President of Peace is reinstating the draft

82  2020-01-03 by ManBearFridge

Donny finally got my vote. Each shit zoomers.


This is ridiculous.

Now I have to choose between allegedly free healthcare or sending the most annoying generation to war?

I know my parents never had such a difficult vote.

Pic related is going to come true. Praise be to Drama Daddy.

>tfw too old to get drafted and proceed to hit a sick dab on an a-rab

Tfw too old to get drafted but not a 35+ boomer so i can suck up all that 18 to 26 crease, slant, slit, puss puss

What's the Fortunate Son equivalent for zoomers?

Pumped up kicks probably

Fortunate son is just pumped up kicks for boomers cmv

I'd say pumped up kicks belongs to millennials more so

GUMMO by 6ix9ine then

Wait, boomers are too old to be drafted tho

Boomers are a dying breed only of threat if you want to build a wind turbine in their sunset view.

Guess it's time for an Oxygen ration. Need to support the troops.




Oh, my.

The many Americans he killed burn in hell for all eternity. :)

He defended his country from violent monsters like Gallagher, while they died far far away from home pursuing imperial aggression.

SOLEIMANI was a hero, and I salute his noble sacrifice against the evil American empire. Down with America.

You go too far.

The only thing Gallagher was violent with was watermelons.

Lmao now I'm picturing you trying to join ISIS. All wearing a Che shirt and discretely searching the cave wall for an outlet to charge your Switch from. Good larp, funny one.

This but not ironically

Where are you getting this information?


Trust the plan amirite

What percentage of zoomers are fat/unfit?

Most, but they will start making exceptions

most zoomers are on 6 different types of antidepressants and some form of ritarall

they aren’t gonna fight the war they are just gonna up the draft age

boomers to fight all future US conflicts

WWII was fought on ritarall

b o t h s i d e s

yeah but you don’t want ur soldiers to have a tolerance to it

less drugs used on one soldier means more drugs used on everyone

You want them to know what they are getting into before you have a bunch of horned up Zoomers jacking off for 8 hours.

Go take a gander at r/stimulants

trust me bro i know all about addy jerk off seshs

Trump is a modern day Alexander

Jason Alexander

Schmuck in chief

His life could have turned around if he had the balls to stick to the “believe the lie” plan. 🤷🏼‍♀️

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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