Iran claps back

1  2020-01-07 by The_Live_Ghost


Why not post the quote?

Sounds like he's backing down like a little bitch

I'd bet smart money that he says that the Iranians agreed to a peace deal overnight, knowing that theyd missed these shots

Iranians probably planned the assassination of their own guy.

That...makes some sense if the ruling mullahs want to buy more time against the rising discontent by indirectly offing one of their worst offenders, relieving pressure and inciting classic anti-Murica hate at the same time.

esp w 0 american casualties

Eugene Gu's kind words soothed Daddy's tempestuous heart.

Just like his fist did to his ex wife's face.



Enjoy the time ⌚ you have 🈶 left 👈. JUSTICE 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ IS 🈶 COMING. Tick ✅✅ tock.


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Oh god oh fuck





well that’s ominous

ok Wtf

Mashallah! They’re already hacking burger technology


Snappy has made us all orphans.

It was always too late.



I read about the Iranian cyberattacks but this is beyond.

Oh god oh fuck

its sentient


this is getting juicy

Resurrect dead on planet Jupiter

I need to report this to my FSO



Yeah, this didn't age well...

That’s a pretty big air base. I hope they didn’t blow up the green mountain coffee.

Do those rockets ever actually hit anything?

The media always call it rockets when it's a middle eastern country launching an attack to make it seem less sophisticated. These aren't the rockets that have been lobbed at Israel in the past, they're guided missiles.

They have less than 100 of these Fateh-110 launchers. It's a weird flex when the US alone has more than 100 launchers of the far more sophisticated Tomahawk missiles within range of Iran at any one time. This is why the first night of invasion in Iraq 2003 looked like this:

That's just cruise missiles raining down, launched from already existing sources in the region. We never sent any extra missile ordinance. This will be Tehran if it kicks off.

I don't wanna bomb Persians. Their country is white than America. 😾

Make Iran 1970s Iran again!

Ah numerous atrocities against the Iranian people, but at least there's some cute girls in skirts in small sections of the capital!

Because the atrocities just stopped after the revolution, and there weren't massacres against 100,000s of people... Ah, religious fanatical communism... Bit of an oxymoron though.

Watermark is currently going through a Persiaboo phase right now.

Unfortunately this won't make them like fat pajeets on adderall.

I mean after seeing some of the pics I'd re-enlist if I could liberate some of them Persian cuties from their hijabs. I can even get them a skirt that says "Sergeant Daddy's Little Girl" 😋😋😋

Probably not the best idea to let the US run this show then.

Their country is white than America


Also then the Israelis and Saudis win. And I don’t want that.

Tell them to start acting like it, then.

Can't wait, tbh. I wanna see the Ayatollah get Ghadaffi'd. 🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

I'd have a Saddam hanging personally, pay per view that shit, get some of that tax money back.

That would work too. Mostly I just like the part where the dictator gets dragged out of a hole.

That look in their eyes too. Total look of devastation that hiding in a small cubby hole just didn't work, and all that discomfort was for nothing.

How did it turn out for you in these instances?

Was a disappointment, the camera cuts away as he drops then back to the dead body. We're bombing the shit out of Iraq for months hunting this guy and we don't even get a neck snap... The mob wants their blood lust sated!

I dunno Gaddafi got "sodomized with a bayonet on video.

I hope this all turns out for you just as well as it did in that case. 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷

Rightoid Drama commenter believes Raytheon CGI TV 'footage.'

With them pixels, I could have believed it was CGI made in Iraq.

That's just cruise missiles raining down, launched from already existing sources in the region. We never sent any extra missile ordinance. This will be Tehran if it kicks off.

LMAO, they'll survive it. Will our numerous aircraft carriers packed into the gulf survive it?

I assume so, I've only ever landed on a carrier twice, but they're pretty high up off the water. Those glorified machine gun mounted speed boats that comprise their navy, cannot do any damage to a carrier.

Iran's anti-ship missiles are not currently sophisticated enough to counter US aircraft carrier antimissile tech. I know you're gimmick posting, but I just hate when people get military tech wrong.


Because they're just not as advanced as our tomahawks. To bulls eye with a missile you can't fuck up a single maneuver with a missile that's travelling really fast, like at least 100mph. Our tomahawks are perfect. Their shitty Russian made Wal-Mart missiles over/under burn all the time and suck. They're more likely to hit another one of their generals than injure a US soldier.

