Speedrunning troids are shocked someone with different political beliefs than them is allowed to run a game at their yearly gathering

1  2020-01-08 by SlimjobDopamine


tbh speedrunning is another one of those communities that seems to be either made up of entirely hardcore leftists/queer people or nazis with barely any in between

Because mental illness is mandatory to be a gaming speedrunner

Whats the prevalence of autism amongst transgenders again? This study seems to suggest transgendered kids are autism-adjacent at a rate of 12x the population norm but im sure a local troid enthusiast can correct me if thats wrong

Anyways, to the surprise of absolutely no one, autism is a requirement for speed-running excellence so certain groups are just more likely to hold an advantage

Autistic kids are vulnerable to recruitment.

Oh you don't fit in? You feel alienated? Alone? Uncomfortable in your own skin? Maybe you're a cute girl just like us! UwU

I don't have anything against trannies but goddamn, that shit about "eggs" is kind of creepy. It's like the conservative spiel about the gay agenda except it's completely real.

Conservatives were never wrong, just insufferable.

when it comes to rightoids, they usually are right in observations but are bad at conclusions, like yeah the crime statistics they pull out are right but that doesn't mean america should be an ethnostate or that you're better than someone based on your skin color. And they live in Mississippi or Idaho, those are already white enthnostates

Ethnostates are dope is all I'm hearing.

yeah if your life resolves around obesity and white trash

Someone has to be alabama.

Mississippi is full of black people though.

not american my bad


Give an autistic teenage boy a laptop and infinite access to lesbian and sissy porn and he'll be convinced he's really supposed to be a lesbian anime girl.

Kids need a solid buff role model in their porn with a good head of hair, thick vein and solid tip. That will teach them to be real men. Foids 🙅🏼

Can't get a gf? Become the gf!

Become the bussy you were always meant to get

I can’t wait for Smooth Buddy Week 2020!

I’m retarded plz hlp

If that was the case the majority of transwomen would be conservatives.

If I hadn’t learned to be suspicious of anybody that is nice to me, I could have fallen into the same trap.

Autistic kids are vulnerable to recruitment.

Oh you don't fit in? You feel alienated? Alone? Uncomfortable in your own skin? Maybe you're a lil' Nazi just like us! UwU

Based centrism


Also remember they're counting autistic men dressing as women as being the same as people with gender dysphoria. That probably skews the statistics.

What if you’re autistic and have dysphoria?

I dare say there's a not of them. The point is the currently accepted definition for "transgender" includes pervy males like Chris-chan as much as it does people who have genuinely suffered dysphoria from a young age.

Chris-chan seems to actually have genital dysphoria though. She said she wanted to remove her genitals as early as 2010, years before the Tomgirl phase. And there was that thing where she thought she was growing a vagina in her taint.

I'm autistic and I've had issues with my gender as early as 11. It was puberty that fucked me up, I was otherwise a normal enough boy before that.

for your sake i hope you're just LARPing this level of retardation


Unfortunately that account seems to be completely serious.

the guy who literally thinks video games are real and our reality is going to merge with dimensions where video game characters exist? yes i'm sure everything they believe about their gender dysphoria is 100% legit.

The problems you were having might have been autism problems and not gender problems.

I made Occam's Razor like assumptions first that there were more common explanations for feeling the way I was feeling. But no one talked about trans issues in the 2000s and so it never even crossed my mind. I tried everything else and the thing that makes me feel the best is being on female hormones.

Well shit bruh if feelings are your metric then estrogen is your fix.

he literally became transgender because his trolls kept telling him that identifying as a "lesbian-identified male" just made women think he was a creep instead of nonthreatening.

Ah yes the old debate if traps are gay.

Um, actually, having gender dysphoria is NOT a requirement to be trans you hateful truscum fuck. If you can't recognize repackaged transphobia you're either will- fully closing your eyes or you have been seriously underexposed to actual queer communities. I know reddit is teeming with people like you who think that exceptional gatekeeping is A-OK but quite frankly? I'm sick of it. I'm done. Y'all just tell me that bullshit like this is okay because it's only okay to accept queer identities that reddit pre-approves for you. I don't want a part in an ideology that would throw people like me under the bus the moment a bigot with an agenda and eloquence can convince you that a harmless orientation (note: HARMLESS bc y'all are so keen on using your slippery-slope logical fallacies to keep people on your side) is out to get you. It's two-faced shit like this that makes me so fucking desperate to leave this site the moment the right alternative pops up. All y'all are fucking hateful at heart.


