r/TankLeft plays name the landlord

1  2020-01-09 by collectijism


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. r/TankLeft plays name the landlord - archive.org, archive.today

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Ugh I tried explaining to my family went they are scum but they all want me to buy houses to rent (we live in a council house and I'm in first year of uni)

Typical tanky

There are literally like 5 comments there talking either about how they hate their parents or that they want their kids to hate them one day.

What came first? The destruction of the Tank’s relationship with family turning them tankie, or their tank turning them against their family?

The overwhelming majority of far left (and 100% of tankies) have personality disorders that make them very contrarian and give them a hatred for authority. They hate their parents, bosses, landlords, and cops because those people hold some sort of authority or power over them.

Theyre rabidly pro teacher despite themselves hating school and all of their teachers because they were told to sit down and shut up and prove they learned, which "totally isnt the point of education."

They feel every job is "degrading" because they have to do something not completely on their own terms. The fact that a boss or manager can tell you to fo do X is an affront to their personal dignity, but they can't totally tell you why. Thats why they circlejerk over socialism: in their view, its not "worker control," it's "im calling the shots." They never consider that a democratically controlled workplace will say "yeah, we do need someone to come in at 6 AM on a saturday and open the store." Instead, everyone says "we should all sleep in until noon!"

These people will literally never be happy, and god bless those poor families putting up with such spoiled little worthless shits

They were spoiled by being upper class helicopter parented. Maybe they would of been better off being sent to military school

I doubt it. These clowns are deeply anti social. This is less of a parenting thing and more of a nature thing. Like a narcissist.


Ugh I tried explaining to my family went they are scum but they all want me to buy houses to rent (we live in a council house and I'm in first year of uni)

Typical tanky

So many essayposts

LongPostBot should be a site-wide integrated feature >v<

It should swoop down like a vengeful raven on all longposters.

Be the change you want to see in the world, just copy paste the messages everywhere

Imagine using a character from a show that was never even good while you were alive to promote your bullshit ideology.

Season 4, episode 17, "Last Exit to Springfield".

It used to be good.

Understand the contrast of what the Simpsons once was and you gain a whole new perspective on things.

who hates libs more? commies or righties?

🐴 πŸ‘Ÿ

Commies probs


How would abolishing private property be beneficial to people?


Nobody would be evicted and die of exposure, nobody would be forced to work a job they hate to pay rent.

Basically proving the meme that commies just don't want to work and think they'd all be painters/critical theorists/shoegaze bands after the revolution

the world should just be one big homeless shelter 😻😻😻😻

The chapo guy proved the meme when he went on a retarded anarchist podcast and went mask off and actually said "i shouldnt have to plan for retirement, they should just give me what I need"

Landlord is a euphemism for Jew

We need common sense Jew landlord control!