r/politics discusses Daddy's speech, have gone literally retarded with anger that they can't blame him for WW3 today

1  2020-01-08 by Kosher_Eva


If he's more than 15 minutes late we're legally allowed to declare a new president.

Oh my god shut the fuck up

Zoomy zoom

It's true. My friend heard a teacher say it once.

> le ebic redditor humor :DDDDD

Unironically disgusting.

Hey, fuck you bitch! It's free. If you want better then pay for it.

You literally made a post on /r/Drama calling Trump "Daddy" ...


Why does every single /r/politics user type like a single middle-aged white woman?


For the same reason they fuck dogs

My post history would make that idiot's head explode lol.

That makes me want to die.


They were literally waiting to hear him speak? Who cares enough to wait 30 minutes to hear anything a politician has to say?

B) Iran didn't officially attack, it was proxies. US could have used proxies to attack Suleimani and that would not have been considered an escalation.


Everything blackwater ever did was fine now lol

Tfw you are so woke you end up cheering cia hit squads šŸ˜‚

That's my kinda woke šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

Geopolitically, Iran won the day. They showed restraint and still strength by retaliating with force and made the US look impulsive, untrustworthy and weak.

Shooting 15 rockets into a mound of sand made us look weak. I swear /r/politics gives people brain worms.

Getting their top general turned in to cat food and then accidentally a plane of Ukranians in retaliation, drunth must feel really dumb now

even if they did win yesterday (they didn't), they immediately fucked it up by blowing up that plane, but for now they're gonna pretend that ol' chestnut is off topic lol

Thereā€™s people who suspect Drumpf of blowing up the plane

yes larper, they're called retards

Yes. They're called retards.

Are you one of them?

Don't forget killing 200+ of their own citizens, mostly from funeral incidents.

Such restraint.

Donā€™t forget the current plane incident!


I'm a simpleton, but I think I realize now that these people actually unironically hate America and themselves. When you have to bend over backwards to defend fucking Iran...good god.

It might sound like a meme but it really comes down to Iran = mostly brown and America = mostly white (for now,) so it's pretty clear which one they're allowed to side with.

Even if one of them wanted to support America over Iran they wouldn't be able to, because brown > white.

Lol these tards really think Iran was abiding by the nuclear agreement but during all the NK stuff were saying that NK would just keep developing nukes if they made a deal.

Approaching levels of literal mental retardation


NK stuff were saying that NK would just keep developing nukes if they made a deal.

They literally did that though also

believing that Iran kept making Nukes because literally only israel said with 0 evidence

Imagine unconditionally believing Israels opinion on Iran lmao, they have been saying Iran is "95% done" with its nuke program for decades. Or that Iran is so competent it can hide its Nuke program from literally everyone but cant stop itself from shooting down its own airplanes.

Surely the US executive branch couldn't be giving the public incorrect information on who is developing nukes.

Lol it's got nothing to do with what Israel says. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should know that a country like Iran isn't going to stop making nukes.

That must be why libya used theirs. Imagine being this retarded.

You have to understand... When a Jewish nuclear scientists evaluates the progress of Iran's program he is thinking "holy shit, when we were at this stage it only took us another 6 months for a breakthrough".

The problem is these are Jews we are talking about here. To get a more accurate estimate you have to redo the calculations but keeping in mind the "scientist" doing the fusion research is a muslim.

On the other hand, muzzies have a natural affinity to working with explosives, that should aid their development quite a bit.

What sort of nuke fits on a suicide vest?

Cause they were letting UN officials inspect their nuclear sites and NK wasn't.

Well there hasnā€™t been anything close to a real deal with NK despite all the totally honest claims of the Trump Admin.

Also yeah, the current political climate in the Middle East is much preferable to the situation following the signing of the nuclear deal šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


It doesnā€™t require getting upset to explain how retarded people are.



Just had some lady in a worldnews thread say we committed a war crime by "luring" the "General" to "peace talks"

How do these people function day-to-day? Do they have people to help them get dressed and eat and clean themselves?

I hadn't heard that one before. It's hysterical.

I did some digging and it's an Iranian state media line. I'm not one to call people bots.....but......

They've gone full-retard. They didn't have to go far, but still.

This line is a conflation of two sources - one was Mahdi's speech where he talked about how Suleimani had been in Iraq as part of de-escalation talks between Iran and Saudi, brokered by Iraq. The second was a Tweet from (IIRC) an Iraqi MP about how Trump had requested Iraq broker de-escalation talks between Iran and the US - but this call apparently came like a week before Suleimani got got. Triump had nothing to do with the former, which was the reason Suleimani was in Iraq. It does raise the question of who tipped US intel off, though - Iraq, Saudi or (by allah, no) the Iranians?