Which part of New York do you live in?

Just checked out this person's history and they're a MASSIVE exclusionist. Doesn't want aces or pans in the queer community, doesn't think acephobia exists, doesnt think demis exist, 'queer is a slur ' type exclusionist (oh, but they're VERY vocal that they're not a terf or truscum despite participating in the type of infighting that causes the same type of damage both those groups of people do.) I'm sickened.

Imagine interacting like this without seeing a glowing ball of hate every time you look in the mirror.

imagine falling for this bait AND downvoting it smh private when

I can't tell if this is satire.

I know... Poe's law is hitting this one hard. If this was Tumblr I'd say it wasn't satire, but here on Reddit I come across a lot more people who are... Sane representatives of the trans community and while they may personally lean towards a less restrictive less gatekeepy diagnostic model, or even dropping the dx entirely and shift the model to entirely informed consent, they don't run around complaining about evil truscum owo.

I mean I hear asktg is like that but I don't venture there unless it pops up on my dash

I'm praying this is satire. You think I'm joking but you know how priests say they pray for people who have sinned; well this is that. I'm praying for OP's soul. The level of idiocy needed to genuinely post something like this and to believe it are breaking my computer that I read this on. OP, you are an imbecile. Either you can’t formulate a good satire text, or you genuinely believe this, in which case you need to get help.

I am referring to your post above.

I'm in my fifties and have been mostly housebound since my teens. The net is my window on the world - how it's ever possible for me to do any work, how I learn about the world without having to rely on the mass media for my news, how I keep in touch with the many friends I'm blessed with. You no damn idea what my life is like.

Or take someone I got to know years back who posts to Arlo Guthrie's forum. She lives in a very fundamentalist small town in Texas, and she's the only pacifist and vegetarian there she knows of. She lived all alone with her dream of gentle life, just inside her head, until she heard Arlo being denounced in a sermon, got curious, and looked him up. Now she has a real community, with folks who make things to help each other in times of need, from clothes and food to custom plumbing pieces and such.

And while I might (that is, I do) agree that Reddit can rot the soul, and I only post half a dozen times a year, I also see that it's crucial in genuinely saving lies for groups like Black Lives Matter.

I'll never be able to move through the world the way Kobek does. Maybe his thoughts are genuinely useful for people who can. Who am I to say? (Edited to clarify: that's not sarcasm. I'm trying to keep aware of the limits of my real knowledge, as part of staying something like sane and functional in this year of great shit.) But he seems incurious and oblivious to the rest of us, and how we deal with the world, the stuff we put up with for the sake of what we need, how we reorder things to fix the bad parts as we can, and like that.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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So you are saying that

1) Your life is harder than mine

2) Some rednecks in Texas don't like Arlo Guthrie

3) Reddit rots souls but saves lies

4) Some unintelligible rambling about someone named Kobek

OK, then. Good luck with all of that.

I've known I was trans since I was 7, my wife's doctor treated a patient who was 3. Research suggests that children’s concept of gender develops gradually between the ages of three and five

A study found that about 1% of 9 and 10-year old children surveyed self-identified as lgbt.

Around 2-years-old, we become conscious of the physical differences between those assigned male and those assigned female. Before their 3rd birthday, most kids are easily able to label themselves. By age 4, most kids have a stable sense of their gender identity. During this same time of life, kids learn gender role behavior—that is, doing things generally associated with the masculine or feminine. They begin to play with kids of their own gender in activities identified with that gender. For example, a child may gravitate toward dolls and playing house. While another may play games that are more active and enjoy toy soldiers, blocks, and toy trucks.

One of the foremost researchers into childhood dysphoria has a paper listing all that we currently know about gender dysphoria in children. Prepubescent Trans Children: What We Do and Do Not Know

A policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages pediatricians to provide gender-affirmative care and talk with children and families about gender issues from young childhood through adolescence. The statement provides practical information for clinicians and encourages pediatricians to start conversations early.

This is why the proper course of treatment for children with gender dysphoria follows the Dutch Method starting with a social, reversible, non-medical one—allowing a child to change pronouns, hairstyles, clothes, and a first name in everyday life.

