Troids rebel against the champion of their people when he suggests that trans athletes should have normal female testosterone levels.

1  2020-01-07 by 641232


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Of course tardfinn gets involved

Watching that moron transplain the finer points of law and medicine to actual lawyers and doctors never gets old. What a fucking imbecile.

Hilarious to watch him sputter at a doctor that what he's saying is "hate speech" and the doc doesn't even respond lmao

They locked the thread after posting their reply so the doctor couldn't respond to that comment.

the fragility of the troid. smh

SHE told me SHE had a PhD once. I'm assuming it's from Reddit University.

nah โ€œsheโ€ got a Pretty huge Dick

Oh really? ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Side note, I really fucking miss trappy.

What I find really irritating is the pseudo-intellectual style they use. Random quotes and big words, with lots of bold, italics, capitalisation, and other formatting strewn around.

this kind of Natural Law / Platonic Ideal of Genetic Perfection ontology

These are some words (always capitalised) they really like to use, because it makes them sound smart.

Also lol, they're claiming to be a retired scientist who's also spent 30 years studying the Nazis?

Narcissism is a hell of a mental illness.

It's an amazing combination of stoned logic, fever dreams and self-righteousness. SovCit arguments are more based in reality and correct than Barfy's average legalsplurt.

That guy never stops ANGRY posting ever. The HRT pills, anger issues and extreme autism is going to cause that doughy bitch nigger to have a stroke and die early, I imagine.


Actual doctor: "Redheadedness is caused by a gene defect."

Bardfinn: "That's exactly what the Nazis said!"

You couldn't come up with this level of mental deficiency if you tried.

Barfy has really reached the point where you can just point and say "This is what is wrong with reddit. People like this."

Next step: ya'all can't beehive. Thread LOCKED and I shall literally have the last word


Beating women and driving them out of their own sports to support hecking cute and valid enbies รบwรน

Is Bardy a lawyer or a scientist or a political operative? He larps as all three very regularly

Realistically, Barfy is an unemployed porn addict that smokes too much weed.

So a typical Redditor?

Bardfinn is absolutely not an attorney.

i think i saw them say they had a cs degree at some point, which isn't unlikely when they're a trans reddit powermod

doesn't explain why they feel the need to talk like they're an expert in literally every single fucking field though

Isnโ€™t that mod Bardfinn actually that Yaniv person irl?

Barfy is Yaniv's evil reddit twin.

No I read somewhere that theyโ€™re the same person.

I've seen rumors to the same. But that's all they far

Well a lot of people are saying itโ€™s true

Please please please be true ๐Ÿ™

Bardfinn did tell me she was a "she" once. She also said she had a PhD, which is so fake it's hilarious

No, Bardfinn got doxed and it's not Yaniv.

I am just so confused

Tl;dr trannies think that men competing is fair, despite men having incredibly obvious advantages over women pretty much across the board

You forgot to add that tardfinn was trying to argue against a doctor who specializes in trannys

But for what purpose?

Narcissism and overall delusion

So they /are/ real foids. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”


Sex and gender are seperate but sex also does not matter and doesnt exist you fucking bigot.

Tfw you realize you'll never hate women as much as these dudes ๐Ÿ˜ž

Hormones are a social construct

Lets see one female to male tranny do it the other way once. What is their reasoning on why we have not and will never see that shit happen.

Women are oppressed so you won't see them winning male competitions

Bardy From five hours ago:

closing down a subreddit is not and cannot be viewed as abridging anybody's rights

You expressed the exact anterior position w/r/t a subreddit you abandoned being reddit-requested, so forgive me if I cannot take you at your word, here -- because I cannot form a coherent worldview from the summation of your positions, except the worldview of "whatever frustrates my interlocutor the most".

This guy/girl/thing unironically pushes me towards going full 1488

This just proves that all mens sports are better than womens

Tennis, ice skating, volleyball tho

Tennis is a joke, some dude who was like #200 played the williams twins and beat them after golfing all day. Ice skating, who gives a fuck? And Volleyball the men have nicer butts anyways


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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Imagine caring about bike shit, they better not spoil this controversy before the Olympics when we'll get peak drama if troids can compete. Normies don't care that much about these events, when some troid Phelpses every track event at once the drama will be amazing.

They're still telling the bald-faced lie that Caster Semenya is a woman with naturally high testosterone.

Somehow in 2020 weโ€™re still deluding ourselves the trannies are even people smh