Muslim Congress Mommy does a RIP for her droned Uncle

85  2020-01-03 by Kosher_Eva


Daddy doesn't need permission of the faggy congress, did Obama take permission to drone rape all those kids? No.

It's not a crime when a Democrat does something bad, chud!


Damn you're all over the Iran drama.

Why do you hate Hajis so much?

I once was Iran in my grade 12 Law class' model UN, and I spent the entire time telling Israel and America I was going to destroy them. Turned the entire room against me, most of the discussion and votes was about sanctioning me or worse.

I got 95% and was top of my class. It was the most fun I've ever had at school, except maybe for the mock trials we did where I was lead prosecutor and won both cases. One of those cases had this actual delinquent negress as the accused and I was relentless in her cross examination. God damn, the rush it gave me.

I was gonna go into law after that but 1 fucking year into my undergrad and I swallowed the leftist bluepill (G20 Toronto kettling of anybody in the Spadina intersection, protester or not, in the rain for hours was the exact turning point) and felt guilty enough to drop out and fuck about until Daddy's rise snapped me out of it. Thank you Daddy.

Directed by r/drama, the biopic you never thought you wanted to see

yeah so if anyone wonders why i'm a rightoid Daddy stan who hates leftoids, it's because becoming one set my life back about 7-8 years

Ken Burns presents

Cope: The Eva Story

Those are sick to fall asleep to, would buy digital copy.

Nothing comes close to my ww1 documentary collection

Sure most of them have bad history. But the drumfire puts me to sleep šŸ˜“

so if anyone wonders why iā€™m

Stop right there. The answer is no.

Lol this is your best comment ever

yeah so if anyone wonders why i'm a rightoid Daddy stan who hates leftoids, it's because becoming one set my life back about 7-8 years fentanyl

Ditto. It's one of the main reasons I hate our current academic situation.

Uhhh ok.

Anyone wanna know why I'm a huge fan of MasterLawlz? Anyone?

most of these ā€œdrama originā€ stories have the same underlying factor


yours isnā€™t any different



And lol at the 50% upvoted on this post somebody is upset, which means you did the right thing.

grade 12

Ew a leaf


Even though you became a typical Model UN leftoid for a while I still applaud your great delegating skills. Being an sperging Islamoid country in Model UN is hard but tons of fun at the same time. I was Cuba at one Model UN in HS and it was great telling the Mutt Eagle to go fuck itself. Are you still trying to be a lawyer?

I'm just finishing up a Bachelor's now but it's not exactly that impressive of an undergrad, so if I did try I'd probably be like Saul Goodman and get into the university of American Samoa or something and little else haha

My hats off to any leaf that can get through college without becoming a cuck or some cuck variant. šŸŽ©

lmao this is actually hilarious. Itā€™s good that you admit your retarded politics are a cope about how much of a pathetic failure you are.


Said it before and I'll say it again: that city has been lost for years


just admit you dropped from UT because you aren't chinese

Real question is why this leaf cares about America so much. Doesn't he have some maple syrup to tap?

No, there is actually a government enforced Maple sugar cartel which is the only place you can do syrup related business with. They also control the strategic Maple syrup reserve.

I wish I was joking.

I'm not gonna learn more about this because I just want to imagine that there's a huge abandoned salt mine that's full of like 100 million tons of maple syrup.

There is a really good documentary about it on netflix called rotten.

Does Bonnie or Johnny host it?

Don't remember.

salt mine

full of maple syrup

Key word: abandoned you reading comprehension cel

my pops is a burger citizen and I wish to join when I am worthy

I guess a self-hating leaf is actually probably the best kind of leaf.

The self-raking leaf would be a boon to dads everywhere

Wow, you caught Ilhan Omar actually not being completely retarded for once. That is a rare occurrence and I applaud you for being so vigilant.

lol k

There's always a Klan rally in the comments of every one of her posts.

I was wondering where Aunty Semite had gone.




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