iran to win against the US predicts /r/worldnews

23  2020-01-05 by drugsarecool419


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Iran is vowing years of retaliation. Their whole country, which is often divided between the religious zealots and more modern moderates, is galvanized as one. The US, on the other hand, has no support except from Israel.

Trump fucking sucks. Way to start off the decade, asshole.

tfw NATO doesn’t exist

idk what this guy thinks iran could really do

ahhh god years of retaliation bro they might throw sand ahhhh god

Yeah but they hoisted the red flag. It's literally over for burgercels.

They're gonna hack our stuff like in Die Hard 4

Hey, don't take the name of that glorious movie in vain..

I know we've been saying death to America for years now, but this time we really mean it!

How long until the hacker 4chan steals it and replaces it with the US flag and a magahat?

HWNDU Season 3


But have you seen their nuclear-powered tactical assault camels?

the most technologically advanced and powerful military with the greatest allies in the world vs 1 desert with moutains

Okay but comparing this to Afghanistan isn’t fair. 😤

Nonsense! They all blow up the same. Just ask the fucks in the Korengal Valley

They didn't lose. It was an issue of branding where they told it was a limited conflict to the US public, but in reality it would be an perpetual occupation

Limited wars are forever wars

The problem is that the "goal" is "fix their broken society" which is impossible. The actual conquest is the easy part that takes about a day. Even in afghanistan the militants have a miserable K:D ratio, none of them would get into Faze.

☢️ 🐪

"Iran is united"

Lol right. I am sure the protestors in Iran are REALLY UPSET that the dude in charge of having people shoot them has been killed by the americans.

oh oh, they're totally united as an ethnic group because LA times interviewed people and only came up with about 3 iranians that supported their retarded narrative.

Totally a superpower bro, they only needed to suck china's and russia's dick for no reason at all. Go fuck them for saying this was a good response to what would've been another Iranian hostage crisis.

Not “the Americans.” It was Drumpf UNILATERALLY assassinating Iran’s equivalence of Mike Pence for no reason other than his re-election campaign.

CMV Trump's only sin is loving america too much.

You forgot the pedophilia there, buddy.

Unless... of course, you didn't.

He loves ALL of America. Sorry you're too pea brained to get it.

donald trump RAPES KIDS


and i wouldn’t have it any other way 😻😻😻😻😻

Imagine being an Iraniancel right now, you know that the next action your government takes could result in your entire family being blown up in a matter of seconds by a drone programmed by some fat military incel.

At least the drone will be piloted by a proud woman of color, that makes it all ok


Erm Sweaty do you not watch Al Jazeera!??!

I don't know what reality this moron is living in. The Iranian government just murdered 1500 of their own people.

And the dude who the US just blew up, was like the head honcho in charge of that shit.

Yeah, sure, they are all galvanized against us now. Yeah the fuck right.

Isn't it an ethnic conflict? I'm guessing the Sunnis like us and the Shias don't.

Abu Bakr is right about Islam

The US, on the other hand, has no support except from Israel

As if Israel will help lol. They'll just cheer in the background while the 60 year olds send some 20 year old Americans to die for God's Chosen People.

No. Israel will happily bomb the hell out of Iran.

Nah its better to let the goyim fight

im p sure israel could use the land and has a couple bombs to spare

im p sure israel could use the land

Wtf lmao. I know we're all tards here but this takes the cookie.

“You know L’Chaim, if we take Iran for ourselves, your backyard will finally be big enough for a pool.”


Now now, not all Iran, I think that Jews should establish the New Israel on the nice piece of Iranian territory that borders both Afghanistan and Pakistan, then they could trade with all three and so on.

idk it be pretty cool to see one giant israel in the middle east

Israel could use all the land in the world goyim

A land full of Jews spending their own lives and money when they can just get their Greatest Ally to do the work for a jannie's salary hmm

usually having a country dependent on ur military force is payment enough

this is like the US’s strategy for literally every single country

Hold on, that's going to far. Jannies do it for free; the US does it for negative billions.


They did bomb Iran last time over a smaller reason.

They literally bombed iranian targets a few months ago

Not to mention all that other proxy war shit like stuxnet etc

Time to use those "despite being 20%" arabs that they use a scapegoat from racism accusations.

the us has no support except for jews

Yeah those 9 some odd countries helping us to defeat isis just don't exist. Bruh all we have to do is tell the saudis we'll give them half of iran when they lose and half the countries will turn on them. It's over for non-blasting cels.

The US, on the other hand, has no support except from Israel.

Imagine still underestimating the Jewish menace after the Yom Kippur surprise attack where they trashed half the Arab world in 6 days

Arabcels never recovered from that absolute BTFOing

Two different wars. 6 days was in '67, yom kippur was in' 73.

The US, on the other hand, has no support except from Israel.

lol yeah because if war breaks out Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the rest of NATO are totally gonna just sit this one out...

