1  2020-01-09 by JohnWoo4


I thought we flushed this shit a long time ago.

George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I’m a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course...


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Ewww, St. Louis style 🤢🤢🤮

St Louis style is not pizza

Chemical factory runoff scraped onto carboard.

Imocide when?

There was a pizza shop near my house where I grew up that offered blowjobs in the back kitchen area.

From attractive women?

No, but Sylvester "X-Large" Romano can moan like woman if you pay extra.

Sounds like a deal to me.

I never checked it out


They just had the wrong pizza joint and harassed the wrong man.

Normies: No, Hollywood isn't ran by pedophiles.

Normies: Okay, Hollywood is ran by pedophiles but Washington isn't.

Normies: Okay, Hollywood and Washington are ran by pedophiles but random restaurants aren't.

Keep moving the goal posts lol.

No, more like:

Normies: Get the fuck away from me, wierdo.

White guy who calls himself "sensei"


Reminder that /r/pizzagate was banned because boomers were explaining how to find CP.

ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".



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Legit thought that said Feral Child Sex Act.