Redditors mad that dudes don’t want their daughters to be whores

1  2020-01-07 by Llamayoda


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What happened to the good old days of just telling your daughters boyfriend you have a lot of guns and know how to skin a deer blindfolded?

Owning a gun is problematic and a sign of toxic masculinity meaning you have a small Peener. Also means you are a rightoid and a Nazi who perpetrated violence against minorities. Educate yourself sweaty.

If you don't own a gun, then the nazis win... Literally, that's how they won.

Who cares smh

Hymen checks are not an accurate way to test for virginity.

I've tested quite a few, and I say you're wrong. I'll get back to you when I get a significant sample size

(X) - Doubt

And trans women are real women. Question the source. You understand why this bullshit was spread by the medical industry. Because checking your daughters vagina is fucked up. However that doesn’t mean the hymen stuff is made up

literal abuse

5 years, wow! Thanks for all of your support and to the people that have made this possible, including the people behind,, Pushshift, removeddit, etc :)


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Le smug atheists have arrived 😎