The chief is being huffy, but the data supports this as an option. That thread is convinced its going to go mad max because some fat southern sheriff can't decide to live out his NASCAR fantasy at taxpayer's expense.
because its hard to be on the run 24/7. Eventually they have to stop and sleep or eat, and then they can be surrounded and taken without the possibility of a female driver operating a police cruiser are speeds greater than 60 mph.
The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.
i wonder if it had anything to do with the ATV death the other day
one of the ways that our treasured african american citizens contributes to the thriving culture of the shithole is by banding together in packs of like 40 riding ATVs and dirtbikes on the streets, usually blocking traffic to get by, kinda like critical mass except way loader
well one of them tried to go ahead and cut off a fire truck at full speed responding to an emergency the other day and got what he had coming
the cops have always been hands off with these degens but i'm guessing they're doing this to cover their asses in the future
30 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2020-01-03
It’s over for Boss Hoggcels.
16 wm20123 2020-01-03
The chief is being huffy, but the data supports this as an option. That thread is convinced its going to go mad max because some fat southern sheriff can't decide to live out his NASCAR fantasy at taxpayer's expense.
7 TheLordHighExecu 2020-01-03
why would they announce it? I expect every criminal in Atlanta to just start booking it every time they see a cop car.
16 wm20123 2020-01-03
because its hard to be on the run 24/7. Eventually they have to stop and sleep or eat, and then they can be surrounded and taken without the possibility of a female driver operating a police cruiser are speeds greater than 60 mph.
10 Alicesnakebae 2020-01-03
They'll just use their gooberment spy ware and find you dude
8 FearOfBees 2020-01-03
Sub thread
More sources from credible sites according to newsguard.
One //// Two
I honestly thought this was a satire site but no
7 froggydreams 2020-01-03
As long as we can contain the menace of physically disabled criminals, we will be okay.
3 SnapshillBot 2020-01-03
The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
3 Curbside_dental 2020-01-03
Wonder if they have any contracts in the works for something like the spy blimp we had in baltimore.
Or the spy plane.
3 ICntBelieveHwSmrtIAm 2020-01-03
i wonder if it had anything to do with the ATV death the other day
one of the ways that our treasured african american citizens contributes to the thriving culture of the shithole is by banding together in packs of like 40 riding ATVs and dirtbikes on the streets, usually blocking traffic to get by, kinda like critical mass except way loader
well one of them tried to go ahead and cut off a fire truck at full speed responding to an emergency the other day and got what he had coming
the cops have always been hands off with these degens but i'm guessing they're doing this to cover their asses in the future
1 drugsarecool419 2020-01-03
god forbid now boomer sheriff 12 can’t go 120 mph chasing you and ram u into the side of the road
criminals have won