Our tomahawks are perfect

They better be for a price of $1.5 million per piece.

Oh for sure, and those hi-def feeds of the bad guys being blown up from them. Worth every penny.

Worth every penny

Not if you talk about the costs of the PTSD treatment for our video game trained drone and missile pilots.

I was an actual pilot, there is a reason these guys never set foot in a real cockpit, let me tell you.

there is a reason these guys never set foot in a real cockpit

The Doritos dust from their fingers would clog up and destroy the electronic instruments of a F-35. In contrary to that, the xbox controller to steer a drone doesn't have this problem.

The Air Force wouldn't let us have Doritos, they'd have to settle for cheese balls.

Kinda pathetic with that kind of military budget. We had Doritos in the CAF.

Not a budget thing, they ban some really weird shit. Wait until you see military pets being walked in the pet areas with all their paperwork attached.

Probably some pissed off general that banned Doritos for whatever reason.

His wife ran off with a Frito Lay rep

I fucked your gf while you were away

Wow a sneakily subterfuging leftist who is proud of flouting all social norms? Well I never.

My wife is 7 years younger than me, so for the majority of time I was "away" you were pedo.

What'd you fly on? Osprey crew chief here.


I work for someone that did that when he was active duty. Softest handshake ever.



Though in context that's perfect a lot of the time for ME politics, where the optics are far more important than results. They need to 'respond', but that response doesn't ideally need to actually piss off the US, because that would result in a hugely asymmetric response.

Yes but I'm putting my faith in Dementia Daddy and praying for the Tomahawk-powered leveling of Tehran. Camera tech has really improved since Opening Day in Iraq and that footage is gonna look really cool.

Why the fuck would you level of a city with Tomahawks. If you want to commit an atrocity just use nuclear missiles retard. Literally all of your Tomahawks would be like a bee sting to Iran. Germany and Japan withstood years of firebombing that killed hundreds of thousands, Iran can withstand this shit. Americans are bloodthirsty animals, you want a war just for entertainment because Americans are psychopaths. 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷

Americans are bloodthirsty animals, you want a war just for entertainment because Americans are psychopaths


I feel like you're larping, but you're Watermark, so maybe you're actually that retarded. Regardless, WW2 Germany and Japan were far more powerful nations than modern Iran, and the USA's tech wasn't as advanced back then. A nuke would be spicy, but our tech is so good that we can take out their military without turning an entire city to glass.

Just one of those shitty anti-ship missile has to hit one of those aircraft carriers packed into the gulf, then you get to call the Persian Gulf your home for all eternity bruh. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Iran will survive literally all your cruise missiles.

You're really overestimating the capability of 2005 Russian engineering, compared to an enormous carrier that could probably withstand up to 10 of them. Newer carriers are wider with automatic bulkheads. Not to mention carriers are sort of irrelevant with all the air fields we have to work from, I mean Navy pilots? They're too busy banging each other to fly more than a couple a day.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Iran will survive literally all your cruise missiles.

Because no matter how much a pounding it takes, it will still be a shit hole? No doubt, but that's what the nukes are for.

Newer carriers are wider with automatic bulkheads.

So we have like 10-11 carriers, right? What do you mean by "newer" here? Like from the 90s and beyond?

Fuck man, I don't know. Ask someone from the Navy. I don't know how many of our carriers are the newer kind and how many aren't. I landed a Raptor on a carrier on two occasions, I'm not an expert on carriers, I know some things, that's it.

I was just curious because it's like a huge deal for China to have even two (ofc somehow Italy has one). Is it because they're so sophisticated or so expensive or so what? No asking you to answer, but our carrier supremacy is even more disproportionate than our military supremacy as a whole—I'm puzzled as to why.

It's power projection, the ability to launch multiple squadrons of aircraft on mission anywhere on the planet. Say the entire Middle East erupted in war, we'd quickly lose our air fields because we just don't have the ground power in the region to hold them against that size of force, in order to win any ground invasion with minimized casualties we need air superiority, to deny the enemy any aerial ability, so they can only engage us on the ground, while our troops are protected from the air.

Without airfields, carriers allow us to regain that air superiority and begin pushing into enemy territory, regaining air fields, so the air force can come back into play, and take pressure off the Naval fighters.

The sinking of Japan's carriers at the Battle of Midway is pretty much how the US gained the upper hand in the pacific, while Japan's carriers were in operation, the pacific assaults could never have happened, well, not without insane losses to allied forces.