The Dutch approach on clinical management of both prepubertal children under the age of 12 and adolescents starting at age 12 with gender dysphoria, starts with a thorough assessment of any vulnerable aspects of the youth's functioning or circumstances and, when necessary, appropriate intervention. In children with gender dysphoria only, the general recommendation is watchful waiting and carefully observing how the dysphoria develops in the first stages of puberty. Currently, withholding physical medical interventions in these cases seems more harmful to wellbeing in both adolescence and adulthood when compared to cases where physical medical interventions were provided.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended support for kids who change their names or hairstyles to affirm their chosen gender identity. The group said kids are more likely to have better physical and mental health with such support.

A recent study showed that trans children who socially transition early are comparable to cis children in measures of mental health.

Another study shows that socially transitioned trans children who are supported in their gender identity have developmentally normative levels of depression and only minimal elevations in anxiety, suggesting that psychopathology is not inevitable within this group. Especially striking is the comparison with reports of children with gender dysphoria; socially transitioned trans children have notably lower rates of internalizing psychopathology than previously reported among children with gender dysphoria living as the gender that they were assigned at birth.

As they approach puberty, the current guidelines (also based on the Dutch model) recommend the administration of puberty blockers to halt the progression of pubertal development. Puberty blocking allows a young person to explore gender and participate more fully in the mental health therapy process without being consumed by the fear of an impending developmental process that will result in the acquisition of undesired secondary sexual characteristics. GnRH agonists have been used safely for decades in children with other medical conditions, including central precocious puberty. These reversible treatments can also be used in adolescents who experience gender dysphoria to prevent development of secondary sex characteristics and provide time up until 16 years of age for the individual and the family to explore gender identity, access psychosocial supports, develop coping skills, and further define appropriate treatment goals. A study describes the suggested guidelines when using blockers to treat trans children.

While current Endocrine Society guidelines recommend starting gender-affirming hormones around age 16, some specialty clinics and experts now recommend the decision to initiate gender-affirming hormones be individually determined, based more on state of development rather than a specific chronological age.

Factors which support consideration of hormone initiation prior to age 16 include:

  1. Length of time on GnRH analogues - for those whose endogenous puberty is suppressed in the earliest stages of puberty, waiting until age 16 to add hormones means a potential 5-7 year gap, during which bone mineral density is only accruing at a pre-pubertal rate. This could potentially impact peak bone mineral density, and place youth at risk for relative osteopenia/osteoporosis.
  2. Experiencing puberty in the last years of high school or early college years presents multiple potential challenges. The emotional upheaval that occurs for youth undergoing puberty happens normally at 11 or 12 years of age. For those youth who struggle with emotional lability at that age, they do so in a relatively protected environment, regulated by parents/caregivers, and without access to potential dangers such as motor vehicles, drugs, alcohol and adult (or almost adult) peers and sexual partners. Having the physical appearance of a sexually immature 11 year old in high school can present emotional and social challenges that are amplified by gender dysphoria.
  3. Available data from the Netherlands indicates that those youth who reach adolescence with gender dysphoria are unlikely to revert to a gender identity that is congruent with their assigned sex at birth.

A 2013 study found that the intensity of early gender dysphoria appears to be an important predictor of persistence.

As one research team concluded: “Explicitly asking children with gender dysphoria with which sex they identify seems to be of great value in predicting future outcomes for children with gender dysphoria.” That is, even within samples of gender nonconforming children, the ones who say they are the a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth are the ones who are most likely to say the same thing later in life.

Indications of more subtle childhood differences between persisters and desisters were reported in a qualitative follow-up study of 25 gender non-conforming children. They found that both the persisters and desisters reported cross-gender identification from childhood, but their underlying motives appeared to be different. The persisters explicitly indicated that they believed that they WERE a gender other than the one assigned at birth. The desisters, however, indicated that they identified as the gender they were assigned at birth, but only wished that they were a different gender.

A study with 32 trans children, ages 5 to 12, indicates that their gender identity is deeply held and not the result of confusion about gender identity or pretense. The study is one of the first to explore gender identity in trans children using implicit measures that operate outside conscious awareness and are less susceptible to modification than self-report measures.

Some kids do grow out of it, and for those that do, they can detransition, and/or stop the treatment of hormone blockers and puberty of the gender they were assigned at birth is allowed to proceed.

