2003 called. They want their deep political literature back.

1  2020-01-07 by RedditAccount57


The unsettling truth - unsettling for those of us who consider one of the characteristics of adulthood as being some kind of mental development from childhood - is that, although the Harry Potter books are written for children, marketed at children and enjoyed by children, many of the real Harry Potter fans are adults.

Unbelievably based.

Sounds like a rotten' ol Slytherin muggle tbh 🙄

If he knew how bad things would become

I too pine for the days of Jedidiah Purdy's For Common Things being a warning rather than a reality.

He was right -- we're well past terminal irony now. There is no room in this world for anything but a studied refusal to hope or care openly.

if only the world had listened

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Based stuffy englishman

He's a literal (((libertarian))), which makes this article 100x better.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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