Semitic screeching after Palestinian queen folds up their pride flag

1  2020-01-07 by unrulyfarmhand


Neither Israel nor Palestine are legitimate states.


Any country with nukes is a legitimate state. No nukes, no legitimacy.

So ((())) is a state then right 😉😉😉

Thanks to Ziocon Don’s new anti-semitism law, there’s a good chance she actually gets charged for this. They’re already suing the school for “letting this happen.”

YAAAAAS. We stan a Queen

On a related note, after seeing Iranians burning American and Israeli flags I always wonder where they get them from. Do they order them off Amazon and store them for yearly burning sessions? Is there a designated Israeli flag maker in every city? How does the government differentiate between someone storing an Israeli flag for future burning and a supporter of Israel?

Her tiktok is in the watermark and she’s callin israel out every day.

Also idk, I would order an israel flag to wipe my ass with it but it might get caught on my foreskin and rip it off, a risk I’m not willing to take.

I do find it suspicious that anyone who dislikes israel is an antisemite. Hmm.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Semitic screeching after Palestinia... -,

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