A study found that a clinical protocol of a multidisciplinary team with mental health professionals, physicians, and surgeons, including puberty suppression, followed by cross-sex hormones and gender reassignment surgery, provides gender dysphoric youth who seek gender reassignment from early puberty on, the opportunity to develop into well-functioning young adults.

According to a literature review, gender-affirming hormones and surgery appear to improve mental health and quality of life in trans adolescents. Short-term changes in metabolic and safety variables do not seem to pose a clinical risk as long as treatment is medically supervised and monitored.

We will soon have more data as the largest ever study of trans teenagers is currently underway. Link to the grant info.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Ah thank you I shall collect this

Wasn't there a speedrunner who transitioned M2F and basically went batshit crazy?

That's happened multiple times but you're probably thinking of cosmo, he started taking sketchy internet hormones and went nuts. He also pretty clearly was doing it to get off.

Which is pretty sad because he had a gf that was actually pretty attractive. Way more than he was. Unless she wasn't putting out he shouldn't have needed sketchy internet hormones to get off.

He got cucked and dumped by her which lead to his downward spiral into madness.

All people sitting on the couch in this pic went M2F and batshit crazy.

Dude on the far right is Naegleria, and no, he didn't transition at all. A lot of people keep making that mistake.

I think I mistook him for "emeraldaly" (third guy on this video). To be frank, all those fat guys with long hair look like pretty much the same.


That was a speed skater.

No it wasn't. At least who I am talking about was not a speed skater.

That was a Bruce Jenner joke.

Esports gamers atleast get paid and fuck nerdy bitches, speedrunners are literally playing the exact same game for years which only 20 other people play.

I was at an bar with a lot of esports pros a long time ago, these guys were pulling mad tail

That's because, like anything else, it's easier to do well in e-sports if you're healthy and in shape.

It's actually funny how it's very rare that a fat fuck will play on a professional team.

Obesity rots the brain. Also they’re all skinny because you need Adderall-levels of focus and marathonic attention and that kind of continued brain activity unironically consumes calories.

My office job physically exhausts me sometimes and this is my excuse

i mean i'm not saying you're wrong but that isn't why they got tail, it's because they have lots of money and are at least somewhat famous.

It's definitely part of the reason they get tail.

It's 100 times easier for someone fit and attractive to pull tail than it is for someone that's fat and out of shape.

Most people on Esports teams are in relatively good shape, as are most of the more popular streamers.

Attractiveness is never not a boon.

idk what's more delusional, the fact you think women aren't massive whores for semi famous guys and guys with money no matter how they look (even that fat fuck boogie had a fairly hot wife), or the fact you think that most esports guys are fucking chad looking dudes.

Faker would fuck u up bro

idk who that is because i'm not a dork who follows esports.


Speedrunners do it for free.

right, because the guy who puts transphobic memes and rants and about "feminazism" literally in his own twitter bio, is definitely someone who can control themself in public. never in a million years could he do something bad during the stream, zero risk, the master of tact

It’s ironic because usually troids shove their troid-centric politics in your face way more often than neon-Nahtsees do. The latter tend to know that no one outside of their circle wants to hear about the JQ, caravan rape gangs, etc., and if they brought it up they might just get in a shitload of trouble. The former are religiously convinced their exact moral world view is The Right Thing To Believe and will therefore not only do controversial things that attract attention, but demand that you agree with them.

I literally cannot think of a single relatively apolitical online community that neon-Nahtsees ruined with their politics the way troids ruined SomethingAwful, r/lesbians, r/actuallesbians, etc.

In speedrunning, I can remember that time ProtoMagicalGirl made out with her transbian cutie gf on camera and also the time she threw a shitfit over a fucking Twitch chat emote that caused the main stream to go sub-only (God knows how many viewers they lost over that).

On the other hand, when it came to right-wing disruption of speedrunning, I can only remember 1. a runner got banned for saying “faggot” on his own private stream (to the extent that saying “faggot”, regardless of context, is now considered a reactionary viewpoint in 2019, lol), and 2. another runner got banned because a guy on his couch was wearing a MAGA hat.

It’s ironic because usually troids shove their troid-centric politics in your face way more often than neon-Nahtsees do.

Troids and /pol/yps are just opposite ends of an autistic ouroboros. Modern internet and telecommunications technology spawned this and will ensure their act/react cycle continues in perpetuity. Great for dramacoin, but also proof Ted was right.



