I've explained to you simple folk, many times, that epic fantasy, space opera, and comic book kino, are the present and future of all human culture. We are not stuck in here with you, YOU ARE ALL STUCK IN HERE WITH US!

100  2020-01-03 by SandorClegane_AMA


womp womp


  1. I've explained to you simple folk, ... - archive.org, archive.today

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fuck is this real? Imagine being blown up for posting a gay game of thrones meme

deserved tbh

Is this the ultimate world meme war where kids will now learn of suleiman getting rekt by daddy on twitter just like the assassination of of the arch duke Ferdinand

You know how in school they used to make us analyse hundred year old newspaper cartoons? In a hundred years, kids are gonna do the same with twitter posts and shitty webcomics.

Teapot dome < I have never seen a thin person drink diet coke

Nerdicide when?

Based and..kino-pilled?