Femoids don’t like hearing sensical advice on how to prevent no no entrances

1  2020-01-05 by Llamayoda


Daily reminder that ALL moids are rapists.

Yea and?

Humans are mammals and like all mammals, we change under a full moonlight.

Fathers should tell their sons not to rape!! Thats it

Rape won't happen if fathers tell their sons not to rape

Rape apparently has skyrocketted but also at the same time, the number of single mothers has also skyrocketted.

Obviously this means single mothers create rapists.

Thanks for cooming to my TED talk.

You gotta have a father to tell you that I’m the first place though. Foids think that rape shouldn’t exist and would rather pretend that it doesn’t than take mostly reasonable steps towards preventing it from it happening to them


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  1. Femoids don’t like hearing sensical... - archive.org, archive.today

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