Sick recommendations?

1  2020-01-09 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

So I’ve been throwing up everything including water since around lunch yesterday (36 hrs ish). Running a 101.5 fever I’ve only managed to break once down to 99.5 with meds. Any ideas on how to get it to stop? :(


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. Sick recommendations? -,

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Stop being such a pussy

I think you got the influenza, fluffles. 😿

Stop licking the floor of mens bathrooms

In death you shall feel no pain

i was gonna say this but much much less elegantly

enjoy, mcfluff



I was just pretty sick myself recently, drink water and eat toast or bananas if you think you can stomach it. The water especially may come back up right away but you'll get dehydrated and have a killer headache along with your other symptoms. Do what I did and call off for a day and just rest and take a shower or two throughout the day even though you probably won't feel up to it. Get well soon!

take a shower or two

Poorfag without a jacuzzi bathtub detected

101.5 degrees... Isn't your blood boiling ?

Burger measurements.

Fever is actually good, it's killing the germs. You should be worried above 40c° and if it last more than a few days.

Drink water. If you throw it up oh well. Keep track of what you are touching and contaminating. Decontaminate when you are feeling better

I heard semenretention works well. Check out r/semenretention for more information.

He can't even retain water, how do expect him to retain his own cum?

See that sub for more information.

One bad nocturnal emission and you can throw all that hard work down the drain

Not if you slurp it up before it's gone 🤤

Stay hydrated as much as possible - sip water in constant small doses if you can’t keep it down. Don’t use a fever suppressor, but if you go much higher than 101 you may want to go to urgent care and see what they think.

Try ginger tea.

Shoving a leek up your ass is an old folk remedy

If it's just your digestive system then I would suggest something like Sprite, but if you've got a fever then you probably just got to wait it out.

Also, you know how you believe that Qanon isn't real and Trump is a retard? Those are actually just fever dreams. When you come back to reality you'll realize how wrong you were.

Browse the popular section of reddit and you won’t mind dying of malaria too much

Use aleve to break your fever

go to work or mr nose berg will be very angry

Just get plenty of rest and drink lots of water and if it gets real bad go to the emergency room

eat a ramen lol

Just go to the doctor

Wait that'd make you go bankrupt

Morphine enema