theory about fascists and commies

8  2020-01-05 by drugsarecool419

ok so i was looking through /r/opioids ans other druggie subs and looked at some of the political demographics of shit and it all added up

cities are mostly zonked up on opioids which is why its all leftists

-this is why most leftists get very angry easily, its just the opioid rage

-why they lack any sort of sex drive

-too busy nodding to actually argue so they just say go read theory

-zonked up on drugs makes them think the best of their system and other ppl

-want free money to buy drugs

-drug dealer robbed them so they are anti gun


-absolutely no empathy from drugs

-why they are extremely paranoid about jews and religious, too many 7 day binges causes long term damage and autism

-why they are into cat guy traps (very horny all the time)

-why they sound mentally unhinged 24/7

-hopped up on drugs, can and will argue with u over the dumbest shit for days straight

-paranoid and scared so pro guns

-why the south (amphetamine americans) is full of rightoids

this can effectively explain all of american politics and most of it boils down to which drug they are currently hopped up on

i dont have a degree in political science or anything (lol) but i am constantly hopped up on drugs


I think it's plain old retardation on both sides

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Check out r/dph and r/ambien 😳😳😳😳

/r/dph is too brain dead to have any thoughts about politics and /r/ambien is 100% racists

it is known fact ambien makes u extremely racist