My boi Tarantino got two awards 😎

1  2020-01-06 by aduketsavar

One in best musical or comedy film and one in best screenplay. Pretty sad he didn't get the best director but life isn't perfect. Also Brad Pitt got best supporting actor with OUaTiH, which was a great performance. I'm surprised The Irishman didn't get any awards at all.


I watch that film a couple days ago and wow he really doesnt care to hide his foot fetish anymore. I mean he's kinda shoving it in the viewers face which is kinda based

I think it’s more like he is embracing the meme. It was so excessive and all over the place, it smelled of parody.

There were also a couple of shots of DiCaprio that were like remakes of famous image macros of him, mainly during a western scene where he looked exactly like the old squinty eye Inception meme.

The opening scene of Death Proof is literally 5 minutes of feet

I don't understand how anyone can be attracted to feet. Like what the fuck? They're feet. They literally have nothing to do with sex. They're as far away from the genitalia as ears are. I don't get why people want to fuck them.

I'm surprised The Irishman didn't get any awards at all.

Rehash of every mob movie with kicking ass physics borrowed from Minecraft is not exactly the beacon of film making.

Some dogs should have been left laying in the 90's

mob movies are still 100x more entertaining than capeshit and half of the other movies that are """good"""

It was pretty ridiculous that Phoenix won best actor but joker didn't win best picture, which instead went to a movie not even yet in wide release???

For some reason people LOVE war movies. If a war movie nominated in a category it will surely win that.

I’ll see it, but I hate WWI depictions. You can’t have a protagonist in those movies, it’s just not honest. People still think those “creepy WWI veteran” clips are PTSD, they don’t realize that’s actual brain damage from proximity to shelling.

Every war film glorifies war and violence. It's just something that you have to accept.

Non-feetcels in shambles

One in best musical or comedy film

Adding a couple of jokes to a movie shouldn't allow it to be considered a comedy.

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