Space western cuck makes another poor life decision. Which one is worse?

1  2020-01-06 by capthazelwoodsflask


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Why doesn't he just call him his step-son. Why call him "my wife's son". If you're at the point of legally becoming his father I think calling him your step-son is the least you could do.

Because he either knew the bait will signal in retards or he finds calling himself a 'step'father too masculine.

Eitherway, it's memes to reality

That just doesn't sound as lame. Honestly he should just call the kid a foundling and try to make it sound cool.


I don't wanna be a cuck but if some chick said she had a litter of kittens that she got from her ex-boyfriend I wouldn't hesitate for a second. The moral of the story is that kittens are way better than human babies.

When kittens grow up, they just would prefer to kill you. Humans just leave you in a retirement home wasting away

The only child I'm gonna trust with my DNR is my furbaby. 😒

Cause they're gonna bat that shit under the China cabinet and it'll be lost forever

Wow don't say that. My wellbeing is pretty important to my children. It's like #4 where #1 is chopping the heads off of birds and playing with them while they're still alive.

I can't believe what a cuck you are. A real man would throw those cute cuddly kittens into a burlap sack and toss them off a bridge.

le heckin' kitto

Puppers > Kittos

Except The Mandalorian rescued his baby from bounty hunters, he didn't marry some post-wall space THOT and offer to start paying the bills for her kid. The only parallel between this guy's situation and The Mandalorian's is that their "sons" are a different race to themselves...

Also, I'm under the impression that Bob fett or whomever wasn't pressured into being a caretaker by the only person to show him affection.

Also Baby Yoda isn't as ugly as su goblino.

I think this is a safer bet than naming your kid Khaleesi.

Rian Johnson directs Season 2

Please god no.

Watch Knives Out you disgusting cuck

Hell, watch “Ozymandias”.

Read "Ozymandias," good poem

He did that episode too? Nice. The reason TLJ was so shit was because of three things; Rian Johnson tried to enforce the moid bad narrative, he was given no shit to work with besides following a rehash of ESB because that's what Jew Jew setup, and he tried to subvert Jew Jew's shitty mystery boxes.

Imagine choosing to be western. Why not move to Ivory Coast like a basedking?

They'll understand me in Liberia.

0 respect for men who raise another man’s kids

redditor since: 2007

100 respect, you are truly a warrior my son

le Digg refugee

Digg died in like 2009 I think

hol up, i dont think theres anything wrong if youre like 50 and you got some of your own kids or you finally got tired of chaddicking hoes so you settle down with a step family

i just dont understand how these 24 year olds settle for these hoes and their spawn that barely just left tyrones urethra lmao


If you already have your own kids and failed marriage, finding a foid in the same situation and combining families is fine.

But if you are young and have not started your own family yet, marrying some whore who's gotten tired of getting railed by Tyrone and wants some loser to support her and her fatherless kids is absolutely pathetic.

Imagine getting married and having a kid and it being your first kid but not your wife's first kid. Totally missing that experience of first time parenthood with your wife.

It's so pathetic it unironically makes me seethe.

And then you hear it from all the wokies that not wanting to date women who have kids when you dont have any yet makes you an incel and hate women. No I just want my family to actually be my family and to have those experiences with my wife

And yes I married a childless women and we had our first kid together so I do practice what I preach.

lol where did this logic come from?



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That post is like molesting cripples. Touching, but lame.

That’s not what a cuck is you ignoramus

I agree, that's just a Redditor.

wife's son

He's adopting him which could mean it's a widowed or divorced girl


Cause people can remarry after their partner dies or they get divorced

Shut up cuck

what made you so upset sweaty

Need someone to change your crinkles?

He should just eat a kid like how male lions eat the cubs of the previous leader of the pack.

He should just eat a kid like how male lions real chads eat the cubs children of he previous leader of the pack their cucks.


I mean, according to nature it is.

The cuckoo bird leaves its egg in another birds nest, tricking it into raising the young cuckoo.

That’s where the term came from. Another man having relations with your wife is a very modern and not accurate ‘definition’.