Don't make fun of my step son!

46  2020-01-03 by Standard12


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Pretend I made a funny joke about her fucking her stepson. Thank you and goodbye.

I'm sorry to inform you that this post was made by a moid.

Oh dear

And I thought these cucks were pathetic for raising their wives human kids. Now they are step-doggo-daddys

Dog people are the worst.

Worse than, in no particular order:

  1. Freshwater aquarium people.

  2. Saltwater aquarium people.

  3. Snake people.

  4. Lizard people.

  5. Frog people.

  6. Bonsai people.

  7. Orchid people.

  8. Turtle people.

  9. Lawn people.

  10. Rock stacking people.

  11. Bread stapling to tree people.

  12. Drama people.

  13. Lowered import car people.

  14. Lifted truck people.

  15. Broke people.

  16. Woke people.

  17. Take pictures of your food people.

  18. Crosspost repost people.

  19. Full ride scholarship people.

  20. 7-11 people.

  21. Aldi people.

  22. Safeway people.

  23. Chiraq people.

  24. Flea market people.

  25. Mechanical keyboard people.

  26. Tesla people.

    There's really nothing that compares just how bad dog people are. I'm not saying having a dog makes you dog people.

If you're dog people you know who you are and you should be ashamed.

Imagine needing another mouth to feed because your hunting skills are so bad.

Haven't you ever heard of teamwork? Spoken like someone who has never hunted or been in the woods.

Man I live in the woods.

Dogs are cute if you want to catch birds and foxes. If you want bigger game it's better to be quiet by yourself or with another goofball.

Man I live in the woods.

living on a suburban street that still has 3 trees doesnt count

I'll take it that you're not familiar with the abilities of the bigger spitz breeds.

For example, well trained chows, ovcharka and samoyeds?

They are a handful, hard to train, a full time job just to take care of, but they can handle it, when working as a team

Honestly, no I have zero dog breed experience beyond retired German Shepherds.

My dad liked his Germans. They were good companions but not something I'd take out hunting.

I have zero dog breed experience

With all due respect to you, and to the dogs, I do.

Shepherds aren't hunting dogs. German shepherds can be good dogs for some things, but hunting was never really one of those those things.

Although modern idiot humans have really fucked up the genetics in the "german shepard" line. They were never hunters, they were, and are at their best protectors.

That's all we ever had them for. Basically a furry alarm with teeth.

I never learned to hunt with dogs.

I never learned to hunt with dogs.

It makes it so much easier, if you're into that sort of thing. The hounds are better for the smaller game, the spitz are better for the bigger game.

Me, myself I just generally hunt at the grocery store, but I grew up around an area where it was a hobby.

You sound less like a dog person and more like a dog expert.

I also prefer hunting in the grocery store.

Deer, pest, and hog killing was always just a novelty or something for culling and land maintenance never something anyone in my family survived off of.

I definitely think I could survive with it, but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to if I have the choice.

New Snappy quote or just some fresh /r/copypasta?

You've been invited to r/dogfree the one and only dog hating sub

That dog has been groomed way too much.

Dogs aren't meant to have their fur combed and brushed so much.

edit: especially longer hair dogs, they've evolved for 10's of thousands of years for their fur to work a certain way. It's disgusting to see people do that to them.

"Do not speak ill of me or my wife's boyfriend ever again"


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Don't make fun of my step son! -,

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Calling dogs children is creepy and weird.

I love dogs. They're fantastic. But they're dogs. They arent step sons.

sometimes i feel like i'm the only one who feels this way so it's good to see others saying it

i hate when people refer to pets using child terms