Fantasy jannie writes an effortpost on how men writers are problematic

1  2020-01-09 by Icerex


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Fantasy jannie writes an effortpost... -,

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I didnt think Evan Winters , Anne Leckie, or NK Jemsin are awesome writers. I thought they were decent but I wont reread them again.

I couldn't get through the fifth season. Her style of writing is just unpleasant to read.

I didnt either, for me world building needs to have humour, if it doesnt have humour then you have failed.


Damn that's some real autism right there(not the cool kind).

Imagine choosing what kind of fantasyshit you read because you want to reach some ideal woke demographics ratio. This whole effort stems from a bunch of mediocre to bad authors trying to game the system and get sales.

I read The Poppy Wars because it was highly recommended on r/fantasy(probably because the writer is a chinese foid) and it turns out it was garbage. Like there's a pointless storyline about the main character getting her period that is completely pointless and just oozes #stunning&brave

The same with NK Jemmy, it's their first recommend every time, every day, because she's a fat, retarded black woman.

Her books are almost as bad as her Twitter feed

Nigger k jemisin is the definition of token black and everyone knows that, the r/fantasy circlejerk about her shitty ass writing is so pathetic it makes me laugh

b-b-ut she writes about black people and social issues!1

To be fair, Leddit's favorite author Brandon Sanderson is literally the capeshit of fantasy writing

He's at least self-aware he writes fantasy capeshit.

he is a huge faggot that writes retarded shit but he's actually the perfect author for the reddit fantasy crowd because they're as cringe as he is

All fantasy is trash tbh,. Even the beloved wheel of time series.

Isn't he mormon

As a cardell, it's more of the fact that Sanderson can write something better than a teenage girl's Tumblr, which is apparently the norm in the genre.

Octavia Butler remains the only decent black writer in human history.


Alexandre Dumas

20% black or something

I can't read this post in anything but the most authoritative English dialect ever.

It's reinvigorated my deeply instilled sense for no taxation without representation.

Once upon a time, I used to read 75 books for bingo, completing 3 cards. Every year I almost couldn't finish it because of the book club square because there were about three books written by people of colour and one queer book that had won. We do better now. People are reading new books that they may have now discovered before.

But we're still tired. I need every person here to step up. And if you haven't read a book by a woman, a person of colour, or a queer author in recent memory, ask yourself why. Do research. Don't ask us to educate you, we've don't it before. Read widely and fall in love with a new world of books. There are so many amazing stories you're missing.

Why tf would I read a book based on the authors gender? Imagine feeling obliged to read a book because it was written by a black person or some made up gender foid...

I recently read Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism by Sheila Jeffreys, Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell and Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos.

I'm woke af tbqh.

I read books by gender. I read only male authors 😎

As we all should.

Let'e also consider the fact that most racists aren't well educated enough to be reading books in the first place, so who is this message for?


Men bad now here are some women no one cares about unless put infront of them

Women have to dominate every single genre of literature, anything else just wouldn't be equal!

It’s ridiculous because no one outside of the wokie crowd picks books based on author

They hear a book recommendation, they say “what’s it about?” and if it sounds interesting they might read it. No one does anything different unless they’re trying to demonstrate their great compassion for all living things

well 99% of fantasy is YA aimed anyway

I used to love fantasy like asoiaf, gaiman, malazan, dark tower etc when I was 15-20 but now as an adult, whenever i try going back to it i feel physically ill due to how shit and cringe most of it is

the only one I found I still enjoy is LOTR, maybe just thanks to its archaic characters and way of writing

A big brained individual such as myself understands that while only women are allowed to be writers, trans women are real women.

I am writing now. And I am a trans woman. So I am a woman writer. Am I actually a trans woman? Could I just be saying that to give myself an advantage on Reddit, a platform that gives handicapped points out to people who claim to be underdogs?

That doesn't matter. Because I am a woman. A woman with a penis and no intent to even dress as a woman let alone get rid of the penis. But I've always identified with girls. Like when I watched powerpuff girls as a kid I was like "wow that Buttercup is sooo me!". I even commissioned a hentai artist to draw me as an anime girl. It's my discord avatar now.

Did I mention I was autistic? :3 It sounds random but it's actually how I became trans. You see, I was on club penguin and became friends with this trans girl on there. I was 12 at the time and she turned out to be 25, but she said I was very mature for my age! So we started talking and I said I was autistic and she said she was autistic too! So she showed me this deviantart community where they were all cute autistic trans girls and I thought hey, maybe I'm a girl too!

great post

This is completely ignoring the fact that foid writers use male pseudonyms all the time to not seem like women writers.

Really can't blame them for that.

It's so the bookstores don't put them next to Ayn Rand, JK Rowling, and Stephanie Meyer during Women's History Month.

Redditors are so dumb sometimes it physically hurts. I literally felt a little nauseous reading that.

Imagine writing whole paragraphs on reddit.


Always exciting when a girl outs herself as autistic, its important to bump up those equality numbers so we have as many autistic women as we do autistic men

people recommend stuff they like which is written by men. the horror. This wins stupidest hot take so far in 2020.

All fantasy except gardens of the moon is trash anyways.

White troids not aware enough to know fantasy is a white boy genre.

Lol fk who cares tbh

Did you not like the rest of Malazan?

Malazan is the culture series of fantasy.

Its good tbh

it jumps the shark even before the first book is over

it starts out good, albeit a bit slow and too ambitiously which at the same time is its biggest strength, but seriously - the plot just never goes anywhere.

The entire Gotm is just build up to something super anti climactic and lame. All these super strong, cool characters, yet there's no big fight or solution at the end of the book. Book 2-3 are even worse.