fragile men get triggered by hilarious satire from a beautiful queen

1  2020-01-09 by TeeEssDoubleU


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. fragile men get triggered by hilari... -,

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Best sticky in a while πŸ‘Œ

Yeah that sticky is actual gold so many seething ledditors who don’t understand jokes

Retroactive consent revocation is real to them.

Users in a cringe subreddit are literally retarded.

Whoda guessed.

Please try to use pop culture and Islamic references only. For example next time say babyoda (pbuh) guessed instead.

Hey remember before 2016 when "cringe" alluded to the visceral feeling of sympathy one gets from watching someone embarrass themselves?

Use it as a cautionary tale. All words on reddit become meaningless, eventually.

Even if she actually gets raped, a real rapist could use this as evidence to say it was consensual.

Karma af

Based af


/scide when

it has become so easy to troll thousands of tards on the internet that its not even fun doing it πŸ˜”

This just proves horseshoe theory also applies to retarded moids and foids

that jannie actually posted a pretty funny sticky

you will never know how much it hurt me to type praise for an internet janitor

"This pisses me off more than you could possibly ever know."

Who wants to bet this guy never gets laid?