They're totally itching to get involved in this

It really depends on who makes the first military move as to whether NATO must involve itself or not. Not to mention the US picks cowardly and useless allies.

Seriously, half a dozen fatass Americans sitting around on reskinned video game consoles could obliterate the entire Iranian army in an afternoon and reddit thinks a red flag is going to somehow save Iran from being blasted into the stratosphere.

tfw NATO doesn’t exist

Is it self-defense by the USA? Not according to the US's own Department of Homeland Security.

Is it sanctioned by the UN general assembly? Nope.

NATO won't get involved because it'd be unlawful for it to do so.

NATO’ll get involved if it ever gets serious and some other super power like china or russia defends iran and gets involved

other super power


China is a super power bro. It sucks but it's true.

/#1 at air pollution!

/#1 at killing their own citizens!

/#1 at human rights violations!

Just because they're immoral, doesn't mean they're not a super power.

I never said they weren't.

Oh I thought you were the other dude. Woops

Ohhhh me chinese me rip off and steal american technology ohh me super powa ohhh meeee chineeese big dick energyyy

No, they're really not. Not at the bar set as the US is.

Not yet, they may become one. They're trying, and it estimated all other things considered by 2050 they may be, but as of now they just don't have the complete package to truly be considered a superpower.

Man they're so close it doesn't matter. Their influence in Africa and the Middle East is worrying and their manufacturing means they have the rest of the world by the balls. We have to stop sending out manufacturing to China.

Allow me to state, for the record, that I am a peaceful person who wishes no harm or ill will to any person or countries, any human being or animal.

That being said, the industrial and technological capacity of the US, Israel and NATO is far more advanced than China right now.

China is trying to catch up, but it's gonna be a while.

The US can't manufacture much of anything on a large scale anymore. We, stupidly, outsourced all of it to China. Sure we have all the technology and design capabilities, but if China decided that we don't get any of their goods anymore, we'd be up shit creek without a boat let alone a paddle.

That's a myth, not true.

The US has plenty of facilities, manpower and resources


Except NATO didn't get involved with the invasion of Iraq.

yeah but they got involved with every iraq war after

There hasn't been an Iraqi war after. There's been Iraqi reconstruction (which was endorsed by UN), and then there's been attacks on Al Qaeda in Iraq/ISIS (which was also endorsed by the UN).

See the difference here?

no not rlly

Have you ever considered not being retarded?


Allah forbid if the poos pick a side.

Lol, yeah sure, the Frenchies, Krauts and Limoncellos will gladly go to bat for the impeached US president and throw away any reelection chances.


How rightarded are you exactly? Answer honestly please.

idk if im right wing or left wigng

The only two other countries in NATO that matter, Britain and France, will get involved. Even if just for the lulz.

France didn't get involved in Iraq II: Electric Boogaloo.

Trump is a fucking idiot that could have very well just started a war

where do these retards come from, how the hell do people believe america starts world war by attacking a non super power

you're one dumb mother fucker if you think russia or china is about to step up and attack america on iran's behalf, and otherwise not a thing has changed with america - middle east relations

nothing screams good leadership and military skills like attacking a huge super power and economic and trade source for ur country over some useless desert country that had it coming

how the hell do people believe america starts world war by attacking a non super power

While they’re retarded, Poland wasn’t a superpower in 1939 either and yet

Poland was guaranteed explicitly by the UK and France, and Germany didn't have the reputation of the only military Superpower and 1 of 2 economic Superpowers in the world.

Yes but Britain and France were too pussy to stop the remilitarization of the Rhineland, which they said was a red line. Or the Anschluss of Austria. Or Czechoslovakia.

There’s no reason to think their guarantees meant anything.

Well, to your credit, UK and France didn’t even properly try to fight Germany until they were done with their “snack” of Poland - shameful, really. But I believe that the official guarantees were at the very least a casus belli the two could use. And then Germany just opened up on Russia, then Japan fucked with America’s boats... My point is that the situation in 1939-41 was much more dire than what we have today, much more of a breeding ground for a world war.

I mean they had a casus beli ever since Germany broke the treaty of Versailles.

And so is today. You have China’s imperial ambition, Russia’s already annexed a part of Ukraine. The US relations with the ROC vs the PRC’s plans to invade is another point where WWIII could happen. But I wouldn’t hold my breath for Iran.

Well, exactly. The flashpoint just isn’t there, China’s shit is too financial and covert to start a war over and Russia’s Ukrainian adventure is over (the rump states are still there, but Russia has no more official affiliation with them).

China’s current actions, yes. But they do have public plans about the invasion of Taiwan. That would be the flashpoint if anything, in my view.

I wonder if they’ll ever follow through with it.

Taiwan isn't happening for atleast two decades or more.

They would certainly try if they weren’t permanently caked with a mess of internal issues.