Anyway, this is what happens when you view geopolitics through a lens of capeshit and game of thrones.

thanks for fleshing it out. I got as far as seeing it was a state line and gave up.

this same lady is now in another thread claiming sleeping with your cousin "isn't taboo" if you're not blood related.

god, why did they take pinging from us!

Aren't all cousins blood related? Or am I just retarded because I've never heard of "step" cousins?

Well, in my culture, we have a habit of sometimes including the brother or sister in law's siblings kid's in our "cousin" count, and those people aren't really your "cousins"

Got it. I guess sleeping with your nephew and niece in law isn't taboo according to that big brained redditor.

sleeping with your cousin "isn't taboo" if you're not blood related.

hell in some places it's mandatory if you're related

I blame the Catholic Church for removing that bit of tribal knowledge from Western society

today i found out that i cant deal with normie reddit anymore

im plenty anti-Daddy (except sexually) but reading these reddit fags try to convince each other that the plane coincidentally had an oopsie because orange man has to be the only bad guy makes me so embarrassed

thank God

actual coping lol

actual literal cope

literally actually factually tactically cope 3000

you're still a commie fag tranny tho

Daddy could call me anything He wants, but on rdrama i expect some respect and decency šŸ˜¤




None of those things deserve respect.

I'm a rightoid and I've come to realize I get along far better with actual leftists than Reddit libs like these.

Thatā€™s because actual leftists have some sort of grounding ideology that you can talk about. These peoples only ideology is orange man bad and anything that happens that is bad is his fault. Theyā€™ll blame trump for their grandma getting cancer, while actual leftists will say itā€™s because of some capitalist superstructure that disenfranchises old people or health care or some shit.

Wow it's almost like that's the entire reason Rednecks rag on them all the time for not being real men

TDS and ODS are real things but it's just people talking politics for the first time in their lives, men used to be bullied for nerd shit like that and now with Trump the man everyone knows and hates on TV all the time, of course they're more prone to random triggering

You can't even tell anti-Trump Jokes like the one about the drink without people fainting

anti-Trump Jokes like the one about the drink

Gonna need that joke.

Have you heard of the Trump drink?

White Russian with a orange peel shaving on top

It's not the best because just saying Trump upsets people lmao

Actually, that is the worst joke. Literally un laughable.


Yea dude it's supposed to be a terrible joke, that's the humor because it's so bad.

It's a political joke that I a republican can have in the wheelhouse to let libertards know it's okay to shit talk Trump infront of me, they've got way better seething jokes they enjoy telling

You underestimate the human ability to look though the whole internet and find the single link that supports your views.

War crimes are for the losers!


Where the fuck do redditors get their info from, buzzfeed?

wherever it is, its all the same place because I have like three people telling me the same shit

of course, it could all be social engineering but dOn'T bE PaRaNoID

got a link to the retards? I might be able to find the source of the faggotry if it's in reddit itself.

Unless I get lazy.

Probably just something in worldnews itself tbh

might wanna start here and roll down

mods have started deleting comments tho and i had to block a guy bc I'm rather busy today and I let myself get distracted by this nonsense box. might need to use removeddit

I really don't understand. Like I've always considered myself retarded as shit, but these people are on an entirely different level.

How is it even possible to be this dumb while simultaneously being able to operate a a computer / smart phone?

I don't get it.

2 year olds can operate an iPad. Not a high bar.

He did start this whole mess, though.

did he really tho

Nah, that was Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. But don't expect redditors to think further than 1 Month, lol

I wonder what made the Persians so angry as to put Khomeini in power?

Well, the 1953 coup did influence it, but Persia was a very prosperous and compared to it's neighbours well off country. It was not your typical shithole the US usually had their hands in around that time.


They deserved it for not willingly giving their oil to the motherland in her time of need


TV say drumpf did it

that mean drumpf did it

whoa we can greentext?

I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded

I post here, that means I am retarded by default

Me too! We can all be retarded together

Imagine not being retarded in 2019 lmao

It never even began for aboveaverageIQcels

I feel like the whole world has gone retard so if you can't beat em, join em!

It was definitely the CIA in 1953 but if it suits the neocon agenda sure let's just say Iran started it.

Well then I propose it was the brits who started by aggressively controlling the oil of Persia and then begging the US for help when Persia didn't want to be exploited anymore.


