The absolute state of feminism today. Islam vs. Women? - shrugs. What is a woman? - shrugs. Equality - not applicable to non-whites. 1963 - Gloria Steinam was hot, and petite enough to infiltrate the Playboy Mansion.

1  2020-01-06 by SandorClegane_AMA


Why does the western world make women less happy than when they used to get beaten most days?

Because they actually liked it but now deny it.

You have to understand that foids evolved to be dominated. In the ancient prehistoric days, your tribe would get raided constantly by other tribes and the moids would be killed off while the foids would be raped and assimilated into the new tribe.

your brain on evo psych

prove him wrong you can't

That’s the way god intended and I don’t know why we stopped.

No, not really. The motivation for that sort of behavior didn't evolve until agriculture times so it's pretty recent.

Chimps practice the same behavior without agriculture.

Chimps are both similar to us and quite alien, and natural limits on size of viable groups make the "kill all the men and take the women" mode of life difficult.

There was a huge variety of human societies, and certainly outliers in every direction - but by and large both the noble savage and "brutish and short" stereotypes of stone-age hunter-gatherers are just stereotypes.

in reality, pre-historic humans were basically soyboys who played switch all day while their wives had high powered corporate careers in HR

everyone is less happy because the things that made us happy in the past have been stripped away from us to be sold back at exorbitant prices

Yet she still doesn’t have any cleavage in that outfit. Really makes you think.

I don't see any meat hook either.

Daily reminder that the true goal of the suffragettes was to make everyone smoking.

make everyone smoking

Smoking what?


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Jesus fuck you're so boring


islam is right about women