"You're a fed" "No, you're a fed".

53  2020-01-04 by 2Manadeal2btw


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. "You're a fed" "No, you're a fed". - archive.org, archive.today

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Did you know Nick Fuentes is gay and fucks cat men

Nah, he's not cool enough for that.

Always sad when our most progressive allies see their kinks appropriated by basic bitches. 😔

They keep talking about "Nick's plan" as if he has anything else planned apart from having gay latino catboy sex.

extremely based

Zoomer rightoids are probably the most pathetic Internet demographic

It’s incredible because you’d think it would be such a competitive race for that title, but somehow they run away with it every time.

dont shoot up your school pls thx

Wtf is cookiegate

In the midst of his fans fucking with mainstream conservative events, the mainstream conservatives found this video and got even more pissed at him.

I love that video. Actually hilarious.

i feel like u could mass burn bodies or bury them without ovens but im not a rightoid so what did i know

Cookie Monster diddles kids

Imagine thinking that the Israelis have some elite unit dedicated to influencing zoomer youtubers who nobody will remember 6 weeks from now.

That whole thread is great - extremely high quality stuff.

He's a tradcat boy

Big corporations and corrupt rich elites aren't controlling the world, it's the Jewish grandma down the street part of the super secret Jew clique! - big brain rightoids.