/r/books thread on dead rapper who read books gets y'all'd after clueless honky expects standards when it comes to education

1  2020-01-06 by newcomer_ts


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Dont say bad thing about black people 😡😡😡😡😡

Hiphopheads in shambles

Gangs would actually be more like men’s club lodges found in white communities if they weren’t constantly being hunted by police for sport and for-profit imprisonment.

Hot take

A those old white men dealing crack at the corner and popping their rival Rotary Club members in a drive-by.

Dude was replying to someone describing education level attained by Cardi B

She attended the Renaissance High School for Musical Theater & Technology, a vocational high school on the Herbert H. Lehman High School campus, where she was in several AP classes.

She also graduated Cum Laude from Robbajohn University

haha cum


That's a fucking meme school lmao. Also AP Classes are easy if that's all you have to study for.

Because Sowell’s theories have been widely panned as not supported by fact.


It doesn't get more based than this.

To be fair Nipsey is like a rightoids capitalist's dream apart from the being black part

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  1. /r/books thread on dead rapper who ... - archive.org, archive.today

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