SRDines give their take on GamersRiseUp

25  2020-01-04 by 2Manadeal2btw


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r/gamersriseup is at the boiling point to tip either right or left and I love it. Can’t wait until either some sort of weird discord tranny coup happens with the mods, or a purge of any mod that even remotely leans left by some tyrannical jannie. Either way it’ll be a dumpster fire lmao

I love when a sub of certain political inclination talks about some other sub with the opposite political inclination.

A fun/stupid stat to say back is that 89% of all murders are committed by me, 99% of all rapes are committed by men, and that 87% of all robbery is committed by men.

It's fun because sometimes they get super defensive. It's stupid because it plays their bullshit idiot numbers game in which they assume humanity is conferred by having a low crime rate.

You have to say 2 genders in order for this to be true. Either trannies are valid and men aren't violent or trannies are a meme and men are violent.

Two of the most utterly pathetic subs on this entire cesspool of a website go apeshit at each other, amazing for dramacoin

srdines can't read subs without their /uj /rj tags so obviously it confuses them

Day of the can is coming, brother


Of course is n8thegr8 the most fragile redditor


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. SRDines give their take on GamersRi... -,*

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