Florida woman arrested for threatening to get McDonald’s sauce by any ‘means necessary’

1  2020-01-08 by WarSanchez


Garbage journalism, doesn’t even say what kind of sauce.

Here's the police report

Upon completing her order, McLaughlin asked for one flavor of every dipping sauce they have.



actually hot mustard is the correct choice

The truth is . Is going grocery shopping and making your own hamburger and making either spicy bearnaise sauce or hollandaise sauce for the chips. Since McDonald's is for the poor and the fat

Imagine not having an executive assistant do your grocery shopping for you. Or being so gauche that you'd make a spicy bearnaise and think that's some kind of flex.

It something you can make a lot of and store in the fridge for a while

sauced and McLaughlinpilled

szechuan sauce probably

She's a foid not a soy



Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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She’d get my sause you know what i mean lmao 😂😂😂

Care to explain?

Peculiar people whose life is either behind them, or have no right to have one ahead of them, preach moralism which often has nothing in common with true morality. They proclaim ethical laws that might be appropriate for a nunnery, but are entirely out of place in a modern cultural state.

What do you mean?

What did he mean by this?

“Mclaughlin further stated that she would be getting the sauce by whatever means necessary, however, could not specify what she meant by that.”

What did she mean by this??

Any means necessary except handing them a quarter?

Maguire Marie Mclaughlin

Around Micks, watch your dips

This is not what Malcolm X intended

So long as those means are not handing the wageslave a quarter.

Fuck that shit. While I love me some McD's BBQ sauce I'd rather get arrested than pay 25 cents for more.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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I think the only bit of joy in life that McDonald's employees get is telling people that they have to pay for more sauce.


Lol that's funny as fuck

Cop should have just bought her the sauce. 25 cents is a bargain compared to the cost of court.

Yeah, when you think of how much society has pay to deal with real criminals, it's a bargain to just get this drunk retard to go home and sleep it off.

That sounds less 'fear for my life' and more incredibly weird-ass porn intro.