is driving high wrong? /r/leaves says no

31  2020-01-04 by drugsarecool419


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Fuckin potheads think they drive better on weed. I hate potheads. Just admit you're getting high like the rest of us and not doing some kind of ritual health benefit that does not impair your judgement at all.

It depends. Weed isn’t alcohol and everyone metabolizes it differently. An amount that could have someone smacked and unable to drive even for hours afterwards, could also be an amount someone else shrugs at.

Uhh same with alcohol.

no no man you dont understand weed is just different

lmao well played. I IRL laughed because it is exactly what you'd hear from a pothead.

I have this friend who is over 280 lbs and 6'7". Basically a giant. I remember one time he drank a bottle of Red Label, a bottle of raki (an alcoholic beverage w/ 40% alcohol) and a 3 cans of beer yet he barely got drunk, certainly not as much as me who drank only 4 cans of beer. If my manlet ass had drank that much I'd probably OD on alcohol and died there.

I wish I could still get drunk from 4 beers, consider yourself one lucky leprechaun 🍀🥴

Nah, that was three years ago, now I have much more tolerance unfortunately. I have a Muslim conservative background so I had zero experience with any alcohol until I got into college, at first few times I even got drunk with 2 beers lol

Arrest this infedel!


I hope weed becomes legal where I am, but potheads are annoying fuckers. I can drink a bottle of wine and feel fine. I wouldn't drive, but it's no different with weed too. Potheads don't seem to understand the concept of tolerance, which is a factor in every drug imaginable.

Every pothead I've known well has the same moronic idea that they drive better on weed.

I get high super easily. If I took one hit I would be fucked to drive in traffic.

Same same. I can only eat a half edible (5g) or I get too high and pass out.

If you ate a 5 gram edible, you would literally feel like Satan himself had taken over your brain and forced you to relive every questionable decision you have ever made. You mean 5mg.

sorry my bad. I meant 5mg. oops. Shitposting while hungover is bad news.


I meant 5mg lol. My bad.

You shouldn't hate.

You may strongly dislike, but hate will eat you from the inside out.

i hate reading this post

You shouldn't hate.

You may strongly dislike, but hate will eat you from the inside out.

If I ever hurt someone while stoned driving id probs quit all together

this is what addiction looks like


If I killed someone because of my drug habit I might consider stopping

And this is written as if we should be surprised at the lengths they’re willing to go

this is what addiction looks like

C O P E elsewhere fentboi

I do my most creative driving while high.

I do my most creative writing while driving high.

God I hate stoners so much

What is more annoying about stoners? Is it their claims that one can't get addicted to a substance they must daily consume? Or perhaps their claim they are discrete and no one notices they are high at work? As if anyone is surprised the 28 year shelf stocker at Target who lives in his parents' basement and has white boy dreads is a fucking loser stoner.

For me, I think it's the claim that weed makes artists and others better at their work. I like to get drunk....I don't go around claiming that makes me James fucking Joyce.

They are worse than centrists, they are - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - libertarians.

if uv never driven while tripping balls off acid ur a pussy

cmv u cant

I have a friend who used to drop acid and mushrooms and drive around during rush hour traffic in Atlanta including on 85. Retarded but balls of steel

what a champion

old roommate of mine was tripping sack while driving down the highway when he realized he'd missed his exit

instead of taking another exit and having to figure that out he just popped a u-turn through one of those turnaround things that only cops and stuff are supposed to use

of course there's a cop right there who sees him do it and pulls him right over

you might think this was a problem for my old roommate but no--dude literally sweettalks the cop so hard with his "yes sir" and "no officer" and "thankya sir" that he gets off with a warning and is free to continue his quest to get laid or whatever he was doing

anyway point is, imagine worrying about some retard hitting a joint and driving 50 in the 65 when there's so much more exciting things to clutch pearls about

Tbf I'd trust someone to drive better on a tab or two of acid than after a shitload of dab rips. At least psychs are stimulating


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