Starshit man says Trump bad, MurderedByWords can barely contain their glee

1  2020-01-06 by clubby789


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Reddit this morning: Ricky Gervais’ monologue was awesome! What a great point about how celebrity political takes are worthless


It’s even worse than the normal formula of

“unapproved opinion”

“lol shut up noun verb women will never love you xd”

have sex incel

Shut up, Hodor.

Yikes, educate yourself




nose gets rubbed in own shit

C.. cope




The rightoid bears are on parade!


Downvote all the meanies that post the truth.

I am a zoomer considering who to vote for in 2020, who is mommy?

Ben Netanyahu


imagine being this retarded

You know who else used to post this? Ed. 🤔🤔🤔

Don't worry Ed's still here with at least 2 or 3 unfunny and stale meme accounts (basically someone comes up with a funny meme account, then ed copies it but tards it up in the process)


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And still is better than kang

Are you Kang?



What does this even mean



Learn to pronounce



used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.

"is this your bag?"


referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned.

"the company was transformed and Ward had played a vital role in bringing this about"



used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.

"don't listen to this guy"


referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned.

"there was a court case resulting from this incident"


to the degree or extent indicated.

"they can't handle a job this big"

Reddit is full of hypocrites


That’s hardly “murdered by words” it’s basically a rehash of every liberal celebrities dumb line.

That is just what the subreddit is now

Trump should not be president, but I don’t get the impression that most of those people have perfect intentions.

Additional soy from the replier’s profile picture

My mouth is open for this picture, but only ironically

lol gay


I'm actually growing tits after looking at it

*bigger tits


I will vote for whichever candidate who promises to imprison every person in that thread. May Allah break their backs without delay.

I can't believe these people sneer at The Lord Thy God as an imaginary man in the sky and then turn to the political advice of an actor based solely on the fact the fictional character he portrays is cool.

He also plays the Joker. Do you want to 5qke advice from the joker. I thought not


Imagine using Reddit on your phone instead of at a $10,000 gaming rig and not even proofreading

My phone is trash and I have a condition that cause poor hand eye coordination.

The fact that you might pass on your genes is a disgrace.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I'm mean and psycho enough that I'd survive before then. It's just that your execution would have been botched when I snapped your head off instead of hanging you.

Cope, you'd have fumbled and nicked yourself and died of tetanus as a child.

Wow your family letting the clumsy ones play with sharp metal really explains a lot about how you turned out right?

Papa never got off his drink to go mow the lawn and pull all the scrap out of it so you could play sports and learn your still clumsy

Poor and retarded got it 👍

Good on you for not caving and buying a $1000 phone

Go use a computer, tard.

“Lmao, god is imaginary”

filters everything through the lens of Hollywood fiction

Who cares about the opinion of a man who got cucked out of his own franchise

Him and his entire family was killed and their name stolen by the granddaughter of his enemy lol

That's what happens when you don't have a plan for the trilogy.

That wasn't real sweaty

Couldnt Rey Skywalker be seen as Luke and Leia's incest child but not really incest since they are her only parental figures.

So we can conclude that Han got cucked by twincest.

No, Han's also her father figure, Luke's just a peasant who became a warrior

Rey literally spent her entire life as a outcast scrapper and the only person she actually ever once talks mechanics or her childhood with is Han.

Like i'm pretty sure she's so ride or die for her replacement daddy when Han says X stuipid plan you'll have to trust me on instead of going uh what like Han or Leia she just is like fuck yea let's hyperdrive from inside the hanger

So you're saying she's reverse jesus?

Instead of no parents, she has too many.

Don't bait me into effort posting about Rey, the spark the old movies captured was updating classic tropes for our modern age, it's the hero's path that Disney spent years learning to market, why they bought them.

New movies are just how not to tell a story 101, I could talk a yarn about walking out to check the mail and stepping in dogshit more entertaining than Rey who they didn't give enough development to

Before she literally moves rocks to uncover/save/bring forth her "fathers" Weapons

( The rebels who are actually horribly unsharpened and ragtag and the real test was her being strong)

with her "Mothers" guidance

They are just fucking up classic literally already written tropes it's horrific d Hollywood please

Just rant bro.

Who gives a shit if faggots think you're a faggot, faggot.

Besides out of RP, pretty sure some of us would agree.

CONSOOM and all that.

I never RP that's for nerds, my dad was a starwars fan and he's the coolest guy in the entire world, I merely imitate him and i'm cool as shit.

One of my friends was a huge Matrix fan in highschool, the first Consumer i'd met, real pure American could compete with the religious fanatics in his passion and did. Stood up into people all the time. got into Yugioh but literally only the one specific video game that imitated the English Rose Wars like the Matrix imitates classic works and used to Kiba bully the cardnerds without stepping over the line and ripping up cards and shit,was hilarious everybody loved it.

He's the prime market they wanted.

I felt so bad watching him react to shitty Orphus ripoff.


Trump is a Sith. This just confirms it




Bro I can't wait until we find out DARPA has been investing in renewable green energy that uses a pillar containing thousands of human souls like Sith

Can't. That's all they make now.

Imagine going to a cinema in CURRENT YEAR.

actively disapproved of by Luke Skywalker

oh no da light sowrf man :((( da forrcr man magic wizard man mott like me fictional noo me noo

There was a political compass meme (perhaps one of the originals) which had the very top-rightmost "authoritarian-right" corner set aside for "Pinochet and other sith lords".

I found this funny, and still do, and I am now seething at the insinuation that Trump is a sith lord, because Trump has much work to do before he is even 1/100th as based as Pinochet was.

Thank you for reading.

Oh no, please like me starshit man. I crave validation from wealthy elites

Mark Hamill is just mad the new trilogy sucked and is therefore taking it out on Trump.

Actor thinks his opinion matters, and his fans agree.

What else is new?

Murdered by words should be renamed

someone said something left-leaning towards someone I disagree with

Lmao imagine being a space wizard instead of a woke JK Rowling wizard.

5 years, wow! Thanks for all of your support and to the people that have made this possible, including the people behind,, Pushshift, removeddit, etc :)


  1. Starshit man says Trump bad, Murder... -,

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This is why Anakin is better