Gamers discover 40%

1  2020-01-06 by FearOfBees


user reports:
1: incel shitposting, not even drama

Tru. Deleted.

Natural Selection lmao

Gamers talking about natural selection 😹

That's a good game!

Pot calling the kettle negroe.

dude nigger lmao

Did you just copy my line

Says the Drama-tard lmao

Video games are the number one reason for the downfall of western civilization.


This is a good title although not much drama

Give it time. it will be posted to ahs, gcj, topminds etc.

an uncooked chicken is uncooked, doesn't matter if it will get cooked in the future, I stand by my statement

Wut just cook it and deepfry that shit

Can you make an effortpost on AHS about how r/GamersRiseUp has been taken over by unironical g*mers? I'm at work right now and can't be bothered to log into my lefty alts.

We probably won't even need to. r/AHS has had it out for r/GRU for a while and insulting their sacred people is definitely gonna rile them.

Post the drama when its ready reeeee

There's a lot of downvoted comments on the bottom!

The current dynamic in that sub is fascinating.


Oops, I came to your sub and I made another mess 😏. Clean it up Jannie 😎.

Clean up the mess I made here 🀣🀣🀣


FOR $0.00.



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Thank you for your service. o7

What the fuck does this have to do with gamers rising up

It's about trans ppl rising up

I smell CAfugees in there. Does anyone have a link to that smug AHS post about how banning a toxic subreddit disperses the troublemakers off-site, and definitely doesnt just make them relocate and repurpose other subreddits?

Containment boards exist for a reason, banning them so you can feel good about "owning the nazis" is short-sighted and counter-intuitive

Even if it was a CAnimal, you gotta admit that shit slaps

Did they just find out about this joke

At the risk of being called 'un-based', I think that GRU is losing its charm. I like the edgy posts because it's funny seeing fat heads argue about Poe's law or some bullshit but the memes aren't very gamery anymore, just generic righty memes which are already all over plenty of other subs. /r/gangweed is still good, though

You sound fat

That may be so but I'll have you know that it's because of a complication with my penis reduction surgery (which I needed to have because it was affecting my posture) that left me bed-ridden and with a slow metabolism so there.

Men are 4 times more likely to kill themselves than women, so let's make fun of them for it... Does it feel good? People need some empathy.

It’s funny when anyone suicides

You should be funnier.

I'm planning to make a youtube channel, where I go to a forest in Japan, where many people off themselves, and I will laugh at their corpses, and I need people like you to help me with my channel. I hope noone else did it before me.


It's over for moidcels.

does it feel good?


True, men are retarded, they can't do else just mansplain, and mancomplain. It's time someone makes fun of them.

and kill themselves lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Are the trannies okay?

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