Kotaku: The Cost Of Being A Woman Who Covers Video Games

76  2020-01-04 by texanapocalypse33


Why is she bitching that being a female doesn't change much for gameplay? Does she want you to have to change pads halfway through a match? Voices and body types change, gameplay remains consistent. I don't see how that's even an issue.

They have different bone structure after having a female vs male puberty cycle has to do with density that’s why they all get osteoporosis and want to start transitioning at 4 years old now

Do they mean a real woman or a tranny?

Real women, at first glance I thought she was a tranny though.

okay first of all, wow

second of all, there's just way too much to unpack here

Umm, sweaty

It's 2020 sweety. Everyone is either pre or post op now


The cost of being a woman who covers games is the consent bitching to everyone about everything that has nothing to do with video games

"Teenage boys are toxic shitheads! This is the gaming industry's fault!"

I hate women

The only valid opinion.

Obviously using makeup to hide her age.

If I was her I'd accept the witch vibe her face is giving off and just go full wiccan.


Half decent Troid or post wall Foid

Ah yes, that's a natural camera angle to take a picture of your face from!

Holy fuck look at that massive honker

stop doing jobs that you don’t like doing. It’s literally that easy. Either find something that you enjoy more, or you have no choice, in which case that’s your own fucking fault anyway.

stop doing jobs that you don’t like doing

its her job as a woman to complain about the job she is supposed to do

An acquaint I met forever ago still lists her education on Facebook as graduate in gaming journalism.

I shit you not.

I thought it was odd then, and I'm glad I never stayed in touch now.

What clown college offers that shit?


of being a woman


This shit has 6k words.

Is it tree fiddy?

Most other reviews of the game at the time were neutral to positive, with some complaints about the controls and linear design. In addition to voicing those complaints, Heppe’s review raised several issues with the narrative and structure of the game, specifically its gender politics, which put the ordinarily self-assured and independent bounty hunter Samus Aran under the thumb of a male military commander and inexplicably reduced her to a childlike state of fear during a confrontation with Ridley, a frequent Metroid enemy whom Samus had bested several times before

Literally rewriting history. The game was heavily criticized for these reasons. The only people who liked it were people like Andrew Dobson

How many women mentioned in that blog post are actually dudes?

I got to imagine it's over 50 percent.

Also...I thought everyone walked off the site because the ownership were evil capitalists....or was that only deadspin?

Soooo $50,000 a year then kotaku? Sounds Good to me

Call of Duty’s multiplayer had no female character option until 2013, despite proclaiming it depicted “modern” warfare.

Yes, because there are so many women in the military today, especially in the special forces and infantry units that Call of Duty portrays

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Kotaku: The Cost Of Being A Woman W... - archive.org, archive.today*

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