This but unironically

"Fallacy hunter. I hate feminazism."

Literally all you have to do is point and laugh at this person. Don't complicate things, nerds.

These people and their purity tests.

Really no wonder why the evil GOP always wins

It'll never not be funny to me that there are more people born male that became women than there are people born women who stayed women in any type of competitive gaming and people still try and pass off the disparity as being caused by harrasment.

One if the easiest arguments against the trans women are women assertion is that trans people like video games too much to be women.

Is this true? Sounds like good drama potential to deploy this fact the next time someone cries about women being excluded from gaming.

Scarlett is the only non cis male star craft pro I've ever heard of and is a tran, I don't know many other scenes very well but the speed runners seem to be exclusively trans.

Same with fighting games, Ricky Ortiz is the scarlet of fighting games

Gllty is another, although not as skilled

“In economic policy” this guy literally said he liked the party economically holy shit why are they overreacting

Are you really surprised that a bunch of trannies whose chief hobby is obsessively re-playing video games can't regulate their emotions or understand basic social norms?

social norms are a construct and I choose not to live within them you BIGOT

“I hate Feminazism”

-Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

"Cut off my penis"

-Karl "German NEET" Marx, Das Kapital


Because they are transgender commie furries. Anything left of stalin or less degenerate than a wet sports gangbang is seen as "bad".

transtrender is also a politictrender.

what else is new?


This is one of those memes that thankfully only gets funnier the more it’s used

I keep picturing nujak whenever I see the word "no" nowadays, its a curse

I once walked in on Pizza, dick in a man's ass, taking a dick in his own ass forming a giant gay sex merry-go-round and speedrunning is still the gayest thing I have ever seen.

Bruh, why are you admitting to attending a gay orgy with Pizza

Based Goose.

Play 👏 another 👏 game

Ah yes very "lady" like.

how did this get passed the

What???? He did nothing wrong

if his ideology revolves around not wanting equal rights

Not only did he not say that but foids already have equal rights. When you take shit like draft/divorce they actually have more rights than men.

They're not even real foids.

Wait so that "Vox" party is simultaneously ultranationalist, neoliberal AND centrist?

Based and radical centristpilled

Centralism. As in, the opposite of federalism/devolved government.

And nationalist neoliberalism is easy to combine, you just do regular neoliberalism but when the paupers complain you blame it all on foreigners, instead of blaming the paupers for being lazy. Oldest trick in the book.

I watched this run and it was great.



Me too. FeelsGoodMan And them singing Eyes On Me was surprisingly decent.

waaah he has an opinion that i disagree with.

“Let’s fucking ruin his life”

And they think they’re good people.

2020 folks.

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Speedrunning troids are shocked som... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Yeah that's where I found it. I was watching the run and saw some people in chat say he was a fascist so I went to /r/speedrun because I figured someone had to be talking about it.

He looks like an edgelord but the Final Fantasy guys are strangely some of the more normie runners from GDQ and aren't super awkward.

What politics? Accepting the existence of other human beings isn't politics. We're not talking about allocating budgets or tax cuts here, we're talking about people's existence. This is not negotiable.

This is always the fucking go-to rebuttal for them.

How does anyone not see through this pathetic appeal to emotion? In the real world, identities can coexist without constantly derailing every fucking thing to be about yourself.

I have nothing against boys who want to be girls or vice versa, but these people are shooting themselves in the foot.

That Luzbel person sounds worse than Hitler but not as bad as Stalin.


Are the troonies, okay?


I used to be friends with a speedrunner. He ended up as one of the most unapologetically antagonistic people I ever met & I'm legitimate positive he was a white supremacist. I called him out on his behaviour & he told me he saw nothing wrong and it was my issue. Friendship ended.

a great loss for him i'm sure.

Translation: He made the OK sign and I got triggered and told him to apologize for using a white supremacist symbol. He said wtf talking about it's the OK symbol. I called him a nazi and then he stopped talking to me.

Lol it’s a speed run for a video game, these nerds need to grow up and get perspective

Just wanting to chime in that speedrunners are the lowest form of gamer, which is really saying something.

Everyone but hardcore SJWs should leave the speedrunning scene, then we can watch awesome videos of someone speedrunning the first level of Space Invaders after 45 minutes and 17 tries.

