Anarchofoid dumps her father's private files online before his body even has a chance to cool. More proof that raising a daughter is the ultimate cuckoldery

1  2020-01-07 by MoistLanguage


More than a year after his death


OP, why so retarded?

Maybe OP liked to wait for the corpse to turn to jerkey first before burying it.

Fucking it*

Look at daddy issues over here complaining about a dramatic title on drama

Does the NAP extend beyond the grave? Asking for a friend.

Pay the heavily-armed insurance company enough and it sure can

Non-aggression pact?

This happened well after his death. Even if it hadn't, there would be nothing wrong with her actions.

She didn't even speak to him before. She didn't know he was dead 1 month after he died.

She almost lost the custody of her child for being a terrible mother, that's why she hated him. She had no idea how his life was and yet, did it out of revenge. Make no mistake, she had no pure intentions in her heart, just revenge about something she knows nothing about. Not to mention she stole the archives from her mother's house (even though she is trying to deny it).

Read before commenting.

Imagine whiteknighting for a pedo.

Oh not at all but she’s just another scumbag, don’t pretend it to be different.

Your password is probably [imagine I said something about Game of Thrones here]. 🙄

Now where have I seen that face before...

oh yeah

Fuck that stupid-ass image template.

on the one hand i think it's funny

on the other hand it's a plebbit meme so i agree

Not even that. I see it and get incredibly irritated.

Sharper than a serpent's tooth is an ungrateful child.

Is that a lobster daddy quote

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Betrayed by his estranged daughter and wife lol

Also I looked up how she got estranged from her father, she basically went full retard and married a absolute loser who beat her while they lived a secluded life as hippy farmers, and the father told her daughter that if she didn't cooperate in the case against her abusive husband he would make sure the courts would give him custody over her children, and of course she elected to defend her shitty hubby


Wow, fuck her then.

If we're going to have laws of gerrymandering in NC, can we extend that to Maryland and Virginia too? I think districts that extend in a thin line across Maryland just to include DC Metro shows it isn't just one side doing it.

5 years, wow! Thanks for all of your support and to the people that have made this possible, including the people behind,, Pushshift, removeddit, etc :)


  1. Anarchofoid dumps her father's priv... -,*

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Not really drama, but I'm a lazy boomer soooo

Anything actually juicy with the leaks?


Lol cope rightoid