I get all that. Sea lanes, wartime and peacetime.

I'm just surprised nobody else can afford it, I guess, especially these days.

They cost $13 billion a piece and the development cost $37 billion. That's just a drop in the bucket for China, though it's not accounting for the cost to maintain them. The planes to go with them add to the cost substantially, though. I suppose part of why China might not have/want more is that China doesn't really go to war with Middle East shitholes. The only wars China would get involved in involve NATO (mainly due to South Korea and the USA's involvement in their affairs), and aircraft carriers don't mean a whole lot when it's basically World War 3 between nuclear powers. So basically, China doesn't need to project power anywhere expect North Korea, which is their neighbor anyway.

Carriers are all about power projection. Unless you want to be able to project significant power far from your borders you don't need them. Helicopter carriers capable of operating significant rotary air wings and vtol/STOVL fighters are coming back into Vogue with the f-35 as a cheaper option tho. (Iirc what Italy operates is a helicopter carrier). It's worth saying that a carrier is also a national prestige thing. The royal navy doesn't really need or want a catapult carrier compared to a cheaper f-35b based alternative but it boosts the national pp.

because Iranians are retarded

Iranians are not to be trusted unless they have a solid Kia SUV with low miles that he could put you in today for less than you might think.

because Iranians are retarded

Didn't we just kill the dude that help defeat ISIS in Syria?

I don’t know I don’t watch the news

Who also fucked with our embassy

Based and 300pilled

Other than tomahawks most artillery misses in an order of about 10%

The things that Hamas use are glorified fireworks, these were the real deal. And LMAO at rocket meaning "less sophisticated", like is the Saturn V rocket unsophisticated? Stupid wannabe imperialist victim logic, you always do this, the media is always against you when at the same time it's cheerleading war nonstop 24/7.

Calm down watermark, you're gimmick posting too much. You're gonna give yourself carpal tunnel.

Wait, do you think i'm Iranian you dumb assuming shit? I'm from Canadian. I'm not a victim of them calling ballistic missiles rockets. That's wrong and dumb, and you're dumb for defending it and assuming my position when i was stating facts about the media. Go home you stupid imperialist.

When I was there we dealt with mortars so I don’t know

Definitely the natsec state isn't lying to you this time bro! All the fake news you are reading about Iran is totally real this time! Soleimani literally killed a billion people with his own two hands, all Americans! Trump said so and his generals too, and the president and the military has never lied before, so it's totally trustworthy! Just swallow the lies hook and sinker lmao!

They want their defense contractor profits, time to buy some Lockheed stock! Northrop up like 15% in a week man, what is that annualized? Like a payday loan off the backs of the American people.


Nah, dude was pretty based.

In 2006, at the height of the bloodshed in Iraq, Soleimani took a break from managing Asaib and its sister groups in order to supervise another Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, in its escalating war with Israel. During his absence, U.S. commanders in the Green Zone noted a sharp decline in casualties across the country. Upon his return from Lebanon, Soleimani wrote to U.S. commanders, “I hope you have been enjoying the peace and quiet in Baghdad. I’ve been busy in Beirut!”

this must be pizzashills alt

Whenever I see pictures of arabs, I always assume that everyone in the pic is named Mohammed.

Iranians are Persian.

Is there a difference? They are all the same to me in terrorland.

Is there a difference?

Persian women are hotter than Arab women.

They're both pretty hot but Arab women tend to be in trash bags while Iranian women usually just a headcover

Aren't they as hairy as the men?

In Antiquity Persians were just weird desert Greeks. Now they have too much Arab admixture. Might as well not be a difference.

The Greeks and the Persians both spent a fuck of a lot of time proving that they were very much not the same people. It's Anatolians and Greeks who were pretty much the same. (They still are, but neither the Turks nor the Greeks want to admit that)

Like there's even a lot of genetic difference between Greeks and Arabs lmao.

Persian ice cream is pretty good

You are wise beyond your dilf years. Let’s see a dick pic.

lol no


Persians are cryptomayos and their people trend towards being good looking.

These statements are contradictory.

Persian women shave their arms once a year as opposed to every six months.

Ahhhhh my thick skull is made to parse a slight difference among brown people, the mental anguish this causes me

There are a lot of persians named Muhammad

That's like saying rednecks and hicks are the same because they're in burgerland.

They're not the same too?

