A cultist of the odious reprobate Sam Hyde hoodwinks the retarded brother of Christopher Hitchens.

1  2020-01-09 by FoxHuntersAreCunts


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. A cultist of the odious reprobate S... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Peter Hitchens is probably the most based political commentator in existence. A religious conservative brit who didn't like Margaret Thatcher and who thinks addiction don't real. Also his radical centrist critique of women in the workforce.

Seriously? Ever heard of Enoch Powell? A classics professor and UK politician whom the working class supported in droves

“The virgin” Peter Hitchens

Lives in the shadow of his brother

Comes up with tame takes like Muslims shouldn’t have come to Britbong land but we have an obligation to kiss their feet now that they here.

Lost a debate against dope fiend and washed up actor Matthew Perry

“The chad” Enoch Powell

Got the highest rank in classics despite heading out mid way through. Became one of youngest classics professors.

War hero and wanted to keep India after WW2 to be Viceroy.

Gave the “Rivers Of Blood Speech” regarded as possibly the most important post war speech.

Cucked the leader of his party the Europhile and possible pedo Edward Heath by encouraging everyone to support other guy.

Voted chad by Britbongs.

Wow dude that many paragraphs about British people? I was pushing it with 3 sentences, but this is intolerable.

I don’t get this weird love for Hitchens, he is pretty lukewarm. If you want a mainstream rightoid who makes some salient points try Rod Liddle.

Personally neither Britbongs nor Americucks are truly chill. Only Stalin who let an Incel army tear down Germany deserves that.

I mostly read Ted Kaczynski and Lysander Spooner

Neither of whom achieved anything. Whereas, Stalin (and it says so on his Wikipedia page and the IP address doesn’t lead back to him like it did when Chukka Umma’s page claimed he was the “British Barrack Obama”) is regarded to be probably the most important figure of the 20th century.

Stalin went from being a peasant to running half the world and he made the crippled cretin FDR into his puppet.

Uncle Ted pissed away an academic career and the other mutt you mentioned was a boring old man and an “anarchist” from what his wiki says.

Totalitarianism trumps anarchism.

Have you ever heard the word 'concision'?

Enoch Powell is dead and Peter Hitchens isn’t, because Powell was a massive retard that drank semi skimmed milk.

and who thinks addiction don't real.


Yeah, he says there's no objective physical test for addiction and that poors need to nut up and stop doing drugs like retards because like nigga how is addiction real like nigga just dont drink nigga lmao

Which is awesome.

Peter Hitchens is the absolute chad... time to leave this sub when their chad compass go off the charts.

As many others have pointed out Hitchens identifies problems but not solutions. A better “chad” is Enoch Powell or David Starkey.