Today I saw the death of millions of rightoids

72  2020-01-05 by cielxyuriplisetsky

I was walking down the street in rightyville south carolina when i saw her. Greta Thunberg was walking down the sidewalk sipping an Arizona tea. Many rightoids were surrounding her sobbing just at her mere presence. Eventually Greta finished her tea. Then she threw it away in a recycling bin. As soon as the can entered the bin, the mass suicide started.

Rightoids nonstop killing themselves because Greta had put a can in recycling. Some hung themselves. Others set themselves on fire. A couple even brought out bathtubs on wheels, sat in the bathtubs then drop toasters in the bathtubs. All because of greta. Of course some of them attempted to shoot themselves in the head, but were so retarded they missed and hit innocent children instead.

Soon the streets were littered with millions of rightoid corpses. All because of Greta.


user reports:
1: this is a work of art pls sticky

You're goddamned right it is. The fat kid on the right of the picture of the rightoids trying to hang themselves is a masterpiece.


You mean MasterLawlz?

Remind you of your last 5 attempts or something?

I'm not a fat, depressed and suicidal brainlet, for I am not a Burger.

I'm not a fat, depressed and suicidal brainlet

You should really be suicidal and depressed though, being as disgustingly fat and pathetic as you are.

disgustingly fat and pathetic

As I previously said, I'm not a Burger.

No, you've just eaten two million of them.

Mega-sick burn by the Fentanylese Islander. ☠☠☠☠

We No Speak Americano.

I took a shit last week that look kind of like new zealand, but bigger.

What part of "bigger than new zealand" do you imagine implies "too big to flush down a toilet"?

I know you didn't pay attention in school, but you do realise that the country is bigger than its representation on the map, right?

Also mindblowing: there isn't a giant "Rand McNally" or "Google maps" floating in the oceans, either.

you do realise that the country is bigger than its representation on the map, right?

This is such pure fucking cope I'm getting high just looking at it, let alone what's going to happen when I sn-AHGHGHGHGGHGHGHH oh fuck yes that's the good stuff.

I'm glad learning things makes you so happy.

I'm glad insignificance and tininess does the same for you.

not having a country full of poor retards

On opposite day?

Does your parole officer know you're frequenting kindergartens again?

If I wanted to fuck people with the brains of children, I'd find an NZ girl

Should be ez since the lads are all busy with the sheep

Your paedo fantasies are between you and your therapist.

I think the only surprise is that you said "girl" and not "boy".

Typical mind fallacy I guess.

You once mentioned pizzas. That's evidence enough.

Beautiful drawings. The fatness and whiteness of the rightoids, the distance between Greta's eyes, everything was on point.


Thank you, she honestly looks like an autistic dolphin.

An angry autistic dolphin.

Is Greta 18 yet?

lolbertarians out


no :(

she looks like she's 9.

She’s probably got a touch of the downs. Downies look and act like children for their entire lives.

That's what happens when your rich white parents drink shnaps while you're still in the womb

She has Aspergers. Does that count?


That's what bugs me about her whole deal. Nothing to do with her issues and the politics involved, etc. So much of the time she looks miserable. Her few light moments seem staged and forced. I worry she's being "stage mom'd" and used by a variety of folks for a variety of reasons.

Stage mom'd nothing. She's being straight up puppet mastered.

Look for her on Dr. Phil in 5 years doing a tell-all about how awful this time was for her.

I think it will be worse than that actually. I wouldn't be surprised if her story turns really tragic. I won't be happy about it, at all, but I won't be the least bit surprised.


Hi John McAffee

I'd like to say that McAffee is the only father figure I've had in my life

She's not a whale so she's safe

Isn't she autistic?

Yes, but so are you

HOLY SHIT I unironically want that shirt

Need a longer URL please


Ummmm why is the 5xl size $3 more expensive? Blatant fatphobia

God I want that mug.


Who wants a picture of me wearing it... and nothing else.

16 year old girl with aspergers literally has the power to make millions of rightoids sperg out across the planet

Maybe it really is a super power.

India watch out!

Shit you could wear that ironically or unironically. Wonder what was intended...

Imagine not choosing self immolation lmao it's over for ropecels

You should make a cinematic universe around people who make rightoids seethe

Nice effort post.


Really good post. Keep it up!

thanks :)

My country is on fire with fires in places that have never had them before and rightoids were saying "climate change garbage." Absolute brainlets.

Admitting to being a filthy penal colony peasant

your country deserves it

This is Allah's punishment for the Iraq Wat

Ur retarded

Sorry you morons can't fight fires lmao.

Guess we all have to embrace global socialism because aussies are shitty at being civilized.

Sorry you burgers can't be skinny. Guess you morons can't eat properly.

Based. Based. TRULY based.

All because Climate Girl no shut up. smh.


80% upvote


Marina Abramović should make this into shitty performance art.

I'd pay to go to that show

Even for this place this shits retarded

Please tell me the fatty who broke the noose is okay? He’s my favorite character.

Yes he's doing fine. He's on suicide watch by Epstein's guards so he should be alright :)

His name is Hunter

This needs way more red hats to be believable.

You got the hair wrong


Ima beat my meat to this shit

100x better than wojak

I haven't laughed my head off this much in a long time, thanks.

Needs more South Park gifs.


I love how Greta gets closer and closer, yet her eyes get further and further apart.

alhamd’lilah greta 🙏

I can't stop laughing at the stupid closeups of Greta, thank you OP.

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(


  1. Today I saw the death of millions o... -,

  2. Greta Thunberg -,

  3. rightoids -,

  4. threw it away in a recycling bin -,

  5. hung themselves -,

  6. set themselves on fire -,

  7. drop toasters in the bathtubs -,

  8. greta -,

  9. attempted to shoot themselves in th... -,

  10. Greta -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

The autism is strong with this one



Lawlz tier post. Congrats?


Why are leftoid autismos so addicted to the idea that anyone is mad about Grating Thundersperg?

Is it because they need to believe that FAS sufferers like themselves actually matter?

Like, gosh guys, please, no, don't make the autism babby the face of Global Warming activism. Don't make this repulsive, unlikeable person the figurehead of your movement. That would just be terrible.

Stop guys. It's too much. We can't take anymore.


flair: autism

And it shows.



*Nobody gives a shit*




Give it up, faggot, kids are crying about "drafts" now.


ah it wouldn't be drama without one schizocomment.

But seriously what are you trying to say?

what's with the seethe?
