think so? Òvò

I've been bashing Laurelai for a few years now, and had no issues. Most of it was directly relevant to Reddit's history, so it seems to get a pass. Laurelai literally has 4 defenders left on Mastodon and that's it. There's no one left to hand out bans or censor it.

Everyone hates Laurelai.

4 defenders left on Mastodon

That network is nothing but washed-up lolcows. I'm surprised Maddox isn't there.

He'll get banned from Twitter eventually, and no doubt join the crowd.

Will he transition first? The Art of the Foid, coming soon to the Greatest Debate in the Universe and the Dick Show.

I’m really curious if it went 41% or not.


Btw I noticed that one of the transesses there is called "actually a bird" 🤔🤔🤔

Spooky stories threads on SA circa 2004. Never forget. 😭😭😭

Editard: That one about the military training exercise and the pig mimic was legit good writing. All of those used to have good authors before creepypasta and nosleep killed everything.

SomethingAwful was probably the forefront of internet “culture” in the 2000s. Now that we’ve passed it, what was the equivalent for the 2010s, and what kind of site will pop up in the 2020s?

For the 10s? Either 4chan or reddit. I may be biased but more the second as far as "mainstream" internet culture, though 4chan has a decent chunk of influence via people repeating stuff said there all over the internet. Just look at greentexts which are all over reddit and YouTube and who knows where. You could also argue that Twitter had lots of influence for similar reasons. (How many "memes" anymore are just Twitter screenshots? Hell, how many threads here link to Twitter?) The fact that the president uses it so often also counts for something.

What's next? Who knows. Is it still possible for the next social media giant to come from nothing? I'm sure, but to stand out it will have to be radically different from what already exists.

The farms have been popping up more, and I'd say 4chan mentions are actually on the decline. The farms have made more ripples with regards to more recent stuff like Tarrant and Cruz Control.

Kiwi farms??? You seriously think anyone on the wider internet gives a dick about that stuff

Usually with shit like this, the sites they demonize and try to ignore is "that site."

Just mention kiwifarms anywhere and they'll go on about how 'evil' that place is.




4chan unironically had one of the biggest effects on the culture of the 2010s

SA from ~2000 to ~2005, 4chan from ~2005 to ~2010, Reddit from ~2010 to ~2015, Twitter from ~2015 to ~2020.

what was the equivalent for the 2010s

late 00s and very early 2010s most relevant memes originated from 4chin, late 2010s probably reddit and then sadly twitter. 4chan was an offshoot of SA though so all roads lead back to SA i guess.


Lowtax is live on YouTube

Aso his second wife left with his kid again

A lot of parallels can be made in the first part of this story in between SA and SRD, their downfall is quite similar even if it's a few years apart.

Pretty much the same goons(and their descendants) that ruined SA ended up ruining SRD.

Same with ResetEra. They're being destroyed by insane trannies too.

ResetEra was created and run by people who left NeoGAF over it not being woke enough, did you mean NeoGAF?

It's happening again on ResetEra, but with extra tranny this time. There's a good kiwifarms thread on it.


I find that hard to believe since it was started by insane trannies

But the biggest problems stem from Lowtax himself, the man has just been a trainwreck for years at this point, he has had major problems with his finances

The dude is getting 9.4k/month from Patreon alone, what the hell?

He has a lot of medical bills due to his fucked up spine, is paying child support, and owes the IRS a shitload of money due to not paying taxes on any income from somethingawful ever until recently.

He should run in Nigeria, Russia or somewhere, with all the money, marry another woman and run the site from Kazakhstan.

Lowtax/Vincent Canfield 2020

Why did he even post that on stupidpol? That thread looks way more like it belongs here than there.

