What you wake up to after making a thread mocking rightoids. No, this isn’t an argument he made all 4 on a single thread while I was asleep.

150  2020-01-04 by Slump_o




Is voting for Daddy the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than voting for Donald Trump. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are promoting, raising money, and voting for a geriatric for at least one year solely so he can go and get impeached by a libtard. All the hard work you put into your beautiful Daddy - reading his twitter at bedtime, attending his rallies, eating McDonald's, wearing a MAGA hat. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the Mommy Pelosi that will eventually fuck him in every hole.

Elected the perfect Daddy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random demonrat who had nothing to do with his economic policy, who impeaches him. He gets to help fuck Daddy's bussy on CSpan. He gets the benefits of Daddy's based and redpilled policy that came from you electing him.

As a man who voted for Daddy, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least three years of your life simply to elect a president for another man to impeach. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Oh god please tell me who to vote for so I'm not a cuck, I'm scared

The only two acceptable options are to abstain or to throw your vote away on Hula Mommy. Any other choice is just prepping the bull.

Snappy needs this as a quote

" I bet you don't even have the balls to cheat on your ugly wife with 2 kids, bet you don't carry three revolvers everywhere you go... Lol climate change isn't real you fucking pantsy"

We need to purge everyone who has a serious political opinion tbh

/>imagine being a rightoid in 2021

I'm a rightoid three days a week, a leftoid three days, an anprim Sundays and a retard all the time.


I'm a Jewish supremacist 7 days a week

even on the sabbath 😳


I'm here to pick on you for the forward slash

Imagine having any opinions at all whatsoever

Isn't that an opinion?

Yeah, but it's the only true opinion.

Imagine paying any attention to politics

I vote for whoever Arnold endorses

Serious political posters are fine as long as there is an equal number of people on the opposite sides of the spectrum. Remember, diversity is our strength.

Rightoids are just as much of snowflakes as leftoids.



You could say it is they who are the real snowflakes

The difference between the two is that antagonizing rightoids yields spergouts and decent memes whereas antagonizing leftoids only yields spergouts. Which makes larping as a leftoid ultimately the most profitable decision a radical centrist can make.

Based and truthpilled.



🚨🚨 WEE 🚨🚨 WOO 🚨🚨 WEE 🚨🚨 WOO 🚨🚨


🚨🚨 WEE 🚨🚨 WOO 🚨🚨 WEE 🚨🚨 WOO 🚨🚨

adderall is good tho and im sure it has a defense force of hopped up 7 year olds

a defense force of hopped up 7 year olds

I already said DDF.

Wait wtf, why does "Daddy" read as "Addy" on mobile?!

I thought pol got arrested? πŸ€”

As soon as he got bailed out, the first thing he did was come here to let off some steam.

For what?


This is what happens when two retards run into one another in the wild.

"Look! This idiot made just as many dumb comments as I did!"


fucking lol the state of rightoids


Lol bless your deformed heart, you're trying so hard

It takes me very little effort to post on r drama

you on the other hand, track down all my posts and make upset comments.

Now that is projection lol you commented on like 4 of my posts yesterday. Should I make a thread that's a screenshot of you in my inbox?

No because I'm not a faggot lol

Are you Eva Eva?

i'm eva 4evas

Love the new username


who were you before mayor petey the homo hit the scene?

Quietus. I'll use that account again after the primaries are over.

Lmao you told me this a couple weeks ago, and that the reason you use this account is to fuck with rightoids. I forgot to tell you job well done on those grandpa tick tock spergouts a week or so ago πŸ˜†

Gramps is still convinced I'm Ed and it's hilarious

where THE FUCK is ed

I wish I knew 😭😭😭

Getting downvoted on a GoT sub.

I'm not a faggot

You sent me a dickpic though. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

for DOMINANCE, jeez!

liking to receive dick pics is what makes u a faget

and technically i only gave you part of the url, u did the rest

unless this is about discord a week or two ago lol


Lmao this level of seethe could be all over reddit if admins didnt ban all the rightoid subs. Admincide must come before mayocide

❓why❓ 😴sleep😴 ⏰when⏰ πŸ‘‰youπŸ‘ˆ ‼️could‼️ πŸ…±οΈbeπŸ…±οΈ πŸ€dunkingπŸ€ πŸ”›onπŸ”› πŸ€“leftoidsπŸ€“?

Not a single death fantasy. Pretty tame.

Yeah well do better

lmao good shit πŸ‘Œ

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Right when I start to believe that leftoids are the real REEEtards, the rightoids prove me wrong

Leftist Content

The insecurities of the cuckold are dark... And numerous....