Mommy Clinton dabs on Dementia Daddy for starting wars 😍😍😍😍😍😍

57  2020-01-03 by Corporal-Hicks


I'm going to have to wait for Snopes to weigh in on this one dawg

Can we all send this to snopes so they actually fact check it and reignite the war between them and the bee again?

I am starting to like Babylonbee, it’s almost like the onion except relevant and funny

I'm about to snope this line if you know what I mean.

As fucktarded as Snopes is this really does seem like it's written to trick dumb rightoids, like wtf is even the punchline lol

Meanwhile, Americans under siege at the embassy took a few moments to thank God that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States.

The Bee stings again.

Damn the Bee dropping some πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯



This deserves the following response:



From an unrelated article

In the haunted house's scariest room, the attic, there's a copy of the Constitution hanging on the wall. As guests slowly approach the frightening document, a hidden speaker begins reading it out loud in the voice of George W. Bush. One progressive died on the spot of a heart attack.

How can one satire site be so based?

oooooh this got me

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Mommy Clinton dabs on Dementia Dadd... -,*

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