But to be serious, I think the 1953 coup is way to "overvalued" imo,

Iran is the one that got too big for their britches, but Daddy is the one that cornered the wounded dog.

There is a reason why they have been so erratic recently and it's because (((someone))) convinced the US to close the economic walls on Iran.

I can't wait until we get more details because none of this makes sense, so it's bound to be really stupid.

If anything they'll be less aggressive now while they replace Papa Salami, especially after that pathetic (((revenge))) last night. People don't realize how influential he was on coordinating Iran's foreign policy.

Trump literally baited them to murder a plane full of civilians on Iranian soil

32D galactic checkers libtards

a plane full of civilians Canadians

So now redditors can't even get off to dead Americans. Notice how suddenly everyone on here is way less inclined to lick the Iranian boot now that some innocent Leaves are dead.

8.6k comments in one hour. If only plebbitors spend that much effort looking for jobs they won't be all unemployed

How dare you, they aren't unemployed they are work-adverse. It's a real thing, look it up!

Considering how much I to post to political subs there's a solid chance 70% of the posters have no job.

This whole website is 15. I went on a gaming discord and its a cacophony of smoke alarms beeping and Indian kids being beat by their parents for staying up late on the mic.

It's like that fake grizzly man audio except for "The day of the shoe"

To be fair it's /r/politics so about 60% of the comments are just sock puppets from different interest groups stirring shit.

it's funny because Iran shills harder than the Russians r/politics spent the last 4 years pissing themselves over

The sub is like 70% European / Canadian teenagers, 29% bots and shills, and 1% dudes who sort by controversial.

And it's gone.

what'd it say?

conservatives likes to say they air dropped cash

Okay fag

This says half true but only because 90% true isn't a thing they use. Read below 1.7b of several different currencies on pallets landed for them lol. That's not literally an air drop but you're just mincing words at that point.

And thereā€™s no evidence that barrels and boxes were involved.

GTFOH with that bullshit

Politifact is beyond satire. This is now my second most favorite article, after https://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2018/mar/02/jason-isaac/jason-isaac-makes-mostly-false-claim-abortion-lead/

Thats.... what... the ... fuck!



Clinton lied, only people died. Drunpft lied about hamburgers... HAMBURGERS!!


I thought you were fucking with us but good lord that's actually what they said.

Godamn, when even Politifact can't help but admit he was basically correct but did his usual bumblefuck with the specifics.... whew lad.

Reddit debaters? Mince words?

I believe you meant ā€œsplit hairsā€ but I forgive you, not everyone is as an expert on this topic as myself.

Eh I kinda thought it was interchangeable but mincing is apparently more for vague and indirect speech.


Eh is problematic as it minimizes the important role mumblers play in our society.


He didn't just gift it to them, Obama returned confiscated assets. Like, why do leftoids and rightoids feel the need to always lie and obfuscate? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

so apparently iran is going to be hit with ā€˜crippling sanctionsā€™ and also ā€˜never be allowed to develop nukesā€™. maybe we should have some sort of agreement that prevents them from developing nuclear weapons. oh wait the black man did that.. so he had to remove it along with everything else obama did. im pretty sure 75% of the trump admins job the last 3 years has been undoing or attempting to undo anything obama did during his presidency. pathetic.

Is oh-wait-posting just as bad as itā€™s-almost-as-if-posting?

the black man

God these people are so retarded.

All of the smug reddit retards act like theyre educated but have no idea what the term ā€œworld warā€ means.

The world wars started because countries were so closely allied that an act against one was an act against all and as a result brought the world to war.

I pray to allah for a nuke to smite all of these reddit retards they are fucking awful

Loving this new brand of foreign policy

Where the USA chills and Iran literally kills hundreds of times more of their own citizens?

Me too.

Itā€™s not as fun as Benghazi but itā€™s close.

wtf i love war now

My favorite part of TDS is where people who have been acting like they're totally anti-war / anti-intervention since Dubya can barely contain their excitement at the possibility of a war they can blame on OrangeManBad. This is also after those same people were mad that he pulled troops out of Iraq, which they told me BlackManGood had already done like 5 years ago. Also drone strikes are bad again, because drone strikes are only news when not-a-black-guy launches them. Totally the anti-war party.

Quite literally just 9 minutes of dick waving, just like every other 'crisis' every other time.

I'm just happy a potential hostage crisis was averted.

Three times, apparently, third ended with a plane crash but eh it's Iran.

I'm just happy a potential hostage crisis was averted.

I'm a little disappointed personally. I was very interested in seeing how the TDS/DDF would have reacted to a repeat of '79.