r/Islam can't decide whether to be happy about the death of the Iranian shia scum or be upset because it was done by Trump.

82  2020-01-04 by Stoicpeace


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What if, in a strange twist of fate, Trump is Allah's chosen caliph who will one day go on to unite the world under Islam?

What if Trump is the one true Grand Imam of al-Azhar?

Even if it's true ultimately it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the Caliph or not he still just a goy.

“There are 2 evils here and it was the lesser of the evils that got killed.”


Satan once trolled God into looking like a total asshole by convincing God to torture some righteous dude. God killed the dude's kids, destroyed all his shit, and was like, "See, Satan, Job still loves me."

Satan said, "Lol what a fuckin psychopath."

God intoned, "No, he's not crazy. He still loves me because he has the faith of the righteous man."

"Not Job, you retard, I'm talking about you." and then Satan lmaoed

I'm paraphrasing but the point is that Satan is way more based than burgerland.

Satan is a redneck flicking matches at a can of gasoline in his driveway


Hey dude good comment

Drumpf is the greater evil

Muslims are dumb as hell. It's why the middle east is a shitheap.

That is the faith of kuffaar. إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ

may Allah have mercy on us all

Inshallah brother

Feels like we each year are drawing closer to a some kind of war(s), dont know If Im being affected by the amount of war movies I’ve seen or things I’ve read but we should all try increase our Iman in this era of luxary. We dont know What can happen this comming decade

Inshallah we will be cleansed in righteous fire without delay

Muslims still believe in the myth of the Ummah.

It's like Redditors would think it would be good to meet IRL.

Edit : jewdank, come home

I'm seeing many individuals with strong opinions calling each other kafirs and murtads


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  1. r/Islam can't decide whether to be ... - archive.org, archive.today

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