Ricels In Full Seeth Mode After Finding Out That Justin Bieber's New Music Video Will Have Asian Women In It (So much for "Muh Representation")

45  2020-01-04 by BecauseWeHaveNukes88


Yo, is there a subreddit for internet slang? Because I got maybe 2 of those nouns.

from wholesomemes and lgbt

Idk about your stay here

from wholesomemes

May Allah break the backs of such disease ridden rodents.

What word do you need help reading?

Seeth and what does "muh representation" mean? More representation? Because last time I checked Justin Bieber was white.

Try to sound it out.

Haha jk. Seethe is a verb meaning to bubble up after being boiled up. In this context it’s being used to mean someone is overly angry. “Muh” is a bastardized version of the word “my” and is typically said as mockery. It’s used by all sides of the political spectrum.

Ok. So I figured "seeth" meant angry but why is Justin Bieber contected with Ricecels?

There are some communities on the internet which Asian men gather in and discuss some of the more ugly nuances of racial tensions. A lot of this centers around white male-asian female relationships, which are often lopsided and frequently exploited. There is also a pretty demeaning feminization of Asian men in western society, or an outright lack of inclusion in media altogether. So Biebs putting token Asian women in his video reeks of all of these stereotypes.

Like a lot of insular communities, this originally fair grievance coalesces on itself and turns into retarded moaning about the evil gweilo and all the stupid, self-sabotaging Asian girls that sleep with them. They often blow up at the slightest thing (Bieber? 2020? Cmon leave the poor chode alone) and brigade other online communities. Thus the term 'rice-cel', derived from the legendary incels.

Thank you for flying Internet Tours and we wish you a pleasant stay on the web.

-cel is a pejorative suffix derived from “incel” meaning “involuntary celebate.” It’s popular to replace the prefix “in-“ with mock versions of groups, races, genres, etc. The “rice” prefix is a the mocking version of Asian.

Ok modcel

His favorite meal is rice-balls

Just hang out. You will get it.

Oh sweaty... You need to go back to wholesome whatever before you start ranting about whatever group your political alignment hates

Seeth is the name of an old simpsons character who would get mad a lot. “muh” is an acronym that stands for “may u(you) help” with an implied “me get more”. This sub is very deep into the Justin Bieber subculture, so it is common knowledge that during an interview while he was on tour in Denver, CO Justin mentioned he felt “a close association with asian culture” and said that “I feel like part of myself is asian”. So while he might look white, he is actually partially asian as well, so it’s exciting that he is putting more of his asian brothers and sisters on screen.

Hey granpa, 60's called, they want their sincerity back.

Lurk more

Shut up faggot

Welcome to the retard dungeon, enjoy your stay!

Followed up by stanning Selena Gomez, wtf is going on with these z**mers.

To be fair Asian foids shouldn't be head-panning and twerking. The fewer foids acting like that, the better.

The fewer foids the better.

I agree.

This is why we need Sharia, inshallah. Londonistan has been taken, the world next.

Traitor to the Canadian race

Umm sweaty, Canada is the first post-racial nation 😊

The two Asians in that video are trannies

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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How dare he hire them for a job and then pay them for doing a job that racist.