Britain and France werent ready to fight in 1938

They weren’t ready in 1939 either

This also isn't genocide but a car blowing up. Why would you even conflate the two.

Fun fact: for most (all?) of WWII, the Allies considered the Jews as only one of many victims of the war. In their eyes, Hitler's biggest crime was to conquer other nations.

Watch Casablanca (1943). The movie mentions refugees and concentration camps, but not even a single line about Jews.


The general died in a vehicle


Ok zoomer

leave him alone, he'll be at war soon

Probably because there were no superpowers in 1939.

Go on

Not to mention having a hostage crisis isn't something that could potentially start a war?

Especially when it's these dumbfucks?

If we capture the flag and bring it back to our base, we win right?

G*mers are a pox on humanity.

That's how 4chan beat Shia tho.


Isn't his like the 3rd or 4th time Reddit / Twitter has decided that WWIII was happening because we America'd some shithole country in some totally unimportant way? I feel like they do this ever 8 months or so whenever North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, some other whogivesafuck country gets uppity for a week or two. I swear this WWIII meme is at least 3 years and multiple different countries old at this point.

Yes. The only time I’ve been impressed by rightoid writing is when that one dude pointed out that the western world uses WWII as a creation myth. We want a massive conflict to feel as if ‘history’ is progressing.

Basically, western society is sick and we are just waiting for the boom so that we can redefine ourselves.

I'm just waiting for the boom that takes us back to the stone age where we deserve to be

I agree 100% 😤. Humanity needs to be once again under the rule of the great ones 🦖

Yo link it

Ironically, using war to rejuvenate your country is literally fascism

Tbh I don’t remember half of it, and the only parts that stuck with me were that bit and a few others. I tried to find the bit for you but no luck, lol. I think in part 2 maybe.

Ironically, using war to rejuvenate your country is literally fascism

Yeah, I think the overall point was fascism necessary with a hefty dose of trans-humanism at the end. Maybe.

Quintessential reddit first thing that comes to mind is Iran wiping out their student loans. How the fuck does that even happen in your brain

latte-sipping liberal arts students are in deep debt after paying for 4 years of some meme science or sociology degree

Season five of Mr. Robot lookin tight

Median student debt is $16,500 and the average college grad makes almost twice a worker without a degree

It's just the upper middle class whining

Cheerleaders for failure

I love my country. I really do. Downvote me, losers. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. WHICH IS THE USA BTW LOL

i could take and leave USA tbh no real opinion for it eitherway

Yeah idc as long as it's a first world country. Send me to Canada, whatever.

So many people wishing automod a happy cakeday :/

Imagine losing to Vietnam and still think you're capable of winning wars 😂 The age of Burger is over, inshallah

Yeah all the morons in this thread are all retarded.

"Lol what is Iran going to do?"

Iran cyber attacks our completely unprotected power grid, crashing the US economy.

Morons: 😱😵😱

Iran is attacking us by downvoting the lolcows.

I take it back, nuke the fuckers

Inshallah the Imam worshippers shall be punished.

member that time america lost a war game against iran

I don't think most people here could even spell asymmetrical warfare, much less know what it means

i dont know what asymmetrical warfare means but i bet it would be pretty good drama


That war game was fucking retarded lmao. It was just for the military to get more money. It had the Iranians use motorcycles to travel the world instantly. Someone had a good writeup awhile ago here, dont know where it is

i read an article on it for like 3 seconds and it said our powergrid is safe

did u read any articles?

did u read any articles?

Sir this is r drama






After three quarters of a century without a solid US win pretty reasonable prediction.


Yet we beat the Soviet Union in the bigger picture.

Are you rigging Soviet elections?

Gulf War 1 doesn't even count because Zoomers weren't born? 😔

If you had to go a second time, you obviously didn't do such a bang up job the first time around.

Honestly if they managed to nuke the silicon valley area and then US nuked them back, it would be a net positive.


Worldnews is in a meltdown over this. I absolutely love when their little bubble gets popped.

I can't find the thread anymore but yesterday there was a comment with over 2k upvotes on how Americans would hand over Trump to Iran in a heartbeat if they could, and they were 100% serious.

I pray Iran does something retarded and Trump launches more attacks.

It will be absolutely glorious.

I don't see anything about Iran winning, people are just bitchint about another useless war, which it is.

/r/worldnews plebbits don't even have it right. It's done yearly when mourning for Imam Hussein.

is that the guy who did 9/11 or our US president?

Drone assassinations are war crimes. Bush used to do this shit, then there was an eight year lull where I think it stopped it's not really clear, and now trump is doing it???

8 year lull. Imagine believing this.

I didnt hear nothin about it!

Let’s be real, if Iran and USA had a 1v1, it would just be another Vietnam, with no side able to win fully

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middle-aged suburban liberal in the south

Imagine my shock.

I hope trump nukes iran just so redditors and twitter retards screech some more.
