Trans Twitter сореs, sееthеs, and dilаtеs over Contrapoints's new radically centrist video

157  2020-01-03 by dootwthesickness_II


Today I watched Eastern Promises and John Wick. Both of them were 1 hour and 40 minutes long. If your Youtube monologue is a feature movie long you better be giving the secret of immortality or the meaning of life.

Do you mean Eastern Promises?


eastern promises

You just wanted to see Aragorn's dick

Who wouldn’t?

I'd put my finger in his anus and wear him like a ring

Very good choice of movies. Probably makes John Wick killing gangsters more cathartic.

Imagine linking John Wick and Eastern Promises in the same sentence. John Wick is a good movie to watch in the background, nothing more.

They are both russian mobster movies though

John Wick doesn’t take itself seriously and it knows this, it’s a blockbuster film. Meanwhile Eastern Promises is about a child sex slave dying from childbirth after being tortured and gangraped for years while she was writing her diary where she was optimistic for her and the baby’s future.

Yes? It is a better movie by far as well. But both are about russian mobsters, so there is a pretty major link there.

who exactly is saying that she "hates nonbinary people"

All of enby Twitter you retard. And she should because enbies are fucking insufferable.

unironic gaslighting 😳

What's the difference between and enby and a tranny? Is an enby just someone who doesn't pick a gender?


No, they are cis people who want all that sweet tranny clout without having to dilate.

Most trannies don't dilate because only about 40% of them get the snip. 🤭

Sounds like a bunch of cowards! 😡

Basically straight people that don't want to call themselves straight and be onboard the trans wagon for that sweet sweet TQ+ points.

I'm fully on board with people changing sex/gender but 'non-binary' is absolutely a fad which will fade out by the end of the decade. They're just bronies or furries with plot armour

is absolutely a fad

So is

people changing sex/gender

will fade out by the end of the decade

By Allah, PBUH, let it happen sooner.

The difference is that the big, bad transmedicalists have made the case that some people’s brains are actually wired in a way that doesn’t line up with the rest of their body. Those people aren’t gonna go away.

And big pharma pushing HRT to people who don't need it.

Have they reconciled the "female brains" thing with "men and women are the same" yet?

I think it'll be dropped regardless, because they already eschewed the whole "sex is biological, but gender is a social construct" thing in favor of "sex is a social construct."

The smart ones have already admitted that men and women aren't the same.

I'm a transmedicalist I guess. Is that bad?

The real shitshow will be if/when people figure out how to cure this via changing the brain instead of the body

Allah supports sex changes so long as you don't have gay sex. So no transbians. You want bang chick, got have dik, want get screwed, can't be dude.

An "Enby" is just an out of shape white girl with short hair who spent too much time on Tumblr

Exactly my type.

Or an extremely autistic dude who thinks adopting a few female traits will somehow make him less of an autistic weirdo

Sometimes it's also a gay black guy with a terrible haircut but these are quite rare.

Anyways 90% of enbies are fat white girls

You know what really absolutely kills me about these fuckers? It’s that, to them, the ONLY proper response to any “criticism” (read: REEEEEEing) they level at you is complete and total supplication and a full apology in writing. It’s like they can’t even fathom that anyone but them may hold opinions that they find worth defending.

They want the general public to treat them like their doting single Mommy did as a kid. úvù

Good observation. They view arguments as being either innocent or guilty of infractions against the woke code of conduct. No wonder they don’t seem to be reading any theory whatsoever, even „their“ philosophers like Butler etc can’t be woke enough for them, I recon.

It's a purity culture, the stupidest form of culture there is

Soo...when do we get Salem 2.0, woke edition?

Maybe I should try convincing some of them to start their own enby socialist city on a hill somewhere isolated, and then infect their wheat supplies with ergot.

“You shouldn’t harass people”

“WOAH WOAH WOAH guys let’s be real here that is quite problematic of you”

24 more replies


He hadn't wanted the drama.


The leftoid brain virus is one of the most perplexing anomalies of our time.

Tbh leftoids and rightoids use these long ass word salads to cope with social isolation and loneliness. Rightoids put on 3 hour videos where a dude dresses in fake cop clothes and praddles on about antifa, leftoids watch a trap praddle on about beig bullied by her "fans"

These people are without hope, that is why extreme politics has em now.


Thx homie

Let's break it down what Ellie the girl is. What she stands for and how that works for us.


This is her "intro", her 10 second pitch :

> laurel madeline / 18 / demi lesbian demigirl (it/its or she/her) / priv:

> @kalmianobilis

> / nsfw:

> @ellienightlock

> / honey, you're dashing / non-sectarian libsoc


So her name is Laurel and she is 18 years old. Great you are therefore useless in virtually most senses except that you can legally say "my one vote is on this party x" and that if she needs money she will either need a job herself or beg from her parents and her analytical are at those of a person that has barely finished school which today means you have heard the word statistics but you got no clue on how causation and multi variable issues are isolated in terms of correlation or influence, you know that words can be plural or singular. Great let's move on.

She is a Demi lesbian? A what?

