This is why we hate MDEfugees. In their rabid desperation to dunk on chapos multiple newfags fall for the oldest pasta in the book.

121  2020-01-03 by Slump_o


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You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)

The sequel to 1984 is an underrated gem tbqh

Also OP where is anyone falling for the pasta


and here

did you read the thread? Our own precious dramanaughts go for this lazy chapo bait only to have our very own fall for it, thinking we’re chapos.

Weh weh, you leftoid faggot.

Hows prison?


You are an obnoxious Chapo, tho

have i ever posted there?

Chapo is a state of mind, sweaty


Read 👏 more 👏 theory 👏 chud 👏

Why do we tolerate this? Enough is enough 😔

I'm fine with having the rightoids but at this point they are massively outnumbering the leftoids.

I say we arm the leftoids and send them to fight. Power begs to be balanced.

That's because all the rightoid subs been banned already.

Even normie redditors understand it's pasta value.


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  1. This is why we hate MDEfugees. In t... -,

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1 MDEfugee > 6000000 chapotards

chapos don’t even come around so it’s a moot point

When they do they can't contain their power levels and make angry comments about the problematic posting. Still the point stands.

Yes, if there is one good thing you could say about MDEgenerates it's that, while they do infest this place like cockroaches, they are subtle...

Said the chapoid.

it’s cute how he fights “le MDE menace” but also respects pronounce 😍

MDEfugee hands larping as regular user hands typed this post

Nice try but I'm OG /r/drama.

That means you have no excuse.

For what, pointing out the fact that chapofags are lesser than MDEtards?


It's true. They're way more unfunny, more retarded, and more prone to larping online as a brave revolutionary than a MDE.

Meanwhile the MDEfugees larp as brave Christian crusaders while opening up a tab for their 4th hentai masturbation session of the day.

True MDEtards really did think they would have saved Western Civilization if it wasn't for the J's and Stacies' making them zoomercels.

you seem very proud of this.

I was hit with slanderous accusations of being an MDEfugee when I was simply pointing out the chapotard menace.

Yeah the MDEfugees realize their agendaposting probably won't go over well in whatever community they've immigrated to & will also probably get them a sitewide ban, so they stick to bits and jokes. They're generally funny thanks to years of Sam Hyde and 4chan training.

Chapoids will randomly trash whatever sub with their gay opinions, acting as if they have the moral high ground the entire time, and then when they get downvoted they go "LOL triggered Nazi!! brainwashed liberals!!!!" and move on to whatever other garbage they want to spam. Some Chapoid went on a 6-paragraph rant about wageslavery and labor rights in a thread about fucking Jeffrey Epstein in [slur]town.

On the other hand, if you get too many MDEfugees in one place, they become self-aware of their numbers and your entire sub will become an endless series of World Peace screenshots, JQ-posting, and arguments between troons and rightoids until the whole place gets b&'d. You have to strike the right balance.

That being said, remember this – Sam Hyde was an active participant in MDE when it was still around, and was comfortable interacting with his own fans in that community. None of the Chapo hosts would touch CTH with a 10-foot pole, and they've all talked about how much they hate the sub.

The JQ posting is hilarious because the focus on degeneracy as the master plan by the J's lead to the growth of unironic tradfaggot posting in response. There's now a bunch of unhappy zoomers talking like the male version of former slampigs who "saw the light" and post about needing a real(stable) man to hold it down. Except these guys didn't even get a chance to have fun as male slampigs. For a group that talks about redpills they're very mentally unmasculine.

Right it’s funny for like the first 2 weeks.

Again, it’s far more likely that your community will randomly be invaded by a bunch of puritanical troons that start to orient the place around their Wahabbi demands for eternal and undying worship of the trannies; but, still, not fun when MDEfugees step out of line and start spamming the same trite shit in every thread.

Commie Troon Sharia is more likely I agree, I was just pointing out one development that seemed funny to me.

Wallah every fucking niche corner on the internet that doesn't hate them on sight has some troid starting shit because of something that offended them. For being such a tiny portion of the population they're responsible for an insane amount of internet drama.

Good thing daddy paid for that creative writing degree.

1 MDEfugee does not provide enough dramacoin compared to even 1 Chapocel.

are you kidding lmao chapos get quarantined once

meanwhile how many subs been banned

It’s hard to farm dramacoin when the source keeps getting booted to more and more obscure subreddits.



sure that guy ate the pasta but that comment chain is filled with chapos crying about this sub, which is way more pathetic (but expected)

which is way more pathetic


Daddy’s making geopolitical moves maybe this is another sign to get a job, fag

i'm sorry was this supposed to make sense, be funny, both, or what?

because stanning for chapos who think this is a nazi haven that should be shut down is weird as fuck, dude.

you admitted that you’re a 🍁oid college dropout who was invigorated by the election of daddy. Now that, doesn’t make sense.

Chapos aren’t even human, so I don’t see the point of your post Eva 🤷🏿‍♂️

Go pray to marx to bring about the revolution, that'll make up for your inability to get a real job

nigga what? The joke is that eva admitted that he’s a loser college dropout who was inspired by the election of daddy gormph

Oh no, people didn't realize someone was copypasting

You're a fucking idiot and your parents were idiots for not aborting you

Pasta-eaters are the lowest of humanity, faggot.

Getting dunked on by fucking Chapos makes us all look bad, we have a reputation to maintain. Control your retards.

The fucking new fags deserve to be treated the way Iran treats all fags

turned into women?

Maybe you should go kiss your sister so you can feel better about yourself.