Someone tries to argue that women aren't angelic perfections brought down to earth, and points at /r/FemaleDatingStrategy. Luckily this misogynist is quickly corrected by Reddit: "Actually FDS is covert psy-op warfare done by militant incels."

1  2020-01-06 by PaidToOpinionate


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Phew that was a close one. Almost thought a woman did something bad for a second

Incels are playing 13D chess. It never even began for people whom have sex

Almost thought a woman did something bad for a second

Yikes, maybe you should not be an incel. I bet you cant please a woman in a bed.

That’s something an incel would say😬 sorry to break the news to you this way

Have sex, incel

You should be sent to prison for even thinking that. Women GOOD.

So, I know that /r/Drama is essentially the incel capital of Reddit, but I'm going to try and break this down for you in a way that your male brain is able to process and understand. Don't worry, I'll use small words and type slowly.

In general, 99% of these "femcel" subs are just male incels (I won't use the term men, because they aren't men) pretending to be what they believe is the caricature of 'the average bitter woman.' This caricature is in itself a myth, but I'll touch on that at a later time.

This isn't speculation, it's a fact. Full stop.

First of all, they use the exact same terminology as incels. Not only do they speak and sound just like incels, but they often parrot the same talking points. I've tracked hundreds of these "femcel" accounts and their manner of speaking lines up perfectly with the incel community. I've run thousands of comments through my Incel Excel spread sheet and the style of speaking is almost perfectly identical. Still following along? I hope so, because we're not even close to finished.

Second, studies have shown that women are, in general, more intelligent than men, more empathetic than men, less emotional than men, and more reasonable than men. None of these traits are those found in incel / femcel communities. If these 'femcel' subs were real women, then they wouldn't be portraying the exact same characteristics as incels. Surely even you can understand that.

Thirdly, these communities display an intensely over-the-top bitterness that's primarily found in male Trump supporting incels. We see the exact same terminology and hatred towards 'the other' in supposedly femcel subs as we do in subs like T_D, CringeAnarchy, and the worst offender of all- /r/Drama.

This isn't a coincidence, and if your male brain has gotten this far into my comment then at the very least you should be capable of introspection and, hopefully, starting to question your previous beliefs about the fictional "femcel."

Hopefully you've learned something today.

mic drop

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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I'm convinced LongPostBot isn't actually a bot but just Barron Trump LARPing as a bot while dunking on nonpresidentialsoncels.



Gif of Beyonce clapping

Yaas qween!

gif of fat black woman snapping

So, first of all, I just want to say that I'm mildly pleased you were aware enough to admit your own personal flaws. That takes a lot of guts, and you came through- so on that front I'm willing to applaud you.

However, you still haven't fully acknowledged the fact that the "femcel" problem doesn't actually exist because it's entirely due to male incels LARPing as women.

Until you actually issue a genuine apology you can't expect any of us to take you seriously or believe that you're arguing in good faith.

So, are you sorry?

Effortposting, banned.


Isn't a chunk of this comment out of IncelTears?



I feel kinda retarded for asking this... But your comment is a satire, right?


Lol I was commenting on how both incels and the ladies at FDS both seem to hate the opposite sex so much that they should all just fuck each other in the world’s most unattractive orgy.

Don't worry, I just linked your comment so the thread doesn't get limited as much. Voksul is the centre of retardation here.

Lmao no worries

no some would breed and then you just perpetuate the problem for the next generation

incels and femcels not having children is a mitzvah

wash and repeat and everyone will be Chad and Stacy

I'm not fully convinced FDS isn't a larp, but GC and TrollX are all too real. >v<

I think it’s 50/50 currently. Like all LARP subreddits the LARPers will get bored and then all that’s left are the ones who unironically believe the premise.

Haha that’s stupid. That would never happen to a sub like this though, right? Right? 😥

so where did the SRS founders move onto anyways




FDS only makes sense if you read it as foids discovering /r/theredpill and realizing they've been "plated" by psychology 101 idiots for most of their lives.

That's why their advice boils down to: find a guy that you can treat like a dog (dude dogpill lmao) and marry asap. And why they seem a bit older on average; I often see them mentioning being in their 30s-40s. And why their wiki is a feminized TRP copy. It's a coping revenge fantasy.

It's actually kinda sad tbqh.

realizing they've been "plated" by psychology 101 idiots for most of their lives

To be fair realising that this has been done to you by this kind of mook must break a womans brain

must break a womans brain

small, bird like thing that it is.

I like small birdlike things ^_^

chirp chirp

It's 100% real because their posts are near mirror images of r/sugarlifestyleforum.

That sub is fucking crazy lmfao

Every night I come closer to the truth Allah teaches about women



Its like gender critical never existed to these people

It doesn’t. Average redditors have no idea what anything outside of default subs is. Shit until IT took off these threads would have a ton of “what the heck is incel???” comments at the top.

fuck both average and non average redditors


It's like when you leave the house and realise a good 98% of the stuff being seethed about online has no relevance in daily life.

Over for a particular Brazilian maths symbol loser.

you must never respect a woman

TFW you’re so scared of incels they become the new Illuminati.

Redditors are subhuman😒😒😒

Actually FDS is covert psy-op warfare done by militant incels

Honestly, the chance that this is true is greater than 0%. But then again, foids lmao.

They use the exact same terminology as incels. There's always going to be some overlap, sure, but borrowing the entire lexicon of incel communities is a massive red flag. I'll also include meme formats and those kinds of mutual cultural references, too, in this. Because incel communities are so antagonistic towards women, there tends not to be significant overlap in the neologisms and weird terms fringe female communities use, or in the jokes formats that are popular there.

Incel propaganda is highly effective on the target demographic, it makes sense that they’d base theirs on it.

Femcels do the same thing, and that’s def not a larp. I have no idea why they do that, but it’s deranged to think women are incapable of having bad opinions.



Thanks for giving me another sub to binge read. I love reading subs from people so out of touch with reality. Makes me feel better about my shitty life.

which one uwu

Fuck, they figured it out.

Lmao your crush got railed while you were huddled in the corner pretending to be asleep


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  1. Someone tries to argue that women a... -,

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Tbh that's not all that unlikely. Not that cunty foids aren't all over the place, but FDS feels too much like moids larping.

A comedy sub with actual funny shit. Neet

Islam is right about women.