Stupidpol is a sub about how SJWs are ruining everything and especially the left. It's relevant.

the critique of left identitarianism is stupidpol's wheelhouse and this fits the bill

stupidpol=SJWs ruined socialism

If a post fills my screen I’m not reading it


I mean Christ, all I did was make this thread to support a product which actually pleasantly surprised me, and folks are voting this thread "crap" and suggesting I'm scamming them. I've said repeatedly that this was just my experience and in no way should indicate how everybody else will feel. I've said the links to Amazon were referrals, so I'm not trying to hide anything. I've-

ahh fuck it, I'm closing this thread, fuck you and fuck GBS, I can never post a single goddamn thread in here without you faggots making GBS threads it up in some way or another. I should've learned my lesson long ago and never left the intelligent, rational forum where I don't have to deal with clueless idiots and morons like you people. I'm going back to FYAD and staying there, since it has a microscopic fraction of the retards and trolls populating GBS.

I guess that should strike me as being ironic, but it's more sad to me than anything. Thanks for running me out of my own goddamn forum.

This will never not be funny to me. What a whiner!!

im a dramautist i dont have the attention span required to read that


Good fucking riddance. Most people posting there are still probably using their emails. Another one that needs to die is "it's not funny, it's FARK.COM"

Fark gave us the Pickle incident, which I assume would be in Drama's wheelhouse.

Funny as hot cocoa sampler, and your dog wants steak.

Like you havent gotten your testicles caught in the slats of a chair before?

I believe it started because FYAD posters made fun of a trans woman in the trans issues thread who was talking about getting an erection in a girls bathroom, this was taken as proof of FYAD's disgusting Transphobia and the admins and Lowtax cracked down on the FYAD posters for fear that this would get out of hand, throwing permabans left and right and introducing new rules so that FYAD would be nicer and more respectful towards people getting boners in the girls bathroom:

TIL what happened to TrappySaruh.

Need to see the source of this.

even if SA has been garbage for years now, it's still pretty sad to see it go out like this. i always thought it'd be lowtax blacking out on ambien and deleting the forums that would kill it, not annoying troons

The Troonpocalypse draws ever nearer

This was a great write-up. I wish I could ping Kat_B0t, but this is almost identical to what happened at bluelight right down to the getting banned for saying things months/years prior that was ok when it was said.

Lmao well ur in luck I was just commenting tldr and saw ur comment. So the site had its very own Scottish sjw thought policing it 😂

Lol pretty much. And the owner disappeared and let the sjws run it into the ground

Lmao ya that’s exactly what happened. I wonder if the owners will come back too late, like at blua

Imagine paying money to use a forum (25x gold)

Srs came from somethingawful. There seems to be a large portion of trans individuals that are cancer

Who'd have thought that mentally unstable people could be so cancerous?

i'm sure at least a few of those people are larping as trannies to stir the shit, create drama etc.

That being said, does the trans community as a whole really have to destroy everything they touch? Is that really necessary?

Everything I see one of these essay length copeposts, I know it’s some libshit

Everything about your post vibrates "retard"



sorry for being all caps! slightly intoxicated. I love all of you /r/drama tards for being autistic <3


So this is how Wilhelm II. felt when Hindenburg and others started forcing him to abdicate.

are we glad they changed or are we ridiculing them for changing.

No what is means is they aren’t genuine. They are just doing whatever the mob thinks is currently in. If it means killing Jews or capitalists they don’t care. They will do whichever gets more likes the ultimate beef heart nazis

The site was started by a guy called Rich 'Lowtax' Kyanka, here's an infamous picture of him giving the look of death to some clueless Goon:

I ... still don't know which one it is.

Update: FYAD is gone and dead, probably for good now.

Enjoy the final post in it before the shutdown

There's a lesson in there- appeasement doesn't work.

No matter how much you give up it will never be enough.



So you're a jannie here now? Sub's really gone to shit, hasn't it.

who me?

I didn't read the whole post, but yeah, I got linked by a friend to the thread where Lowtax got shouted down by a bunch of retarded faggots and troons because he wasn't being a good enough ally or whatever. It was just balls to the wall retardation that was completely out of step with what the site used to be like. Wall to wall garbage on a comedy forum that used to make fun of everybody for anything, and now would screech endlessly if you "punched down" or said a no-no word.

Something Awful hasn't been good for awhile, but what it is now is just...sad.


This shit somehow has made it's way into the conservative blog constellation.



The sad part is this is probably happening to all the forums we all used to visit.

Just go back to your old faggotry grounds, and look. It's pretty depressing.