degenerate whore whines to her hugbox sub after her doctor tells her that maybe killing babies isn't a good thing

1  2020-01-09 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. degenerate whore whines to her hugb... -,

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Why, yes.

You're a dumb shit for typing like a US conservative cunt and she's a dumbshit for typing out stage directions like anyone other than reddit suckers believe the dramatic script she just put out.

haha yea dude killing babies is COOL AS HECK

Sure. What the fuck do you care pissbrain?

I mean what else would you call it?

hey bro, you wanna hear a joke?

what is the difference, between a fridge, and a baby...........

a fridge doesn't cry when i shove a sausage into it hahahahahaha

That's bad. Even by drama standards.

ring ring uhh, hello? no u? oh, it's for you, asshat232

imagine caring about something that doesnt even have a consciousness

yes, i don't care about you.

thats good more time to white knight some other mans semen festering inside a foid 🤣

well i've since realised that if some babies grow up to be as stupid as you then we should abort them all tbh.

always good to share diverse opinions and find some common ground on rdrama 🤗

and somehow you're more insufferable than him, WholesomeDrama.



Women are so tiring the doctor should have just put her to sleep

the doctor should have aborted her right then and there

waves wand

By the power of Yeezy and Yeetus, I proclaim: Feetus Deleetus

Nothing sad about removing some fucktrash😌

I dont know what stance to take on abortion. I mean you're literally giving foids a choice.

my favourite stance to do abortion is a wide legged squat

Broke: abortion is bad

Woke: abortion is good

Bespoke: what race is it


What's amazing to me is how all the negative interactions woke people have with others are always framed as their opponent being more or less a comic book level of evil. There is 0 pct chance her doctors visit went the way she described.

Just depends on the level of flyover we're talking about really.

I think abortions should be mandatory tbh

yeah dude same, except if it's baby yoda haha , he's adorable, if only human babies looked that cute right?