Iranians are white.

Iranians aren't Arabs. 😾😾😾

Many Muslims name their first-born son Muhammed or its localized derivatives like the Turkic 'Mehmet'.

That is why there are so many Muhammeds.

To be fair, isn't the name "John" still more popular, taking into consideration all the different spellings and localisation.

You probably know a few people named variations of John

John Mccain never got to enjoy this moment lmao

Y’all sonsabitches killin’ Iranians without me?

I am ready to die for Israel

Energetic but ineffectual young conservative operative Jacob Wohl


The first ten registered zoomers will have the honor to serve the US in the MAGA drone squad with Barron Trump as leader.

Its over for sandcels.

It's been over for Persiancels since the Arabs buttfucked them.

It's been over for Persiancels since Alexander the Chad cucked them

Zoomers, time to get your dab on.

Push the button daddy!!

Not yet faggot. We need some foreplay first


imagine thinking /drama/ knows what that is

I'm from Iran and I'm so fuckin worried! Wtf is happening? I wonder if trump decides to actually drop a nuke one day...

Retard think a first world country would drop a nuke in the 21st Century.

Trump is mentally unstable, narcissistic, and sociopathic enough to want to do it, but I still don't think it will happen.

I keep saying that and Daddy keeps proving me wrong.

Rebuttal: If he could nuke other countries on impulse, half the fucking world (and most of LA) would be gone by now.

Hopefully Dementia Daddy can't remember the launch codes

Do you live in a bubble? This guy doesn't even want to blow up 100 people never mind 100,000.

Daddy of Peace dindu nuffin

Tries to pull out of 2 countries


Drone strikes a military general


war criminal

Don’t lie, you didn’t even know who this guy was until daddy drone striked him.

People didn’t know who hitler was until he orchestrated the greatest hoax of all time but that doesn’t mean he still wasn’t a faggy little painter

Yes, Daddy is.

Just accept he's started a new war and embrace the bombs that are going to drop and bring this sub into a decade of growth and prosperity. The 20s will be good for drama.

Yes but he was a young man during the height of the Cold War. He should be plenty scared straight if the Bert the Turtle programming did its job right.






Actually, he’s a very stable genius

The first rule of Nuclear Diplomacy is that you never actually drop a nuke, but you should make everyone think that you might.

I don't think Trump knows shit about Nuclear Diplomacy but I 100% believe that that madman might drop a fat one if he feels like it.

I don't think Trump knows shit about Nuclear Diplomacy

He will just ask his uncle Dr. John Trump at the MIT for his take. Very good genes, very smart, very good.

I mean, the only reason right now that it won't happen is that some military dude says "No Mr. President, nuking Iran is not an option."

Try to leave it off of the list of responses at least


Down with America 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷

What does Mexico have to do with it?


Finally! Time to send them back to the stone ages.


I like the cut of your gib, soldier.

What's a gib?

My autocorrect deciding that jib isn't a word and correcting it to gib.

.. And you messed up the Simpson's line

Wouldn't have if I'd seen whatever episode of the Simpsons.

Neolithic tribes did not launch ballistic missiles at each other.

I will fuck your gf while your away

I'm too old and fat too get drafted but I'll be the only dick for miles, and I know military wives thirsty af

We have Skype and shit on base now you know.

So you can watch yourself get cucked in the bed and chucked when youre dead?

That actually happened to an airman once, poor guy.

Getting reports of a new wave of IRBM launches from Iran, targets unknown.

Confirmed 3 targets hit in Iraq: Al Asad, Taji, & the US consulate in Erbil.

I don't even know here to get actual news about this kind of shit anymore. All media is cucked, leftwing or rightwing.

Woke level 9000 based and clownpilled.




Because that chant normally works out.

LMAO I hope this is true.

There were Iraqi casualties actually, no American ones though.


RIP Iran. You had a good run!

Daddy is going to bed tho.

these sandniggas crazy 😮😮

This caused a mod of /r/TooCuteForPorn, /r/theratio & /r/SnowWhites to make a pinned post and start banning republicans? That's pretty funny, but the janny locked the post and deleted comments before things had time to escalate.

What a shock

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. Iran claps back -,

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Time to duck and cover, the bombs are coming down!



Iran said they were done, Daddy brushed it off. This sounds like theatre.

... and then an airliner gets friendly fired. Ffs.

Lmao imagine unironically using jpost as a source 🤮