It's a greek suffix for hatred. It's used by people who are so woke that they find the term "homophobia" ableist because it demonizes people with the real -phobia anxiety disorders.
How much has this sub's demographics shifted that a screenshot of some rando defiling an g*mer celebrity's honor is upvoted? Anybody who has strong opinions about pewdiepie deserves a permaban
Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(
58 hoesmad4 2020-01-05
It's a transgender furry, all of its opinions are irrelevant
31 clubby789 2020-01-05
Everybody gangsta til the YouTube animated furry avatar crosses its arms
1 [deleted] 2020-01-05
28 Gfuel_Sam 2020-01-05
he is right you know
Pewdiepie got rich of autistic kids obsessed with minecraft and then he converted them to Crypto-fascists
15 calciumhypochlorite 2020-01-05
Incredibly based.
2 CapeshitterCOPE 2020-01-05
22 Thiccacu 2020-01-05
Said by a furry. Nice
17 ashleychudd 2020-01-05
Pretty sure hate and racism is the only way to make it these days.
5 devotedrat17 2020-01-05
naziposting homophobe is always gonna get more views than pro-tranny positive yotuber no.356328.
9 CommissarCletus 2020-01-05
imagine my shock
6 SendWhiskey 2020-01-05
Felix would have a field day on you being a furry and trannie. Not even the safespace admins at YouTube give a fuck about his views. Calm down
4 dramasexual 2020-01-05
anybody who uses the -misia suffix is on the bleeding edge of the wokest wokery
7 OrangeManCostume 2020-01-05
Literally never heard of that one.
Apparently it has to do with a singer or something, that's the best that google will give me.
6 dramasexual 2020-01-05
It's a greek suffix for hatred. It's used by people who are so woke that they find the term "homophobia" ableist because it demonizes people with the real -phobia anxiety disorders.
If you're looking for motivation to kill yourself
3 600_lbs_of_sin 2020-01-05
4 kermit_was_wrong 2020-01-05
Imagine giving a fuck about some youtuber
4 snallygaster 2020-01-05
How much has this sub's demographics shifted that a screenshot of some rando defiling an g*mer celebrity's honor is upvoted? Anybody who has strong opinions about pewdiepie deserves a permaban
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2020-01-05
Yeah but seriousposting on how a famous YouTuber is totally a fascist is pathetic
2 SnapshillBot 2020-01-05
Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 froggydreams 2020-01-05
P*wdiepie is beyond fascist, hes a double secret reverse crypto bionic fascist. Brought to you by Honey(tm)