One /r/actuallesbian says that "good girl" is problematic and sexist. A fight breaks out and the jannies have to y'all the thread.

60  2020-01-04 by dootwthesickness_II


Any person that has an issue with what consenting adults do or call each other is looking after 6 animals because no one else is willing to tolerate them

I'm actually looking after 9.

Bussy slaves count as animals, right?

As a small bodied female

What is the word for a female manlet? 🤔

Well it's r/actuallesbians, so manlet still works

Pretty sure that means she's only kinda fat, as opposed to the r/actuallesbians standard, morbidly obese.


If it's feminine I think it would be foidlette.

I dont know, it doesnt have the same flow to it imo

Fun sized


Gotta love the fact a sub called /r/actuallesbians is full of girl dick mansplaining to lesbian women.

*There are many subgenres of lesbian! *

Lesbians: women who fuck women

Actual Lesbians: lesbians that may or may not have a penis

True Lesbians: lesbians who typically do not have a penis

TERFs: lesbians who assert that lesbians cannot have a penis

Butch: Lesbians who look like they have a penis

Femme: lesbians who look like they do not have a penis

WereLesbians: woman who fuck women during a full moon

Astrological Lesbians: women who fuck people according to their horoscope

Astronomical Lesbians: Butch TERFs

Political Lesbians: women who fuck women as a form of protest

Wiccans: Spellcasting lesbians who do not shower and didn't put any attribute points into intelligence

You're looking for /r/truelesbians




I hate these blurred lines.

You know you want it.

What do we need dreams fo' / When you got them jeans on?

I always like how after Pharrell became gigawoke he claims he doesn’t like that song anymore. You don’t hear T.I. saying that tho. Makes you wonder who is the the blacker of the two.

Lyric chains?

In my drama subreddit?

It's more likely than you think.

Every female and female (male) I’ve been with loved that shit, have sex femcel

Meh, if someone patted my head and said I was a good girl I'd feel like a dog. But, if people are into that, then more power to them.


I wouldn’t pat their head, that’s just weird, I’d slap their ass or caress their neck or cheek depending on the mood.

That's what I'm saying. What is it with troons and the head pats?

Excessive consumption of anime


That's because all girls have a thing for fucking boys that remind them of daddy.

female (male)

The correct term is:

The gender formerly known as male.

Tom Petty is lucky to not be alive to deal with this shit anymore.

Based tradgirl that likes Elvis, Jesus, Horses and America.

side note but why are trannys always some combination of extremely online, addicted to video games and video game culture, or an exhibitionist who posts pictures of their ‘girldick’ on twitter ?

Literally, autistic spectrum disorders

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(


  1. One /r/actuallesbian says that "goo... -,

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It works for me.

As a small bodied female, my life has been filled with this infantilizing bullshit

Womanlets, When will they learn?