Definition from first hit of the unbiased information place of google : Demi Lesbian is when someone is demisexual and a lesbian. A girl who doesn't experience sexual attraction to another girl unless they form a strong emotional connection with her.

Ok so she is not interested in sex UNLESS she is perceiving a "strong" emotional connection? Is that even a gender or is it a fetish or a requirement? I think that is quite normal for most people. "Oh I am not really interested in doing the bed thing with you unless there is something more than in and out while I watch the anime we have running in the background I am so crazy and cool to think that!".

Anyhow we are now aware that this person is into women girls. Who cares? But ok you have declared it.

Moving on. She has a private Twitter? Oh pretty weird to have 2 twitter account. You sure needs that for some reason?

This is the only information on her "Private twitter" the secret one that has her posting the really secret stuff!

> hahahahaha

Oh she likes to laugh in private what a fantastic person she sounds like!

Moving on. Oh she got a third twitter?! @ellienightlock. Cool so if you end up doing the bed thing with this person you will be photographed and published there? What an honor! I am so intrigued to interact with this persons all twitter account now!

Moving on she is telling us that she is a "honey" ok? She is metaphorical now. She is a sweaty? I somehow doubt a person that is making 50 tweets in a row on how a person is doing trans wrong is a sweaty. Or is she behaving like honey? A low viscosity substances that is slow and annoying to deal with and that is the source for numerous health issues for Americans? I am not sold yet on how she is a honey but luckily her pitch isn't finished.

So then she is saying that she is a "dashing" a metaphor for being "beautiful and a person that storms in and is noticed and envied by everyone else"?! Really? this person sounds very cool!

Next up? Oh and she is a non-sectarian. Oh but then she doesn't vote then I guess. Maybe this is a cool way of saying that you are an anarchist these days. Ok so she isn't willing to interact with the system. Damn that is so badass and extremely useless. Even if the means of production was given to her she wouldn't participate in either working against or forward for others the system should simply provide welfare for us anyhow.

And finally we hear that she is a "liberal socialist" but she won't work within the system or with or against a party but she believes that welfare should exists, she just doesn't want to do anything and then she thinks that we should not judge people for walking into her country and be liberal in our judgement towards others. Great that sounds like an important thing. Oh but she also spent a whole evening telling us how a person was wrong and should be cancelled from their online opinions?! Liberating on how our commie queen is not doing liberalism correctly through her identity political rants on youtube that is telling us to submit to the state...


What a wild ride of a person and totally not a teenager trying to fulfill boxes they think are cool to belong to and the edgy attitude is just so sweet. Like honey.


This person sound extremely based and the perfect individual to give us insight on how a sarcastic youtube superstar should be cancelled!

These 2 superstars are the heavy weights of 2020. KSI and Logan Paul got nothing on these big intellectuals and socrates? You need to stand aside for people like Queen of Laurels. They are part of the influencers today in terms of how to act and behave. We all heard your quote on how arrogant young people are and you are just jealous that you couldn't fill in your bio in a tweet and be so perfect as this brave young intellectual of 2020.


The epitome of knowledge is presented to us in an intellectual fight going in the new decade between a girl that doesn't wanna be part of the system and was born after 9/11 and a girl that hates the phallic biological reality of themselves and that has made over 50 hours of sarcastic roleplaying on youtube about how they are better than others for reading Das Kapital and racism is the biggest issues of our times because there is a higher percentage of black people living where there is lead in wall paint than other demographics(yes look this up contra actually said this).


I am seething at all you guys because y'all cant behave.

Holy fuck this took an entire 4 seconds to scroll past, have you no shame?

SMH longpostbot you're slacking sweaty

Nobody's reading all that shit nigga lmao

ok zoomer


Now that's a spicy lefty meme

I lean left in my ideology but I am rogue so I am telling everyone I met that I am a "non sectarian" they can count that I will give them my opinions anyways despite it being not aligned with any ideologies despite me being left leaning!

It's like having your snowflake and eating it too.

pronouns: it/its or she/her

man oh man

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Trans Twitter сореs, sееthеs, and d... -,

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This tranny seems to be extra dilating over Buck Angel calling himself a transexual.

Contra video is pretty good for the first 30-45 minutes but she starts to ramble after a while. The ending point that people just say "sorry" so the trannies stop doxxing and harassing them and don't really mean it is a good one too.

a lot of troids are just KiA posters that put all their points into the high drama freak tree instead of the autistic degenerate build.

Imagine not having the disipline to control how you feel about your body, gender, or video games lmao.

I'm starting to love Cummypoints. Full fash when?

I only made it 30 minutes

I just wasn't strong enough

I had it on in the background while playing some civ, it was worth paying half-attention to. It is this fluctuation between being based and woke, cope and seethe. She does a pretty good takedown of cancel culture, at the same time she was only willing to after it came for her. She states she believes in nonbinary identities yet at the same time explains it is entirely irrational. It's great shit, we're gonna have drammy mommy fodder for weeks.


"They" should go back to Nykytyne2 content.

Colab with Sargon and thundef00t

I'm pre-emptively blocked apparently.

I watched Drive last night, which was also 1 hour and 40 minutes long, but now I’m disappointed because watching this was obviously a better usage of my time 😔😔😔