“I have species dysphoria, I’m autozoophile and zoophile. I’m willing to trade my humanity, my intelect and even my soul for that. And that’s appareantly very blasphemous. I can’t believe a real god would be so evil in what he does with life.”

28  2020-01-03 by dongas420


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300mg of seroquel and 20mg of prozac should set you right

like god intended

Oh boy, you can go to confessionals on reddit now?

Shame Netflix didn't renew Dare Devil.

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. “I have species dysphoria, I’m auto... - archive.org, archive.today

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Honest to goodness priests telling him to go see a doctor ASAP lmao

I don’t believe in the concept of an eternal soul, but boy howdy if I did I’d trade it for a large fry and some dog hole.

Ah yes, thanks to the canada geese guy, he showed me this. Well This are all words taken from one thread, put into one sentence and without context.

But I wouldn't call it drama, just a man having concerns and trying to piece together his life. These are exacly stuff taken from my post on r/AskAPriest. I have a lot of respect for that priest, but come on, I didn't think anyone would fall so low to repost that in such way, I'm having genuine concerns for my faith and that's it.

Still I feel obligation to correct that:

  1. I'm also a therian
  2. I'm willing to trade these things for being an animal NOT for being an autozoophile or zoophile
  3. Point 2 is balsphemous, not anything else
  4. I'm zoophile by heart not by deed, and I'm genuinly concerned religious wise.
  5. I don't believe god would be so evil, BUT to not let animals have soul and not to allow tchem into afterlife.

Well that's all from me. Have a nice day.