The absolute state of libertarians

1  2020-01-07 by RerolledANewAccount


I was traveling through a small Louisiana town the other day and I told an overweight black waitress that my burger was too well done by saying "this thing is harder than a libertarian in a privately run daycare". She didn't get it, smdh

What does her weight or skin color have anything to do with it? lol

That's just my particular fetish. I omitted the second part of the story (namely where I furiously masturbated in the parking lot after leaving) for clarity.

Well I would appreciate if you included the full story next time. This part is really important, you know, for context.. Did you take any pics? In the parking lot I mean..

So you could understand why she didnt get the joke,

What? So, black/fat people cannot be authoritarians? lol it must be a nice place you live in..

Leftist only see race and sex because they have power fantasies constantly running thru their minds and it bleeds into real life so much they end up thinking they’re the race or sex from within their egos projection of their inner self which is usually a retarded loli

Leftism is a mental disease.

That’s because libertarians aren’t pedophiles leftist anarchists like you are and your in denial irl but not when it comes to your porn history


I'm a right wing libertarian, dude. Laugh at yourself a little.

I wanna fuck your gma badly

She's skinny, so there's that.

12? Far too old for modern lolbertarians.


Year olds” and that’s exactly what libertarians are trying to do.

Funny, I don't remember trying to fuck anybody lol

Right-libertarian is the way to go.

I have read almost every libertarian book and in every one of them it was implied it's OK to fuck 12 year olds

You're thinking about it too much if you see this kind of things "implied".

However, if that really is the case, well.. I'm definitely right wing, but not authoritarian. What am I? My own political view I imagine. Isn't that what we should all be instead of defining ourselves through the large mass? It's easy to adopt an idea than to think one of your own I guess.

If you are a libertarian, you are a paedo, it's simple as that

Funny, I don’t remember trying to fuck anybody lol


I might be getting this wrong, I'm definitely right wing but I don't think authoritarian regimes are the way to go. So, the only thing left to me is to be a "volcel"? What does it means btw?

Voluntarily celibate. Are you really a lolbertarian if you don’t want to fuck kids? That’s like being a cis chapo or being a MDE that can read, it is contradictory.

Damn bro it's cool not to hold any strong convictions

The only unshakable convictions I have are that Somalians are subhumans and that you are a faggot.

I'm starting to think that libertarian may not be what I thought and perhaps regretting stating I was one lol. Would you mind explaining me what is a libertarian? I think the english term might not be the same as in Portuguese..

A “person” who thinks the government shouldn’t be able to pass/enforce laws banning pedophilia and heroin use.

Fucking hell how can that be even a thing? Maybe I was referring to progressive?

Hahahaha poor fella, he's fucking with you. Libertarians advocate for less government interference in people's lives, some going as far as anarchy (no or almost no government) while basing society on the "non aggression principle" and others just want lower taxes and fewer restrictions on things like firearms, drugs, tobacco, etc.. The NAP states that all forms of aggression are illegitimate and opposes policy like taxation, military drafts, or laws against "victimless crimes" like drug possession, assisted suicide, etc..

Well I definitely agree with the last part about victimless crimes. I also agree with fewer firearms restrictions and weed legalization (not other drugs though). I also agree with maintaining high taxation on alcohol and tobacco, I've lived in Australia and the extremely expensive prices of tobacco made me quit, which I am still grateful to this day. No military drafts should be something basic to humans right, this is no different than slavery. And Anarchy would make us neanderthals again. I strongly believe that the government should interfere as less as possible in the economy and let the free market regulate things. This way we'll always have a true reflection in price about how much value things have. The government should dictate basic rules for common harmony in our society, but should let the economy flow as freely as possible. I guess I am a libertarian after all, just not an extremist one. Regarding that paedophile stuff, I'm glad I didn't study Economy in the same place you guys did.. must have been a weird school.

I also agree with fewer firearms restrictions and weed legalization (not other drugs though). I also agree with maintaining high taxation on alcohol and tobacco, I've lived in Australia and the extremely expensive prices of tobacco made me quit, which I am still grateful to this day.

in other words

thanks daddy government for telling me how to live my life i couldn't have done it without you!!

you are a weak child and you deserved to die from tobacco induced lung cancer

Yeah as humans we have different kinds of weakness and strenghness. I know I can bet as I am addicted to the adrenaline it gives me. Same with other addictions, so I just stay far from it. On the other hand, I have great facility to study. I am a Financial Planner with a Masters degree, can speak three languages and have gotten scholarships in two different countries when I was undertaking my bachelor's degree (Business). Now tell me, strong adult, besides not smoking tobacco, what are you good at?

i'm not calling you weak for getting addicted to nicotine, i am calling you weak for thinking it's the government's job to stop you from smoking and to police what other drugs people are allowed to do, much like it's a parent's job to police what their children can do.

It ain’t their job but it is a way to generate revenue and save in health care. You know this is extremely expensive for the public system, right? You are allowed to do whatever but we can’t just let a bunch of people dying on the streets because of their bad choices. It will increase criminality and streets will be even fuller of homeless people. Therefore, the government has to spend in order to take care of these people and we pay the bills. See? It’s easy to propagate your ideology when you don’t have the economical knowledge. This kind of decision should be taken purely based on science and societal research, not in your utopia of freedom of choice.

is there any evidence that not having extremely authoritarian drug laws makes everyone get addicted and die in the streets? i seriously doubt it, because it's not even plausible and everywhere has extremely authoritarian drug laws.

people aren't gonna go crazy and become crack addicts just because it becomes legal to be a crack addict. the reason most people aren't crack addicts is because being a crack addict fucking sucks, not because it's illegal. people already do drugs if they want to.

just admit you really love daddy ramming his cock down your throat and telling you want to do, because that's what you really mean.

Ok you got me, I love it.

what are you good at?

You both ended up posting here


American ribbing humor is hard to understand even for Americans.

You're playing out a conversation in your 4th language about how smart you are and get baited into a emotional response to show your just like them, we've been doing it for like 300years for fun to each other.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Change the anarchist-left to 1312.

where's 1350 though

Guess that would fit with 1488.

remove the X axis boundary and its accurate

Can someone explain what all these numbers mean?

1917 - year of the Russian Revolution 1488 - 14 words+Heil Hitler 420 - dude weed lmao 12 - libertarian age of consent
