1  2020-01-07 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


I've been dumping unopened 24-packs of aquafina straight into the ocean every day for years, just to flex on the libs. Unfortunately, no one cares because I'm ugly and poor.

I agree but it might also have to do the fact that you killed your wife.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not actually Oscar. I created this account to celebrate the life and legacy of my favorite African athlete.

Also, he’s not guilty, but if he did unload 4 clips into that foid, she deserved it probably. What was she doing in the bathroom? Pooping? GROSS.

Chris gets cancelled like every other week whenever Twitter remembers that he's a Christian Trump voter.


He likes guns too.

But its okay because e-thots want to get their gussy pounded by him in missionary.

He's in a relationship

That literally means nothing to an e-thot.

No it means he’s validated by another woman and is even hotter

Women are like jobs, it's almost impossible to get a good one if you don't already have one

She doesn't have a Bull.

I think it's because he dumped that old mulatto foid for a younger biracial piece of ass on that show. The women like it because they see themselves as "quirky and weird" like her without realizing she was also thin and worked hard on her appearance.


They still wanna suck his dick but now angrily

this nigga gonna vote R so hard then party at Mel Gibson's and a-team a bitch with Vince Vaughan.

If mel Gibson became president, would he be more hated or less hated than trump?

President of Australia?

Of Israel of course


oh my god who the hell cares

This thing reads like a Babylon bee article

If we are canceling people over water bottles now I don’t know how these people step foot in a Costco. They have isles of single use bottles stacked to the ceiling. Libs would be losing it.

Lmao imagine paying for something that literally falls out of the sky every day, libs are right your dumb asf, no wonder you get baited by free samples, the only way your dumbass can hunt a deer

imagine buying water and using space to load it instead of a aquafina because your ground water's tainted with ocean salt.

Imagine being so poor you have to fill up a bottle every now and then.

Imagine thinking it's about money and not about boycotting Big Water

Imagine using the term “big water” in a serious manner.

Fuck off Big Retard

Aquafina is a great water brand. Top quality.

Its great for filtering shit vodka too

It's just a distraction from the real story which is him raping kids

I seriously thought this was a Babylon bee article

He was already #Cancelled. Problem is no one finds my girl Anna Faris attractive enough to care whether or not he did her dirty to give him more than a goldfish's attention span to him.

I'm not going to get into that but he didn't do her dirty

Morphing into Chad overnight and leaving your B-list foid to shack up with the seed of Schwarzenegger is not "doing anyone dirty," it is simply the will of Allah

She's had alcohol and drug problems as well

Well get in the fucking car.

Let's be honest, judging from her facial features this is a multi generational problem.


...literally knock-off Cameron Diaz?

This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.



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What he should have said.

Boyega going rogue really is making me excited for when the first Marvel person gets themselves well and truly cancelled. Pratt and Evans always seem like they're right on the verge of saying something retarded.

Evans who?

Captain America, Anti-Trump Repub prime about to be cancelled iircc

what did he do?

Does it matter?

He named the Jew.

Why what did he do?

I once saw a Mercedes X-Class (a Mercedes pickup truck based on the Nissan Frontier, probably not available in burger-land due to the chicken tax) with a sticker on the back saying "MY CARBON FOOTPRINT IS BIGGER THAN YOURS".


It would look better on a real pick-up truck but those are pretty rare in Australia.

At least you got this great story out of it

If there are no pickup trucks in Australia, what do people jack up and drive exclusively on the highway?

Australia just doesn't do that.

We either went with Land Cruisers with air snorkels and shit. Or utes (low-riding pickups based on mid-size sedans) with 5L v8 engines that could do burnouts and donuts just by tapping the accelerator.

I guess the welfare system makes vehicles typically used for work unappealing.

Cool Sorry.

Why don’t you tell it to me again

I once saw a Mercedes X-Class (a Mercedes pickup truck based on the Nissan Frontier, probably not available in burger-land due to the chicken tax) with a sticker on the back saying "MY CARBON FOOTPRINT IS BIGGER THAN YOURS".

What's a chicken tax?

IIRC the EU put a tax on US chickens so the US put a revenge tax on trucks, so the US doesn't really import trucks (even to this day).


What a fucking monster. Get this trash out of here.

He made the fatal flaw of apologizing. Apologizing has literally never helped anyone who tried it ever. Because the point isn't to make you change, the point is to make you hurt.

You notice daddy Trump never apologizes for anything and he became president.


They've been going after Pratt since they noticed he was christian.


It was actually on his Instagram that it really caught attention when Jason Momoa said something along the lines of "I love you bro, but single use plastic? Really? Save the ocean." Or some garbage. Ironic seeing as he's apparently a motorbike enthusiast.

All these smoothbrains stressing about macroplastics while the ocean fills with microplastics. Theyre both dreaming if they think Frau Greta will spare them.

Lmao yes this is the biggest concern for people. Single use plastic. Thank you for saving us The Hillary.

Even that Somali Islamic warlord banned single-use plastic throughout his domain. If you cannot obey the will of Allah, why should I listen to you? I bet you don't do anything to help solve the problem which is the biggest concern for people (it's /r/drama, and the solution is obvious and final).

Mayos are the plastic of Earth.

Refill it.

Take that nigga job

Well now I know never to click on another link from the hill for any reason whatsoever again.

lol I thought he was gonna be wearing a Drumpf t-shirt or something but no lol he used a bottle. Current year.