Hanoi Jane? Fuck that, here's Tehran Rose

48  2020-01-03 by Kosher_Eva


Love it when multimillionaires act like they’re oppressed

Lol this foid isn't a multimillionaire. She got fucked in the ass by marilyn manson though.

net worth $6 million. Not sure how reliable this site is

Didn't know charmed was so lucrative for her career.


To be fair, Shi'a druglords in Lebanon like to argue that Muhammed was against depressants like alcohol but not stimulants. Maybe being a cokehead is what Allah wanted from her all along.

typical shi'ite dogs

We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape.

Buy a fucking plane ticket, you dingy broad. You can do it online. I've done it, and I'm neither rich nor famous.

Why would someone choose a literal theocracy that stones people and would arrest them personally, over the USA?

Edit: Wait, don't dems also think iran and russia are super buddies? Why are they all sticking up for a russian asset?

Because TDS is a real thing and will probably be studied in the future even if its remembered under a totally different name.

I mean, propaganda has already been studied

That's all this is.

The amount of day-to-day ideological twists and 180 degree turns being done purely out of spite, on such a large scale, has to be something new and historically significant, though, or am I just retarded?

Probably. But it's not really that inconsistent with the type of person who typically has TDS.

We all know what sort of mental gymnastics the hardcore SJW's can perform, and that existed long before Trump

Damn Blumpf not letting people leave the country.

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


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Jesus fucking Christ that flag how is one person so retarded

is this that South Park episode where they all bury their head in the sand so they aren't targets for terrorists?

Are those... emojis?