Drug dealer daddy backs off of promise to eat his own peen.

1  2020-01-06 by Clean_lt_Up_Jannie


Lost my vote, a man who won't eat his dick because of a bet isn't a man I want running my country.

pathetic, he is 74 so his dick probably doesn’t work anyway, not much to lose there

if he was a true alpha he would actually do it and go down in history as the greatest madman on the planet, now he just looks like a boomer faggot who tried to shill bitcoin

Shit a 74 year old millionaire? HRT, HGH, and Viagra.


ok pussy

I'm going to have to rescind the mod invite

Lmfao. Compared to the Samsung S10?? Get real. Apple tech is 15 years old. It's a fucking Dinosaur.

Based and androidpilled

Lmao apple users are so cucked they have to jailbreak it to make it actually useful.

Never met an android user who showers daily. Somehow, they’re mutually exclusive things

Never met an iPhone user who can't keep themselves from cracking their screen.

Take a shower stinky

I'm not an Android user. Nice try though.

Pray that we elders, as a group, do not cull some sorry asses from our progeny, which for me, now, numbers in the 100's. Maybe I committed the sin of overpopulating.

How can so much chad fit in one body?

Wow, I guess there's no authority figures you can actually trust these days.

a ruse

and to think I once thought this guy was baste. sad

Fooling libertarians is incredibly based

I wonder if that man is happy.

He has a loving wife and apparently hundreds of kids. He also murdered a man and is running from several governments and is constantly on drugs.

So... idk probably?


Not very presidential. In his defense, he probably didn't think he would be alive at that point.

I'm not voting for this clown anymore

Eat the penis, John.

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Oh boy, this isnt good for buttcoin at all

I just noticed that he has a jojo anime avatar.